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A chill crawled up Jade’s spine. Her gaze lingered on the scar a few moments longer before meeting Scorpia’s again. Her memory of that day was hazy. Always had been. She was much too young to have many concrete memories of it aside from her mother’s lifeless body and her own screaming. She didn't even remember crying out for Scorpia. But that’s not what bothered her. It was the way the truth conflicted with her own knowledge and experience of Tir Asleen.

“What happened that day?” Jade asked softly. It took her a long time to muster up the courage to ask. Because she knew. She knew that it would change her forever, change her perception of the place she called home, destroy what she’d always known as truth. It’s what she’d been afraid of since their first visit to the Wildwood, what she’d been avoiding since Scorpia revealed their connection. She didn’t want things to change. But change is inevitable and she’d been changing since she stepped outside the Barrier.
@dutyxbound → FROM JADE TO SCORPIA : prompt ↳ “ how did you get this scar? ”
scorpia's skin was littered with scars. a warrior from birth, they came with a lot of stories. she was proud of her scars, wore them like a badge of honor.

her eyes glanced at the scar in question. she remembered that one as if it were yesterday ... the day she lost her sister. she allowed her fingers to trace the raised skin, her eyes studying it carefully before answering. ❛ ❛ i got that one from those that took you. ❜ ❜ they came in the night like ghosts, and then had the audacity to call them the evil ones. ripping family from family, she would never forget.
❛ ❛ and i used it as a reminder that i would find you again ... but in the end you found us. you came home all on your own. ❜ ❜
@mythsonly (Scorpia)
She hadn’t felt clean in ages. Probably not since they were last in the Wildwood. She didn’t even know for certain how long they’d been traveling, using rivers to wash up. But thank the Mothers for the unspoken alliance they now held with the Bone Reavers, Jade thought, exiting a tent after a long, hot bath and a change of clothes that her sister seemed to have had made for her in her absence. But Jade couldn’t fully relax yet. She hadn’t since the Immemorial City.

Her eyes searched the encampment, looking for the Bone Reaver leader. Her party was nowhere in sight, probably still bathing or maybe even resting. So many Bone Reavers were prepping for dinner, wandering back and forth through the village. Her gaze finally landed on her older sister near a blazing campfire that was beginning to spread light across the camp as night began to fall. Jade hurried over. “Can we talk?”
Somehow, Jade had forgotten how intimidating her sister could be. She’d grown so accustomed to the warm embrace she now associated with Scorpia whenever she thought of her. But the way the Bone Reaver leader towered over her was a sobering reminder. She was so used to towering over other women like Kit and Elora; this was a new experience for her.

Jade’s gaze roamed the camp. Wanting to be alone, she led Scorpia back to the tent where Jade had discovered her true heritage, once upon a time. Things seemed so much simpler back then, in comparison. She didn’t say anything the whole way there. She wanted this to be between just them. Her fingers flexed nervously at her side. “I don’t want you to be caught off guard by what comes next,” Jade said once they were completely alone. “What happened across the Shattered Sea, at the end of the world… Scorpia, it’s not over.”
scorpia had every faith that her sister should return. she had the blood of a reaver through her veins, they were hard to squash, hard to silence. she had made arrangements for their arrival, should they come back this way ... but she knew jade would. they were sisters, they were blood, she knew she would return to her, to their family.

the bone reaver leader gave the group their space, allowed for them wash, to rest, their journey a tiresome one ... but not without losses, but if she were truthful, she was glad it was anyone else but jade. scorpia tended to the fire, watching the flames burn higher, she had always been mesmerised by fire. how it's flames danced, how it licked the logs turning them to ash. jade's welcomed voice broke her from her daze, hands wiping on her trousers before towering over the young redhead. ❛ ❛ of course, little sister. what's on your mind ? ❜ ❜