N They Didn't Just Involve Her In Convos Cuz She Was A Girl Or Cuz Jin Wanted To Hit On Her But Bc - Tumblr Posts
Hi, Skye! I just wanted to say something that I forgot to say in my review of Blackout pt. 2. And that is that Tae and Jin should get more credit for the really good friends that they are to Jungkook!
Obviously we all love OC and Jungkook together, so that scene where they tried to set him up with Hayun was uncomfortable for us to read, but they thought she was his crush and didn't know about OC after all! It was actually really thoughtful of them to invite her. They also didn't stop trying to keep OC company and involve her in their conversation. And the fact that they told Jungkook off about leaving her alone when they found out about the situation just really made me like them so much.
I don't know, it's just something I've been thinking about. Hope you're doing well 💕💕
Ivi that's such a beautiful observation tbh🥺 i know oc is a bit irritated by them n how they tried to wingman for jk, but that truly makes them such thoughtful and good friends! and yes yes how they immediately changed their demeanor when they understood what was going on with her?!!?
no wonder jk speaks so well of them!! ty for sharing your thoughts, that was so lovely🥺❤️