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@n0thingandnobody asked: "Good girl" / mikey + holly 🙂↕️
Her pupils are blown from their previous substances she has abused that night- though that doesn't stop her from imbibing in more. It's an all day thing for them, usually. Hiding in the office during a particularly slow period, making white powder disappear with their noses before someone knocks on the door ( sometimes literally being caught with dicks in hand ). Unfortunately, today had been a slow day.
Home wasn't any much different. Fight ?? Coke. Happy ?? Coke. Bored ?? Coke. The stuff had become addictive to Holly, and Mikey. It had become a part of their every day ritual, even Nick was becoming concerned with their habits, but they were too fucked up to care.
It doesn't surprise her when Mikey pins her hips against the table, hands reaching for her thighs to lift her against the table. She settles on the hard surface, knees spreading to let him rest between her thighs. They hadn't been home long, having just stepped through that door not even moments ago. And she lets him… god does she let him. Holly would let this man kill her if it meant she could be with him forever.
Mikey reaches for the white substance in his pocket. The small watch pocket of his Levi’s that Holly has lovingly nicknamed the coke pocket. Chest rises, pressing into his as she watches the man fumble with the plastic bag. She raises a fist, fully ready to have a miniture pile poured onto the back of her hand. Though the looks of confusion is fast to spread across her visage when he dips a finger into it. He always let her have the first bump when they were together, what’s different now ??
“ Open. “
The words catch her off guard, though she does as told, she always did. She was a good girl. Lips part, tip of her tongue just slightly pressed past her bottom lip. His finger slips under her top lip. It takes a moment for the taste to find her tongue, though not long, as he pulls fingers back, her hand snatches for his wrist. Mouth envelopes his fingers, tongue pressing to the pads of his fingers. She sucks the remaining residue off, the taste of rubbing alcohol and gasoline flood her senses.
His chuckle fills the silence between them, smile spreading wide across his own face. It’s then that he removes his hand and it finds a new home wrapped around her throat. The gasp that leaves her pretty mouth forced words from his.
“ Good girl. “ If his grin could grow any wider, it would.
Pearly whites sink into her plush, bottom lip, legs pulling him in closer. Her heart skips a beat, butterflies fill her stomach ( they did anytime he smiled ). His lips crash against hers, the taste of cocaine now on his own tastebuds. His grip grows tighter on her throat and she moans into his mouth, pulling back slightly to let out a shaky breath.
@thehollyverse (holly) said: [ dying breath ] sender talks to receiver before dying
she doesn't know this is the last time. the last time she'll be held in his arms, head against his chest listening to the beat of his heart. the last time he'll press a kiss to her head, burying his face in her hair. a deep inhale of the shampoo that smelled so sweet & so perfectly her. he had well & truly loved her, more than anything on this earth. maybe that's why he feels the need to walk away: to ease the guilt for dragging her down with him, getting her hooked on everything that should have killed them a hundred times over.
if she looked up, she'd be able to see the tears pooling in his eyes. attempts to blink them away are futile, fingers tangling themselves in bleached blonde hair as if her very being was the only thing keeping him in place [ there's some truth to that ] & his only wish is that they could've had more time together. years of being his baby brother's best friend weren't enough. months of sharing a bed weren't enough.
❛ you know i love you, right? ❜ question is mumbled into her hair as fingers tighten their grip & eyes squeeze shut — maybe the drugs are wearing off, or maybe he's just forgotten how to breathe but his chest feels so tight it'll explode. her laugh & ' i love you too ' is music to his fucking ears, even at the end of everything. ❛ you're my everything. ❜ another kiss to the top of her head, & he waits until her breathing is slowed & her grip on him is released: confirmation that she's asleep is his sign to worm his way out of the bed, note left upon the nightstand for her. one last look at the love of his life, one last kiss to her forehead, one last ❛ i love you, ❜ before he's slipping out the door.
* MEME, always accepting.
hey nickolas maybe u should STOP SELLING DRUGS TO MICHAEL

maybe if he wasn't a coke addict i wouldn't have to hmm ?? HMM ??