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One Way to Seal a Kitsune
SO... here’s another story.
Now, I only ever do male predators, and I only ever will, but Mizuki was just so great and fun, she is my ONLY exception to this rule, please understand
The heavenly noodle Mizuki belongs to @animalkingdxm, while the wicked floof fox Rei belongs to myself
Please enjoy!
It was a normal day in Tokyo, people bustling here and there going about their busy lives. Unbeknownst to them, there was an ancient evil watching them, waiting. Just outside the city there stood a slender, beautiful, sly looking woman, wearing a long black kimono. Her long, curled pink hair was blowing gently in the breeze. With how she was dressed, one might think this beauty stepped out of an old painting. However, it wasn't hard to see that she wasn't human, as her delicate fox ears and nine large fox tails were very prominent.
This kitsune was plotting an uprising over humanity, who have ruled her world and theirs for too long. This plan had been in motion for countless years, but it was always halted by one thing. Make that, one being. And as if on cue, that one being, a beautiful white naga, appeared several feet behind the fox. The fox smiled, turning to face her greatest enemy. "Mizuki," she said, "It's been too long, but maybe not long enough."
"Kikue," Mizuki said, with a disappointed tone and expression. "Already causing trouble again? That's quite unbecoming of you, little fox." The naga crossed her arms as she waited for an answer from the kitsune before her, her long white bangs gently swaying in the breeze. Her long hair was held back in a bun, and held in place with a pair of ornamental chopsticks.
The fox growled softly under her breath, her large, fluffy tails swishing in aggravation. "My name is Rei, snake, Rei Fujiwara." She said, as she gently brushed her bangs into order, over her eye. "But I suppose I can't expect such an ordinary serpent as yourself to remember such a beautiful name." a sly smile crept across Rei's face as she insulted Mizuki. Holding her hand out, a small fire appeared in her palm, dissipating to reveal a decorated black kiseru. The fox lifted the pipe to her mouth and took a deep breath in, before gently breathing out the smoke.
The naga 's expression changed very little, now adding a touch of annoyance to her disappointment. Mizuki uncrossed her arms and placed one of her hands beneath her chin. "You never seem to change, not even your tasteless attire." The white snake sighed, looking over Rei's long black kimono. "Dark colours do nothing for you, but I doubt there's any colour that you could look as nice as me in."
Rei gritted her teeth. The hand that was holding her kiseru was shaking in anger. "You certainly have some nerve to be insulting me! But, that aside for now, what could I possibly have done today to warrant the attention of yourself, Mizu?" The kitsune sighed, composing herself again. As she awaited her enemy's response she took another deep breath in from her kiseru.
Mizuki's expression turned more serious as Rei asked her question. "I'm here because I know what you're up to, Kikue, as usual." She said, placing a hand against her hip. "Every time I take my eyes away from you, you return to your same old mischief. Do you really think I can just allow someone like you to do as they please?" The naga inquired.
"Rei." The kitsune said, correcting Mizuki, which she knew was a highly pointless endeavour after all this time. "But what can you do to stop me? After all these years, my plan is still moving forward no matter how many times you intervene." She smiled, giving the naga a devious look. Loosening her grip on her kiseru, Rei let it fall from her hand, vanishing in a small burst of fire almost immediately after she let it go. Crossing her arms, the fox laughed as she continued. "You know, if you watched what you wore as carefully as you watched my every move, you might actually be able to dress fashionably."
Such a rude girl. Truly, the fox never changed. "But what could some wild, country fox know about fashion? I'm surprised you were able to put your kimono on the right way." Mizuki replied, the fox beginning to tick her off. "And no matter how many times we must repeat this, I'll always stop you. You can't hope to win against me, I outshine you in every aspect."
"Is that so?" Rei said, taking a few steps towards the serpent. "it's a rather bold statement to say you're better than me, snake. Though, I can't say it's not true." The kitsune admitted, though her large fox ear flicked angrily as she spoke. "But I'm surprised you can even tell I'm wearing it right, you piece of lost sea weed. I always thought you had to get someone to help you put yours on, Mizu, since it always looks so uninspiring and ordinary. " Rei laughed, looking up and down the naga's kimono as she did.
Mizuki glared at Rei. This fox was really getting on her nerves. "I'll never understand," the naga began, and as she did the wind that was blowing halted. "how you can talk so big after you've failed for so many centuries. Your tongue is always sharp, while your fashion taste is always less so." The naga pointed out. "But, no more prolonging the inevitable. Let us be done with your evil once more."
Without saying a word, Rei dashed to the side, narrowly avoiding a bolt of lightning that Mizuki had summoned from the heavens. Landing squarely on her feet, the fox then held her hand in the naga's direction. Around her, several fires appeared hovering in mid air, before they all arched towards Mizuki.
The naga held up her hand, and as the fires approached her she swung her hand to her side. The fires burst, destroyed by Mizuki's magic. The naga followed up by pointing her other hand at the fox and shooting bolt of lightning at Rei from her fingertips.
Rei held her hand out in the direction of the lightning and created a quick barrier in front of her. The lightning struck the barrier, dissipating upon impact, but shattering the fox's defence. Wincing slightly, the fox leaped back into action. Coating her hand in flame, Rei swung her hand in front of her, summoning a large, spectral claw of fire that swung at the naga.
Just as the claw came down on Mizuki, her form disappeared into mist, the claw phasing through to hit nothing. As if anticipating where her enemy would reappear, Rei dashed to the side, just in time to avoid a large serpentine tail that was about to come down on her. She dashed once again, dodging a bolt of lightning that that fell from the sky, which Mizuki had timed rather well to follow her tail attack.
Once more, Rei enveloped her hand in flames and swung her spectral claw at Mizuki. Before Mizuki fell a wall of lightning fell, blocking the the attack and destroying the ghost claw. Holding her hands over each other, a light appeared in Mizuki's palms. From the light, several shining blue orbs appeared, all hovering around the naga. Pointing her hand towards the fox, the light in her palm dissipated and the orbs flew at her target. The fox leaped out of the way of each of the orbs, all of which burst into a small explosion of electricity.
However, as Rei dodged one of the orbs, another one flew at her, giving her little time to dodge it. Quickly, Rei threw a ball of fire at the attack, creating an explosion which sent the kitsune skidding backwards a few feet.
Once she was standing still, the fox thrusted her hand forwards, sending a large ball of fire at the naga. Mizuki raised her hand and swung it downwards in a chapping motion at the fireball. Before her, an elegant sword of water appeared that cut the ball of fire in half. Holding her arms out to her sides, Mizuki summoned several more beautiful blades of water that flew at the fox and began slashing at her.
The fox ducked and slid out of the way of the swords, but they continued to pursue her. As they were becoming too much, Rei clapped her hands together and created a sudden burst of fire around herself, destroying the watery blades around her. Rei looked at Mizuki, so see that she had already prepared her next assault; a large volume of water floated peacefully around the naga, before it flew at the kitsune.
Holding her hand forward, Rei summoned a torrent of flames to try to block the attack as best she could, though the water was making quick work of her flames. As the water grew closer to her, overcoming her fire, she jumped to her side and avoided the blast of water. Once the attack had ended, Rei held her arms out to her sides and above her appeared many blazing stars. The shimmering stars all arched towards the naga, leaving blazing trails as they soared. As they were about to impact the naga, she held out her hand and created a sphere of water around herself, protecting herself from the stars.
As the stars were still falling, Rei spun her hand in a clockwise circle in front of her, creating a red seal before her. Thrusting her hand forward, the seal shone and began firing several flaming needles at Mizuki. The naga kept her hand held outwards, maintaining her barrier as she easily deflected the multitude of projectiles.
The fox smirked, beginning to prepare another spell while keeping her needles aimed at the naga. The next spell she intended to use was a strong one, her nine tails slowly began to ignite and light ablaze. But suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck behind her, surprising the fox and causing her to jump away from it in reflex. Once she landed, she was about to prepare her next spell when she suddenly felt something wrap around her ankle. Something scaley. She made a misstep. Looking down, she saw the familiar white tail of her enemy had grabbed her leg. Before she could try to strike it, however, she was lifted into the air and held upside down above her adversary.
The fox hissed, but as she began to prepare a spell to cast at her enemy she was suddenly swung around. She could feel the wind rushing past her as the naga threw her around like she weighed nothing. Once the spinning stopped and the kitsune regained her bearings, she growled at Mizuki, "How inelegant! What kind of tactic is this, you over grown snake?" She shook her fists angrily at her captor, only to be tossed around once again.
Mizuki was clearly very content with herself. "This tactic is a flawless and sublime one, one that did not fail to catch the sly fox." she said as she stopped swinging the fox, dangling her over her head. Smiling, the naga brushed her bangs gently. "But, let's get this done with. I think it's about time we 'seal' you away again, Kikue." Mizuki laughed, beginning to lower Rei down. The naga opened her mouth wide, ready for the fox to be deposited in.
"It's REI!" The fox screeched, throwing her arms around as she was slowly lowered closer to Mizuki's awaiting maw. The naga pinned Rei's arms to her side to hold her still, though the fox still tried to struggle. As the naga began to take in the top of the kitsune's head, the fox shouted, "C-cease this! I'll make you regret this!" But Mizuki did not even flinch, continuing to direct Rei into her mouth, quickly enveloping her head.
The fox was pressed against the naga's tongue, hissing at the feeling of it against her face. Mizuki did not mind the kitsune's taste, it was actually a rather warm and sweet flavour, and one, that though she was quite accustom to it, she still rather enjoyed.
Taking a large gulp, Rei's head started moving down Mizuki's throat, bulging her neck outwards as the fox began to pass through. The naga lowered her prey into her mouth more and more, now beginning to pull in Rei's torso. Mizuki could hear the kitsune's muffled protests as she slowly travelled to the naga's stomach, feeling rather content about the situation.
As Mizuki swallowed more of Rei, she started to undo her kimono a little, so her sudden new weight would not damage her fancy clothing. She made quick work to loosen her obi, giving her belly plenty of room to grow outwards.
Rei growled as Mizuki's throat squished against her. There was very little she could do to fight against the naga's powerful throat at this point. "You tasteless glutton!" the fox hissed, kicking her free leg as best she could. "Released me this instant!" She screamed, though she would soon regret those words.
Had Mizuki had nothing in her mouth, she would've smile and laughed. She gave the fox just what she asked for; she released her. Loosening the grip of her tail, Rei's foot slipped through the naga's coils and her body dropped more into Mizuki's mouth. The fox was screamed, "N-NO! Not like that you blasted snake!"
Rei's head pushed into the naga's stomach. The fox growled angrily, kicking her legs wildly as best she could. But now Mizuki came to a problem, something that would often times give her trouble while swallowing the fox; the kitsune's large, fluffy nine tails.
The kitsune briefly wondered why Mizuki had stopped swallowing her, before she remembered what was left to be devoured. Rei began to laugh. "Good luck trying to get your mouth around my glorious and huge tails!" She mocked, smiling confidently. Her large tails gently swished in pride as the naga glared at them in annoyance.
These tails were always a nuisance to Mizuki. Truly, they were a sign of Rei's power and a source of the fox's pride, as Rei made sure to take excellent care of them. Taking down all nine tails at once was certainly a mouthful for the naga, and not an easy task, but the kitsune's smugness and laughter was really making her feel angry.
Focusing, the naga took a large gulp and felt the large tails begin to move down her throat. The fox's laughing stopped, and Mizuki felt a wave of almost cruel pleasure wash over her. Before the Rei could say anything, Mizuki took another large gulp, followed by another, and slowly the tails began to disappear into her mouth.
The naga's throat bulged out from the large tails. Mizuki had done this so many times that even though Rei's tails were so covered in hair, she never got a sningle hair left in her mouth, and she was rather proud of that.
Finally, with one last gulp, Rei's legs and large tails vanished down Mizuki's throat and joined their owner in the snake's stomach, which grew out immensely. Letting out a content sigh, Mizuki stroked her large belly, feeling the fox kicking around in anger already. "I must say, Kikue," Mizuki said, smiling deviously, "Your taste in clothing can't hope to match your delightful and delicious taste." The snake laughed, Rei's rage filled squirms renewed.
Rei growled as she began to make herself comfortable. She positioned herself so that her tails protected her from touching the Mizuki's stomach, as though she were in an orb made of her tails. Though handy, this method still meant that Rei's precious tails would be coated in stomach juices. "It's Rei! Honestly, is there no better way you could this?" The kistune complained, spreading her tails enough so that she could kick the stomach wall.
The naga patted her belly as she answered. "There's probably different ways to handle you, but this is certainly the most effective for keeping you in check, and quite possibly my favourite." Mizuki heard the kitsune release a displeased huff from within her. Smiling, the naga attempted to redo her kimono, only to find that her new, large stomach was proving to be a difficulty. Mizuki tugged the fabric carefully, pulling as best she could to get the kimono to fit her again.
Rei could feel Mizuki shifting around outside, and she knew what she was trying to do. She started laughing hysterically. "Serves you right, you glutton! This is my revenge; I won't let any of your clothes ever fit you properly!" The fox said, kicking her legs in joy.
Her joy was shortlived as Mizuki punched her belly and hit the fox. "I'll hear none of that, Kikue! If you try to stop me, then I'll make due!" The naga warned her, picking up her obi and proceeding to put it on.
"I've told you, it's Re-" She was cut off when suddenly, Rei was squished in Mizuki's stomach. The naga had begun to put her obi on tightly. "H-Hey! What are you doing?!" The fox shouted, kicking her captor's stomach as best she could. Though it proved difficult with how tightly she was being squeezed.
Mizuki slowly tightened her obi more and more, rather enjoying the feeling of Rei struggling inside of her. "I told you, fox, I'll make due. Now, you might want to be a good girl and make yourself smaller, or you're not going to have a lot of fun in there for a while." The naga teased, tightening her obi more and more.
The kitsune was livid. She hated when she had no control over the situation. "FINE, I'll do it! But I'll still be sure to ruin your "lovely" slim figure." Rei growled. Focusing slightly, Rei used her shapeshifting magic and decreased her size, granting her more room than he was previously give.
Outside, Mizuki watched as her belly decreased until there was little more than a rather small, but still slightly noticeable, bump on her stomach. Tying her obi, Mizuki felt rather conflicted, though she was happy to have her kimono fitting once again, she missed her full, large belly. Gently patting the bulge beneath her obi, Mizuki said, "That's a good fox." She felt a few kicks in anger, but with Rei's current size it mostly tickled. "You can just stay like this until I get home, then I can do with you as I will." she told her captive, tapping her fingers on her stomach.
With that, Mizuki began making her way home. Surprisingly, the fox behaved herself, though Mizuki could still hear her mumbling curses under her breath. Every so often, the naga would poke at her and receive some kicks in response. Everyone who Mizuki passed by were stunned by the naga's beauty, stopping and turning around to watch her go on her way. No one noticed the bump of her stomach, which if Rei knew would have greatly displeased her.
Finally, Mizuki arrived at her home. Entering her home, the naga slithered to her room. Once there, she undid her lovely kimono, replacing it with her brown yukata that she would wear for relaxing. She removed the chopsticks from her hair, letting her long white locks be free before tying it into a low ponytail. With that done, Mizuki left her room and moved to herself to her couch. Once she was comfortable, she tapped on her stomach. Calling to her captive, she said, "We're home now, Kikue."
Suddenly, without so much as a single warning, Mizuki's belly surged forward, stretching her relaxation clothes. "It's REI!" The kitsune shouted, followed by a flurry of annoyed kicks. "I hope that that busted that cursed obi of yours, Mizu." She growled, not knowing that the naga had already changed her attire to her much more durable relaxation clothes.
Giggling, Mizuki stroked her belly. She greatly enjoyed the feeling of Rei returning to her normal size, especially now that her lovely clothes were not at risk. Although, Rei's attempt to damage Mizuki's clothes gave her an idea. Smiling, Mizuki put her plan into motion. "Oh, you nearly broke it!" She lied, punching her belly for effect. "Be careful; if you grow any bigger you'll certainly break it." Mizuki didn't mind teasing the fox like this, she really deserved it.
Rei laughed confidentally, much to Mizuki's amusement. "You shouldn't have told me that, you tacky boa!" Suddenly the naga's belly began to grow out more and more as the kitsune used her shapeshifting magic once again. Her belly began to push against her durable brown yukata more and more, as well as push her obi over her belly. But as Rei kept increasing her size, Mizuki's obi slipped fully over her belly, now allowing her stomach to show in the split in her yukata.
Mizuki rubbed her large, growing belly. It was so satisfying to deceive the fox in such a filling way. This was one thing she enjoyed about Rei's abilities, and it was always so easy to goad the kitsune into growing larger. As her stomach grew bigger, more of it became visible through her yukata, and the yukata opened in the front to accomodate the larger size. The naga sighed in content, rubbing her belly. "Ahhh, this is excellent." She muttered, not knowing how loud she was speaking.
Rei heard what Mizuki muttered, and thus stopped her growing. Sitting there for a moment, the kitsune thought about what had just transpired before kicking and punching the naga's stomach angrily, creating several large bulges on the naga's belly. "You tricked me!" Rei growled. "You're not even wearing that blasted obi, are you?!" The kitsune was greatly enraged by Mizuki's trickery.
The naga laughed, stroking her belly where Rei had last punched. "Oh no, I definitely am wearing that obi." Mizuki fibbed, laughing once more at the thought that Rei had fallen for her plan so easily.
It was rather pleasant, feeling so full. Mizuki quite enjoyed the situation as it currently was, and the fox's movements were delightful. However, what happened next rather disappointed the naga. "Well then," The fox began, "I guess I could allow you to keep that tacky piece of cloth." Rei said. Before Mizuki could reply to her, however, her belly began to shrink back down.
The naga watched with displeasure as her large belly slowly disappeared to its regular size once more, fitting once more into the yukata. The naga sighed and rubbed her belly, the fox growling. "I won't let you toy with me! I won't give you any satisfaction!" Rei said, feeling Mizuki's rubs above her as she sat angrily in the naga's stomach. However, the stomach around her began to shift, much to the kitsune's annoyance.
"Oh, poor Kikue," Mizuki laughed, patting her belly. "You're really in no position to be making orders." Suddenly, Rei was being pushed down out of Mizuki's human stomach, into her snack one. The fox kicked and struggled as she was pushed into the second stomach, and Mizuki watched her her belly slowly shrank down to its normal lean, flat appearance.
The naga smiled down at her snake stomach, seeing the squirming bulges that were Rei. Mizuki laughed and patted her snake stomach, she could hear the fox cursing just beneath her scales.
Rei was furious, the tight snake stomach squishing her. "It's REI!" The kitsune shrieked. She tried in vain to make herself as comfortable as she could and push the stomach walls away from her face, but as she was almost comfortable once more, the stomach began to shift again and suddenly the fox was being squeezed back up into the naga's human stomach.
Mizuki watched in amusement as her belly began to swell out once more as Rei was forced back into it. She laughed and patted her belly, feeling the kitsune's angry punching. The naga was purposefully waiting until Rei was almost comfortable before she'd send her back to her other stomach. The fox's constant squirming and struggling was rather delightful, and the naga laughed as she pushed her captive around.
After several more times of being pushed back and forth, Rei finally found herself sitting comfortably in Mizuki's human belly. She sighed in relief, but she was greally annoyed at her adversary. The fox was coated in stomach juices from her journey between the naga's stomachs. Rei hissed at Mizuki, punching at where she could feel her rubbing her stomach. "You savage!" she shouted. "Cease your cruel games and release me!" The kistune kicked at the stomach walls. The naga laughed, Rei feeling the stomach vibrate gently as she did.
"You think I'll just let you go while I'm having so much fun?" Mizuki said, slapping her belly as close to Rei as possible. "It's been too long since we've had this much fun, little Kikue!" The naga laughed, gripping the sides of her belly and shaking it, jostling around the fox who had just gotten comfortable.
The fox screamed, "It's Rei! Let me out of your accursed stomach!" Rei punched at the stomach wall where she felt the naga slap, receiving a punch in turn which scored her in the head.
Mizuki smiled at her belly. "Maybe I'll let you out in a decade or so, Kikue." The naga laughed, feeling the fox kick up a wicked storm in her belly, making her laugh even more, rubbing her belly in great content and satisfaction.
Rei screamed in anger as she threw her tantrum inside Mizuki's belly. She had no idea how long she'd be trapped inside the naga's stomach, and most often it was for quite a while, though for powerful beings like Rei and Mizuki, years meant almost nothing.
But as Rei was about to scream at her captor to correct her name, the stomach beneath her opened up. As the fox was forced in the second stomach, she shouted, only her head left in Mizuki's human stomach about to be pulled in with the rest of her body. "It's REI!"
Another Way to Seal a Kitsune: A Delicious Prank
... This took WAY too long to write... but it might be kind of long? I was tempted to make it a two parter... oh well 8′D
It may be a little... eh? Since I wrote a lot of it before bed and then finished it while I was apparently coming down with a cold. I hope it’s not too bad!
The beautiful Mizuki belongs to @animalkingdxm, while the silly Rei belongs to me
I hope you enjoy!
It was a beautiful and radiant day in Tokyo, everything seemed so peaceful and happy. That is, until you went to Mizuki's home. An aura of anger and trickery hovered around the house, as the fox inside bit her nails angrily. Rei was currently residing in Mizuki's abode, almost like a prisoner of sorts, though if she behaved herself enough then the god wouldn't have to keep her trapped in her belly. Though, Mizuki really liked to anyway. At the moment, the god was out of her home and was currently allowing Rei to be there by herself, as a test to see if she'd behave.
Rei was annoyed beyond any possibility; annoyed her tricks would fail to work on Mizuki, annoyed that Mizuki would always gain the upperhand, annoyed that she'd always end up in that god's stomach. The kitsune stomped her foot angrily, growing more and more frustrated trying to think of a prank to pull on the naga. No mater all her attempts, Mizuki seemed to be ready to stop each and every one of her tricks. "ARGH, what could work? How can I actually get her this time?" Rei growled, crossing her arms and tapping her fingers, her tails swishing in rage.
Rei tried to think of where she could be going wrong. Perhaps her pranks were to obvious? Maybe Mizuki had some sort of third eye? Or maybe the fox's pranks were just too predicatable now. Rei paused for a moment. Could that really be it?
"Are my tricks too predictable now?" The fox asked, almost in horror. Thinking back, she has been doing this to the naga for many, many years. It would make sense that Mizuki would find her pranks easy to predict after all the time the god has had to watch over the kitsune. Realising this, Rei became even more infuriated. The fox growled angrily and stomped her foot again. "That tacky seaweed god! She thinks she knows my every move, does she?" She hissed. She began to bite on her nails again, as she tried to think of how to counteract this.
Rei began pacing the room, the sinister aura around the house growing thicker as she grew angrier. Could there be any way for Rei to pull off a prank that Mizuki wouldn't expect? What wouldn't she expect? Rei thought long and hard on this. All it took was for her to think about something she did not enjoy. With that, Rei got a devious smile and starting cackling softly. "Oh yes, there's no way that tasteless god could expect THAT!" The fox laughed, getting quite excited to set her plan in motion.
Not too much later, Mizuki arrived at her home. She opened the door and stepped inside. "Kikue, I'm home. Have you been good?" the naga called into the house, however she didn't receive any response. After a few more seconds of silence she called once again. "Kikue? Hello?" Mizuki was quite confused. Did Rei escape? Was she going to have to find her again?
The god went quiet for a moment and focused. She could still sense Rei's presence in the house, which relieved the god. Though, she couldn't quite pinpoint where exactly she was. Sighing, Mizuki said, "Fine then. If you're going to act like a spoiled child, then I'll have to scold you for it later, Kikue."
As the god walked into her home, her stomach released a rather loud groan. The snake looked down at her stomach and laughed. "I suppose I'm rather hungry." She said. Mizuki made her way to her room and began to change into her casual yukata.
While she was in her room, a shrunken Rei poked her head around the salt and pepper that rested on Mizuki's dining room table. The fox giggled and jumped off the table, returning to her normal size. She quickly and quietly made her way into the kitchen and smiled deviously as she began to work. Rei starting getting the naga's food ready for her, turning on the stove and preparing her noodles for her. Rei was quite glad that Mizuki was taking her time to get changed, she was probably searching her room for signs that the fox had been there, or had a prank lying in wait for her. The fox giggled at the thought, and giggled more as she knew there was no way the naga could expect this prank.
As the noodles were almost finished, Rei heard Mizuki open her door. The fox gasped and made a dash for the table, jumping and quickly shrinking down once again to hide behind the salt and pepper once more. The god entered into the kitchen, having sworn she could've heard something from inside the room. To her surprise, she saw that her lunch was already almost ready for her. "Kikue? Did you do this?" Mizuki called once more, not receiving any response, though she could have sworn she heard a small voice say Rei from somewhere. "Well, thank you for this, my dear fox. It was quite kind of you." The naga said, continuing where Rei left off on her noodles.
Rei lay in wait for the naga to finish preparing her lunch. She was fully prepared for this prank, and there was no way she'd let it blow up in her face. Mizuki started boiling some water for her tea as she finished up her bowl of noodles, adding the finishing touches. "Such a fool." The fox giggled. "How could she not expect something devious from this?" she did her best to stifle her laughter, and luckily the naga was too busy to hear her anyway. The kitsune stopped her laughter as the god approached the table.
Mizuki placed her bowl of noodles on the table and took a soft sniff. She let out a sigh, seeming rather excited to eat her delicious noodles. The shrunken Rei peered from around her hiding spot, waiting for Mizuki to leave her noodles alone for just a moment. Her moment came when the kettle on the stove started whistling, gaining the naga's attention as she went to prepare her tea. Taking her moment, the fox ran across the table and began to climb up the beautifully decorated glass bowl, not taking too long before she reached the top.
With Rei's current miniature size, the bowl of noodles looked huge, though the bowl was rather large to begin with. "My word, such a big glutton." The fox chuckled to herself. "Now, to safely lower into the bro-" Rei was cut off as her hand slipped and she lost her balance, descending into Mizuki's lunch. The naga thought she heard something from behind her, like a small scream or a squeak, but she saw nothing behind her except her lunch. Shrugging, the god poured herself a cup of tea and made her way back to her table.
Rei's head broke the surface of the broth, her taking a deep breath in as she emerged. She was thankful her kimono could not be stained, but she'd still feel the need to wash it anyway after this. "Ugh... disgusting... my pour tails..." Rei hissed, as she kept herself afloat in the broth, her tails completely soaked in the broth. "But, it will be worth it. Definitely!" The kitsune motivated herself, preparing for what she was about to embark on. Looking up, Rei could see Mizuki moving towards the table. Gasping, Rei ducked under some green onions and watched the naga take her seat.
Mizuki took a sip of her tea before placing it on the table. She picked up her chopsticks and looked at her noodles eagerly. The goddess licked her lips, but as she stared at her noodles she couldn't help but feel something felt slightly off. However, before she could look into it further, her stomach growled, demanding to be fed. Chuckling, Mizuki patted her flat stomach. "I hear you, don't worry. Rather empty feeling without Kikue in there, huh?" The naga said to herself. "Thank you for the meal." She cheered before poking her chopsticks into the bowl and gripping at her noodles.
Rei glared angrily in the naga's direction. "It's Rei." She muttered to herself, angrily. She watched the naga grab a bunch of noodles and lift them up to her mouth and begin to slurp them up. Before the kitsune could even act, the noodles had already disappeared into Mizuki's mouth, and with one big swallow they were gone. Rei was not too surprised, though. "... Gluttonous snake." The fox said, waiting for her next chance. It came right away as Mizuki stuck her chopsticks back in for more. Quickly, Rei went into the broth and sawm towards the noodles she could see moving. Grabbing the noodles, the fox was lifted upwards out of the broth. Rei gasped for breath, thankful to be out of that broth, though she knew that this was only the beginning of her plan.
Rei peered upwards towards Mizuki, to see if she had noticed anything, but the naga seemed to be enjoying her meal too much to notice anything. This was almost too perfect for Rei's plan. It took almost no time at all for her to be slurped up to the naga's mouth. As Rei and the noodles passed through Mizuki's lips, she was gently squished against the noodles around her. It was rather unenjoyable, but it would definitely be worth it, Rei thought. She was only in the naga's mouth temporarily, as she was already being pushed towards the back of the throat to be sent down to the place she probably knew best. The kitsune, along with the noodles, began their journey down the god's throat.
As Mizuki slurped up the noodles, she thought she could feel something slightly different about this mouthful, especially as it went down her throat. She briefly wondered why it could've been like that, but she shrugged it off, since it was actually much better anyway. Inside Mizuki's throat, Rei was being squeezed tightly by the naga's throat muscles, as well as being squished against the noodles she was devoured with. The fox did her best not to struggle, as she didn't want to blow her cover when she had made it this far.
Soon enough, Rei and the noodles arrived in Mizuki's stomach, gently falling down to join the already present noodles. Stnading up in the naga's stomach, Rei did her best to brush off any noodle that was on her. "Uuuugh... so gross." She whined, kicking a noodle away from her. But as she was about to move herself, the stomach above her opened up and more noodles were dropped in on top of her, knocking her down. The fox growled angrily, but before she could get herself free from the noodles on top of her, more poured into the stomach and added to the pile.
Having finished a majority of the noodles, Mizuki grabbed the bowl from the sides and lifted it up to her lips. Tipping the bowl upwards, she drank the broth and the remaining noodles, gulping down the last of her lunch eagerly. Just as Rei was freeing herself of the pile of noodles, the warm broth poured into the naga's belly. The fox released a quiet scream as she was swept up into the broth once more. She managed to keep herself afloat in the broth and waited as patiently as she could for the flow of food to cease. That would mean she could finish her prank.
Finally finishing her lunch, Mizuki moved the bowl away from her mouth and released a long, content sigh. She licked her lips of any excess broth, before taking a napkin and gently dabbing her mouth clean. The naga's stomach felt fairly full, and was even bulging outwards slightly from the amount of noodles she had eaten. "Ahhhh, that was delightful." Mizuki chimed, patting her stomach in content.
Rei watched as the last of the broth poured into the stomach. She was rather glad that that was the last of it, as she could finally stop swimming in it and complete her prank. Rei could feel the stomach begin to shift around, everything inside sloghing around, meaning Mizuki was on the move. Smiling, the fox prepared herself for the finale.
The goddess had moved herself to the couch, where she sat herself down comfortably. However, what happened next she really did not expect. The naga's stomach began to grumble loudly. Mizuki looked down at her rumbling stomach, and in an instant, her belly surged forward, stretching her yukata and obi to their limits, most likely damaging them terribly. Before the naga could even question what could have caused this to happen, the sound of laughter erupted from within her stomach. Laughter from someone she knew well.
"How's that?" Rei laughed. "I bet you weren't expecting that!" The fox kicked around in excitment, jostling Mizuki's belly around as she did. "There was no way you'd expect me to willingly be in your food, my prank was successful!" She cheered.
The naga was doing her best to contain her laughter. "So that explains why my noodles tasted so much better today. I'll have to keep this in mind." Mizuki said, stroking her large, squirming belly. "So this was your latest act of trickery? Becoming part of my lunch?" The naga laughed a little and poked at her belly to bug the kitsune in her stomach.
"Not in the slightest!" Rei barked, punching at Mizuki's stomach. "My pranks have been so predictable to you, you hack of a harvest god, that this time I had to do something that you couldn't POSSIBLY have expected!" The kitsune explained. However, she grew angry as she heard the naga laugh. "What's so funny?" Rei asked.
Mizuki patted her belly as she laughed. "Oh, my poor, sweet Kikue." She said, "How exactly does this do anything besides surprise me slightly? If anything, it was actually a very pleasant surprise!" The naga squeezed her belly, the fox kicking at her angrily. "If you wanted to be in my belly that badly, you could've just asked me. I know I had to go out, but I didn't think I was gone that long." She laughed.
Rei sat in the remaining broth and noodles, thinking about her prank. What was the actual end goal of it? Why didn't she realize that Mizuki would enjoy this too much? Rei shouted in anger and started kicking and punching Mizuki's stomach in rage. "THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'D WANT THAT!" The fox yelled. "Let me out of here this instant!"
The naga looked down at her squirming belly. She laughed, enjoying the fox's angry struggles. "Oh, I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, little fox." Mizuki said. As she thought back on the events that occurred, the naga developed some plans for the next day. "Though, I must say that your little 'prank' has definitely given me an idea~" She giggled, stroking her big jostling belly.
Mizuki enjoyed the fox's struggles, and enjoyed how the fox practically fed herself to the god. It was certainly a surprise, but it was definitely a great one. However, Mizuki was really looking forward to the day to come. She'd have to summon up her servants to help her in preparing for this. The naga giggle in anticipation, rubbing her belly in large circles. Rei had no idea what the god was planning, but she knew one thing for certain; she was not going to like it. For the rest of the day, Mizuki toyed with the silly fox in her belly. And as she did, she eagerly planned for tomorrow's great event. Rei sat in the god's stomach, angered that her prank turned for the worst.
Rei had an awful dream that night. The fox was standing alone, on a giant table surrounded by nothing by darkness. As she took in her surroundings, loud foot steps began to echoe from around her, shaking the table she was on as they grew closer. As the fox wondered what it could be, the giant form of Mizuki appeared from the darkness, smiling down at the small fox, making Rei hiss in rage, and in terror.
Rei knew that she would try to toy with her, and she wouldn't just let the naga do as she pleases. The fox attempted to grow so that she could match the god, eye to eye... but nothing happened. Rei stopped for a moment, horrified. Did her magic not work? She tried again, to the same effect. The fox began to freak out, what had that cursed naga done to her? As the fox panicked, Mizuki lifted up a pair of chopsticks and gently pinched them against Rei's arms, pinning them to her sides as the naga lifted her up.
Mizuki's little morsel kicked and struggled, trying to free herself from the chopsticks. Rei gritted her teeth as she watched the god slowly raise her over her head and open her mouth. However, as soon as the chopsticks let go of her, the fox turned from angry to scared, watching as Mizuki's pearly white teeth grew closer. Rei closed her eyes in terror as she awaited the soft, warm, and wet embrace of the naga's mouth.
As Rei landed on Mizuki's tongue, she slowly stirred from her sleep, muttering as she slowly awoke. "Gods... what a horrible dream..." The fox mumbled, thankful to be free from that terrible nightmare. She let lose a yawn, but as she tried to stretch, she found that she couldn't move her arms. Looking down, the fox saw that there was something like rope tied around her torso, holding her arms down. The fox let out a screech and tried to stand up, almost losing her balance as she. "W-what is this? Who dares to do this to me?" Rei shouted, as she looked around.
"Oh, you're finally awake." Came the voice of her captor, who Rei should've known had done this. Mizuki walked up to the tied up kitsune, and the fox could see that she was in fact shrunken down as the god before her was gigantic, just like in her dream. "I'm sure you won't mind, but I've made some plans for us today." The naga chimed, bending over so she could look at Rei closer. She gently poked the fox over and knocked her on to her butt, giggling as the fox growled and kicked her feet angrily.
"You... y-you...!" The fox stuttered, angry from being so easily captured. "Untie this rope this instant, serpent, or I'll make you regret it!" Rei tried to squirm her way free as she said that, though to no avail.
The naga chuckled. "Oh, my dear Kikue," she said, "That's not really a rope. More so, it's a delicious looking noodle, but it's understandable that you wouldn't notice that at first, from your current height." Mizuki patted the tiny kitsune's head as the fox tried to wrap her head around what the naga was doing.
It didn't take her too long to realize the god's sinister plan. She looked upwards at Mizuki, and the god's smiling face was enough of an answer. "NO! And it's REI" Rei shouted, kicking her feet and pushing herself away from the giant naga. "No n-no, I won't become your food this early! I won't let you just-" She cut herself off, as she remembered that she could grow back to her regular size. With a confident smirk, the fox looked at the god. "My, how silly of me to fret so much over something so easily escapable. If you don't mind, I'm going to end this little game by growing back to my normal size. Then I'll show you how dangerous toying with an ancient kitsune can be!" Rei laughed, closing her eyes as she focused her magic into growing herself to her regular height.
After a few seconds of silence, the fox opened her eyes, only to see the giant Mizuki still looming over her. "Are you quite done?" The god chuckled, much to the fox's dismay.
"W-what...?" Rei was dumbfounded. Why didn't her magic work? Was her dream some sort of premonition? "What did you do to my magic?!" The fox screamed, kicking her legs angrily, her tails fluffed in anger.
The god laughed. Seeing Rei so worked up was always so hilarious. "Oh, my silly little fox, let's just say I've found a way to control your size shifting abilities." Mizuki giggled, "God's can do almost anything, you know. But enough on that," Before Rei could demand Mizuki to explain, the god lifted up a pair of chopsticks and gently picked up the fox. "Let's get to the main event today."
Rei kicked her feet in vain, trying her best to escape even though she knew that that would be practically impossible. The god walked with her tiny fox treat, walking into her dining room to show Rei something that she knew she wouldn't want to see; an absolutely huge bowl of noodles. She held the fox over the large bowl and slowly loosened the grip on her chopsticks. "W-WAIT!" Rei screamed, trying not to kick as she didn't want to knock herself off balance and fall. "W-with my arms bound like this, I won't be able to swim to the top to breathe!" She explained. She was hoping to use this as a plan to try and escape, "So, maybe you should untie me, you gluttonous god."
All the fox got in response was laughter. Mizuki barely moved her free hand over the fox and suddenly a bubble appeared around her head. "Not to worry, dear Kikue, I've already thought about that. This bubble will allow you to breathe while submerged. Now, I hope you're ready." The god said, and almost as if on cue, her stomach let out a groan. "Because I think that lunch is ready." And with that, she released the fox and let her fall into the noodles. Rei screamed her name as she fell, but the bubble around her head muffled her voice. Rei watched in terror as the noodles only grew larger as she fell closer to the giant bowl. Finally, after what felt like forever for the kitsune, she splashed into the broth. Mizuki smiled and sat down in front of the bowl. "Thank you for the meal." she said. And with that, the naga pinched up a bunch on noodles and started to chow down.
Rei hissed and kicked around as she slowly floated in the broth. She could see noodles around her being pulled upwards and disappearing out of sight, obviously vanishing down the god's throat. She tried to distance herself from the noodles that were being pulled up, kicking her legs in an attempt to swim away. However, when a chopstick came down right in front of her, the fox let out a scream. Luckily for her, they pinched up the noodles that were in front of her and managed to avoid her. Though, the fox couldn't help but feel like perhaps the god knew she was there and did it to toy with her?
Rei growled and continued to swim away from the current 'zone of attack'. Mizuki happily ate her large meal. She was almost too excited to find her delicious little surprise. Of course, when she found the little fox, she knew that she wouldn't be eating her immediately, and fully intended to 'play with her food'. The naga's stomach was slowly begin to grow beneath her casual yukata, starting to gently round out as she slurped up more and more noodles. Slowly, she removed the kitsune's cover.
The fox knew it was only a matter of time before the god would find her. She tried her best to stay as close to the bottom as possible, avoiding any area where she could see chopsticks poke down or noodles disappear from. This was actually seeming pretty easy for the kitsune, as she had made it this long without Mizuki catching her. However, that thought was cut short as she suddenly felt something grip both her sides. Looking back to see what it could be, even though she already knew, Rei saw the naga's chopsticks had finally caught her.
The fox was lifted out of the broth and held in front of Mizuki's smiling face. The bubble around her head popped, and she glared furiously at the giant naga. "D-don't you dare do it!" Rei warned, in vain. She kicked her legs in a useless attempt to free herself, only making Mizuki laugh.
The naga looked at the fox with an almost pitying gaze. "Unfortunately, I'm not going to let my delicious meal go." Mizuki chuckled, "And I know I'm going to enjoy this, so much." And without further delay, without even letting the fox retaliate, the god opened her mouth wide and slowly placed Rei into her maw. The fox screeched as she was moved into the dark, wet space of Mizuki's mouth, and before she knew it the chopsticks had released her and the god closed her mouth.
Laying on Mizuki's tongue, Rei squirmed, trying her best to inch to the front of the naga's mouth. However, her attempt to do so was thwarted when the naga's slippery tongue lifted up, gently squishing against the fox's face as it stopped her. Rei could feel the tongue moving under her, and suddenly she found herself being rolled around by the wet muscle.
Outside the god's mouth, Mizuki was enjoying herself immensely. She tossed, spun and pushed the squirming fox all around her mouth, even squishing her against her cheek, creating a very distinct bulge before letting the fox tumble back into the center of her mouth. Smiling, Mizuki tilted her head upwards, Rei starting to slide backwards towards the naga's throat, savouring the fox's struggles as she tried to stop herself from descending down to the god's stomach.
Rei was getting rather dizzy from being pushed around the naga's mouth, and she tried her best to keep herself from falling down into Mizuki's awaiting throat. The noodle that was wrapped around her was still in tact, even given how much the kitsune had been tossed around the giant naga's mouth. Rei was about to let loose a scream just as it seemed she would fall down into Mizuki's stomach, but at the last moment the world around her tilted back down, and Rei found herself sliding away from the back of the throat and now towards Mizuki's lips.
Mizuki smiled as the fox's shoulders and head poked out between her lips. Rei looked around dumbfounded, seeing the huge, yet to be finished bowl of noodles still awaiting the god's attention. But when she looked up to see the naga's happy face she growled and started kicking her legs. "Release me right now, serpent, or I swear that I'll make you-" Rei was cut off ash she suddenly felt something different. She felt as if her legs were reaching farther into Mizuki's mouth than before, and more of her upper torso. to her waist, was sticking out from between god's lip. She could feel her noodle binds growing tighter around her, before they finally snapped, finally releasing her arms.
Mizuki had grown the fox to a larger size just for the god's enjoyment. The fox didn't have a lot of time to respond to this sudden change, though, as Mizuki tilted her head upwards and slurped the fox back into her mouth. The fox let loose a small scream as she disappeared behind Mizuki's lips, holding her arm out as if to grab something that wasn't there. Without hesitation, the naga took a large gulp and sent Rei down to her awaiting stomach. With the kitsune's new larger size, she created a rather large and very noticeable bulge in Mizuki's throat as she went down. Rei's figure was very visible the stretched throat, and Mizuki pressed against the bulge, her hand following the fox all the way until she disappeared into the naga's chest.
Rei squirmed as she was squeezed and pushed down the naga's tight throat, before finally being deposited into the noodle filled stomach of the god. Mizuki let out a sigh as the fox made it into her stomach, bulging her belly out more than it already was, giving her belly a rather full and round look. The naga smiled and rubbed at her belly, feeling Rei squirm around under her hands. "Now that," the god said, patting her belly. "Was INCREDIBLY entertaining." she laughed. "But the meal isn't over just yet, we still have so much left to finish."
Rei wanted none of this! "Don't you dare! Stop your eating you... you gluttonous piece of seaweed!" The kistune shouted, punching and kicking the stomach walls in protest, sadly only to Mizuki's amusement.
The god laughed, patting at the bulges Rei made as she struggled. "Oh, and by the way," Mizuki added, as she grabbed the sides of the large bowl, preparing to lift it, "You can grow as large as you want in there, I won't mind at all." And as if on cue, the naga's belly great larger as the kitsune grew to her normal size. Mizuki laughed, watching the normal sized Rei squirm around in anger. Without anymore delay and ignoring the rage filled protests of her stomach's occupant, the naga lifted the large bowl of noodles and proceeded to gulp down the rest of her meal.
Rei's protests were cut short as a torrent of broth and noodles poured into Mizuki's stomach. Rei screeched as the naga's belly was filled more and more with her lunch. The fox's tails were hopelessly submerged in the food all around her, only making Rei angrier. She held her hands over her head, trying to protect herself from the seemingly endless torrent of noodles and broth pouring into the naga's belly. The level of food in Mizuki's stomach was rising up to Rei's neck, with a hiss Rei barked, "Just how much do you intend to eat?! I'll drown in here at this rate!"
As the food reached her chin, the fox growled. But then, an idea came to her. Smiling deviously, the fox said, "Let's see just how much your stomach can hold!" The fox began increasing her size, her body slowly resurfacing as she grew larger. She grew at a gradual, keeping her shoulders about the level of broth and noodles, which was constantly raising as Mizuki gulped down more and more. Outside the stomach, Mizuki's obi was slowly slipping over her ever expanding belly, her yukata opening to let her belly out.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity for the fox, the torrent of food stopped pouring into the stomach. Mizuki let loose a large sigh, placing the giant bowl to her side, as her gigantic belly had pushed the table in front of her out of the way. She could feel Rei still squirming around inside, her large belly sloshing around with every movement. "Oh my," The god said, rubbing the sides of her belly in pure blissful satisfaction. "That may have been one of the best meals I've ever had." Mizuki laughed as Rei punched and kicked around, making her large form easy to see in her belly; it would appear that she grew to around twice her normal height. "And I owe this all to you, Kikue; without your prank the other day, I would never have thought to do this. You have my sincerest gratitude!"
Rei shouted angrily, "It's. REI!" as she punched and kicked and squirmed around the naga's huge stomach, sloshing the belly around in her anger. She hissed as she splashed herself with broth, ending her angry struggling and sitting still in immense amount of noodles and broth. Suddenly, everything around her began to shift and sway, as Mizuki began to move herself and her giant belly. As Mizuki moved, the food around Rei splashed up and washed over her more and more, making the kitsune angrier.
Mizuki barely made it farther than the dining room chair before she couldn't move her huge belly any farther,and she simply sat herself down on the floor and sighed. "My word, you're heavy! How much have you been eating?" Mizuki joked, rubbing at a bulge that appeared in her belly that was clearly a punch from Rei. The god sighed and flopped herself on the floor. "I don't think I'll be wanting to move for a while." She laughed, patting her belly. "I think I'll have to book off the next month or so, so I can fully savour this." Mizuki said, looking at the huge belly before her in pride.
The idea of being trapped in the naga's belly, for no matter how long, was the thing that Rei hated the most in the world. Hearing that she'd be trapped in Mizuki's stomach for at least a month, the fox screamed. "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THIS!" Rei kicked up a storm inside Mizuki's belly, no longer caring that she was being splashed by the stomach's contents.
Mizuki sighed in content as she watched her belly slosh around. "What will you do, dear Kikue?" The naga laughed, mockingly. "Feed yourself to me again?" Mizuki laughed, the fox's struggles only growing more angry. "But I wouldn't mind one bit if that's what you wanted to do. And I know for certain that we will be doing this again."
Rei was feeling intense rage and intense embarrassment both at once, making her punches and her kicks much more intense. "Don't you mock me, you cursed serpent! You can't have your way forever!" She growled. "And. My. Name. Is. REI!"
The naga continued her laughing, rubbing at the poor kitsune trapped in her stomach. "Oh, my dear, do you really think that?" Mizuki said. "Well, I'm sure you'll learn eventually. But for now, let's just savour this moment. Would you mind squirming around a little bit more?" Mizuki watched as her belly sloshed around with more intensity. The god enjoyed every moment of this, and she was incredibly glad that the fox gave her the idea for this great event, and this was only the beginning for their fun. "Oh my, I can't wait for our next meal~"
It's so AWESOME AHHHHHHH!! I really really love it, thank you so much!
Rei will NEVER learn, or maybe she just refuses to accept this fact! Either way Mizuki will give her a good and proper reminder!

Another commission finished! This one is for the forever awesome @itsawrites and involves my Mizuki (rockin’ her legged form) and their Rei!
Poor Rei is never gonna learn Mizu’s top of the food chain between the two of them, is she? LOL!
That fox is just too perfect to toy with! And she goes with everything! 8O
Lookit how pretty these two look; Mizuki looking too beautiful for words, as usual, and Rei looks so good, Mizu could just eat her up! …Oh wait-

I also did this (and forgot to upload it)! Mizuki likes having sushi for lunch. Her favorite flavor? Fox. :)
Rei the fox belongs to @itsawrites!
A STORY THAT I JUST GOT BACK TO AFTER A YEAR;;;; please excuse any errors or typos!!
Starring @animalkingdxm 's beautiful Mizuki and my fox Rei
Also my mobile won't let me do read more so I'll fix it when I'm at home!
It was a rather murky day, heavy looking clouds drifted slowly in the sky, tempting to unleash a downpour of rain at any moment. Not many people were out and about on this day, scared of the heavy rain to come.
However, a certain fox was too busy to even notice the weather, as she was sitting at a table, thoroughly read through her various scrolls and scriptures with a fierce dedication, looking for a certain something. Something magical.
“I know it's in one of these…” Rei mumbled to herself as she eyed a scroll in her hands. When she was done with it, she held it in her hand and it burst into flame, returning to wherever the kitsune stored all her legally acquired treasures. And in another burst of fire a new scroll appeared, that she read over before sending away once more. “I know that spell is in one of the writings I stole.” Rei muttered, sending away yet another tome.
Though Rei didn’t care to look, around her were busily working servants of the snake goddess, all about the size of children. They all wore different masks, each representing the animal they were in life when they served as Mizuki's faithful. The kitsune detested them and did not enjoy their presence, as they served as the goddess’ eyes and ears, easily tattling on Rei to Mizuki if she was up to anything.
“I have to find it before she gets home, or this time will have been all been-” But the fox cut herself off as she read her newest scroll. Her eyes were wide with excitement. “This is it!” Rei cheered, before laughing, a wicked grin crossing her face. “This will finally turn everything in my favour! Finally, I’ll overpower that cursed snake!” Without further hesitation, Rei scanned the scroll up and down, smiling deviously and laughing softly.
After a while, the rain started to pour down, though Rei didn’t even notice as she was too deep in her studying. It would be hard for her to tell if this spell would actually work as intended, but the fox couldn’t afford to doubt her abilities! She knew she wouldn't have the time to practice this spell before Mizuki would return home, so it would be all or nothing.
The kitsune’s tails swished behind her as she read the scroll up and down, taking as much of it to mind as she could before-
The sound of the door opening shook Rei from her studies. Looking up, she saw the goddess coming through the door, the sound of the heavy rainfall finally making it to Rei's ears. “Oh my,” Mizuki began, stepping inside her home, closing her umbrella. “It really started pouring today. Did you look after everything while I was gone, Kikue?” the naga smiled at Rei who was grinding her teeth in annoyance.
“It's Rei!” The kitsune barked, making the goddess laugh. Though, Rei's anger subsided as she started to put her plan into effect, grinning wickedly. “But I think with this legendary magic I'll finally be able to pound my name into your skull!” The kitsune stood up and prepared herself for her much anticipated spell.
The goddess raised her brow in curiosity. Was the fox just begging Mizuki to ‘seal’ her away again already? The naga laughed, her servants taking her umbrella and coat for her before leaving the room. “That's a bold statement, Kikue. Where'd this confidence suddenly sprout from?” Mizuki joked as she started towards the fox.
Rei didn't correct the snake immediately, as she started to cast her new spell. The room was filled with an intense air of magic, Rei deep in focus as she drew in power. Mizuki was rather surprised initially as she didn't expect the kitsune to be using what felt like a lot of magic. But before the naga could try to stop it, Rei grinned and prepared to cast her spell, throwing her hand out before her. “I’ll tell you one final time, you tacky snake!” The kitsune said, “My. Name. Is. RE-” But the fox was cut off as there was suddenly a burst of smoke around her, and it became impossible to see her.
Mizuki braced herself as the smoke began to settle. She waved her pristine hand in front of her face to blow the smoke away from her face. “Just what are you playing at Kiku-” Mizuki stopped herself, staring at what Rei’s magic had created. She was practically speechless; this was incredible!
The spell had backfired tremendously. There was no way this could have gone any worse for the fox. What could have gone wrong? Did Rei not study the spell right, or was Mizuki’s divine presence somehow interfering with her magic? From the smoke tumbled about one hundred small Reis, all looking disoriented, confused and enraged. Mizuki couldn’t keep herself composed after watching this and started laughing, gripping her sides as tears started welling up in her eyes. “Oh my- HAHAHAH, oh my goodness!” The goddess cackled, wiping a tear from her eye as she couldn’t hold back her laughter. “HAHAHAHA, this is your ‘legendary magic’, Kikue?”
A resounding sound of furious squeaks came from the myriad of Reis, all of them feeling their great anger towards the cruel and mocking goddess. A few of the miniature foxes had tried to cast their magic at Mizuki, merely produced but a small spark from their hands, while others hissed at the giant snake, their tails fluffing out in rage.
Mizuki continued to laugh at the fox’s antics. This was probably the biggest laugh Mizuki had had in a long time. She wiped the last of her tears from her eyes as she recomposed herself. “Oh, Kikue, you always know how to make my day.” Mizuki laughed as she got closer to the hoard of miniscule foxes. They certainly all looked just like original, right down to the hate filled glaring.
The goddess looked over all the little yokai before her and briefly wondered what she was going to do with them all. However, an idea quickly came to mind, and Mizuki was surprised she didn't think of it sooner. “I must say,” she began, pinching one of the Reis close to her by the collar of her kimono and lifting her up. “I think I really enjoy your new spell, it will definitely be a filling one~” the kitsune in her hand struggled and kicked as Mizuki lifted her up over her head.
The fox's expression quickly changed from furious to horror struck as Mizuki opened her mouth and dropped her. The other ninety-nine Reis screamed and hissed as they saw this, and watched in horror and the goddess slurped in the fox's feet and swallowed her. The Rei was large enough that it made a fairly noticeable bulge in Mizuki's throat as she passed through it, struggling as she disappeared behind the snakes chest.
The naga sighed, patting her stomach as she felt the little fox arrive inside and begin to squirm around. “Oh, this will be an excellent day!” Mizuki cheered, looking down at the other foxes, who all screamed and attempted to make a break for it, trying to scatter in all directions. “Not so fast, my little delicacies!” The goddess giggled. Suddenly the God's long white tail encircled the multitude of Reis and wrapped around them, making sure they couldn't escape.
However, a few Reis managed to push themselves over the long tail and continued their fleeing once more. But that was short lived, as before they knew it, the five or so escapists were now captured in bubbles which had been summoned around them by the towering goddess. These bubbled foxes kicked and clawed at their spherical prisons as they floated upwards, back towards Mizuki.
“None of you are going anywhere.” the goddess told her ninety-nine snacks, “Except into my divine stomach~” she giggled, the fox still in her belly continuing her struggle. The many kitsune caught by her tail squirmed against the scaly walls of their confines, much to the naga’s pleasure.
Mizuki held her hand under one of the bubbled Reis and moved her over her head. The fox started struggling again, trying to move her clear prison away from the goddess. The snake laughed and opened her mouth wide, the orb of kitsune slowly lowering towards it. The Rei started panicking, screeching and punching the bubble to no effect. She looked down through the floor of her clear prison and peered down into the gaping maw of Mizuki, her pearly white fangs glimmer, and the corners of her mouths curled up in an almost cruel cruel smile.
Suddenly, the fox's bubble vanished with a pop and before she knew it she was already past the snake's fangs and descending down down through the naga’s neck. Mizuki felt the Rei fall right into her throat, the snake taking her hand and holding it to her throat to savour the fox's movements. With a big gulp the mini Rei was sent down, squeezed by the muscles in Mizuki's neck as well as by the goddess’ hand, as she pressed and poked against the struggling bulge in her neck as it travelled down.
The goddess let out another content sigh, looking down at her stomach, patting it as the second fox joined the first snack in her struggling. “This is going to be MUCH too fun.” Mizuki said with a smile. The kitsune horde’s struggles grew, as they tried to push past or over the white snake tail around them. But their struggles were stopped as they were suddenly wrapped in a large, clear bubble, which floated upwards, not even sagging from the amount of foxes it was containing. The other few bubbled Reis started to drift over to the larger bubble and join into it, spilling their squeaking contents in with the others.
Mizuki chuckled as she watched the ninety-eight Reis squirm around inside the bubble, looking forward to when they’d be squirming around in her stomach. “Now, without further ado, let’s get started!” the naga cheered as she slithered into the kitchen, the big orb of yokai fox following her as she went.
It only took a few minutes, but the goddess and her servants had prepared a large meal, consisting an assortment of foods, all with a delicious touch of fox to them. Noodles and noodle soups adorn with Reis tied with the delectable pasta, and various forms of sushi all fox flavoured, and that was just the start. To follow were various desserts, topped with a struggling yokai queen to be served afterwards. This would be a meal Mizuki would remember oh so fondly.
The naga seated herself at the table, her bubble of Reis floating behind her, the number of foxes within very noticeably decreased. Mizuki chuckled as she watched the foxes on the table try to free themselves of their delectable binds, to no avail.
The goddess clapped her hands together and excitedly said, “Itadakimasu!” before she gripped her chopsticks and looked over the variety of kitsune-flavoured food. “Where do I even begin?” Mizuki laughed, watching the Reis hiss at her as they struggled. With a content smile, the snake pinched up one of the sushi-clad foxes and brought her to her face. She kicked around indignantly, making the goddess giggle before she opened her mouth and placed the kitsune on her tongue.
The fox squirmed on the moist, soft surface of the goddess’ tongue, growling as she failed to free her arms from the seaweed that was wrapped around her. Suddenly, the muscle beneath her shifted, and she found herself being pushed and tossed around her moist confines.
The goddess smiled as the fox squirmed around, pressing the kitsune against the inside of her cheeks and making a very noticeable Rei-like bump against the soft skin.
The Rei screeched as she was toyed around the wet cavern. Thankfully, or rather unfortunately, her toying with came to an end as the goddess ceased pushing her up and down her mouth, but the world around the kitsune started tilting and she found herself sliding towards the snake's throat.
Mizuki swallowed her delicious squirming sushi. The bulge quickly vanishing past her throat to join the others in her stomach. But the naga didn't wait this time. She quickly grabbed up a second fox sushi and popped it into her mouth, the squirming treat soon meeting the same fate as the one before it.
With the next piece, the goddess held out her long tongue and placed the fox on to it. She smiled contently as she watched her treat kick her legs, enjoying the warm flavour of the angry kitsune as she started to pull in her tongue and send her morsel on its way.
She quickly finished off her first plate of fox sushi, sending about five more Reis down to her awaiting stomach. Next, the goddess pulled a bowl of noodle soup on front of her. Inside the large dish were several miniature Reis tangled in the many strands of noodles, a few floating freely though still bound with noodles wrapped around them.
The snake gripped some noodles and pulled them from the broth, picking up two foxes with it. Mizuki slurped up the noodles, quickly pulling the first Rei to her mouth and slurping her past her lips. The second fox was quick to follow, but as she approached the snake's mouth she kicked at her lips, trying to hold herself out of the awaiting maw. This ultimately failed, as Mizuki merely had to slurp harder and the fox was pulled in right away.
The two Reis were pressed against each other as they squirmed around inside the goddess’ noodle filled maw. But with a gulp, the two kitsunes were sent down the snake god’s gullet, squeezed against each other as they were forced down the tight throat. Mizuki held her hand against the larger bulge in her neck, savouring the struggling of the two tangled foxes.
The naga’s stomach had started to fill up with the amount of Reis inside, slightly pushing her stomach outwards. But she hardly noticed, as she was too busy already slurping up more noodles, this time with four little kitsune tangled in it. With her next gulp, the bulge going down her throat was much more noticeable and large with the four squirming foxes within.
The goddess didn't take long finishing her noodles, pinching up the all but one of the free floating foxes, leaving only her amidst the remnants of the noodle soup. This little Rei floated on her back, watching as the giant goddess gulped down her copies with pleasure. The yokai scowled at the snake as the lump in her throat vanished behind Mizuki's chest, and soon enough the smiling god was looking down at the lone kitsune in the broth.
Mizuki gripped the bowl on both sides and started lifting it to her mouth, tilting it against her lips and spilling the delicious soup into her mouth. The fox let out a surprised and angry squeak as she tried her best to kick her legs and push herself away from the goddess’ mouth, the current proving almost too strong for her.
Mizuki would've laughed at this Rei’s attempts to escape her, had her mouth not been full. Almost cruelly unfair, the serpentine goddess tilted the bowl up higher, and sure enough there was nothing the fox could do, as she was swept up by the current and poured into Mizuki's mouth, to be quickly swallowed down.
The snake sighed as she sipped up the last of the broth, gently patting her slightly protruding middle, full of several or so squirming foxes. “Oh my, this is truly heavenly.” Mizuki said, as she grabbed a nearby Rei with her chopsticks, poking her into her mouth and tossing her around. She could never grow tired of the fox's flavour, and having one hundred Reis to eat and savour was almost too much to ask for.
Before she gulped this morsel down, the goddess casually picking up two more kitsunes and tossed them into her mouth with the first. Then with a tilt of her head, Mizuki swallowed the three foxes down in one go.
The snake couldn't help herself, this was too delicious and delightful! She eagerly gulped, guzzle, and swallowed down the Reis before her, making short work of her large meal in almost no time at all. Mizuki's belly was much more noticeable now, filled with about fifty of the delicious kitsunes. The naga rubbed her rounding middle in pleasure, loving the many many squirms of the multiple foxes within.
Her stomach was starting to press against her obi now, giving the goddess an idea. Mizuki suddenly tightened her obi on her belly, surprising the kitsunes within. Mizuki could really feel their struggles as she squeezed them in her stomach, laughing at the Reis’ anger as they fought at her from inside her belly.
The goddess smiled as she reached for her cup of tea. “This will help you all relax.” Mizuki laughed, bringing the cup to her lips and gulping down her tea. She could tell when the tea arrived at her stomach as the struggles from within were practically doubled.
Mizuki laughed, pulling her hand over her squirming belly. As she savoured the struggles, her servants quickly took away the cleaned off, empty plates from the table and quickly replaced them with an assortment of delicious desserts.
Mousse, brownies, ice cream, cake, pudding, every dessert Mizuki had wanted, with a delightful touch of fox to each and every one. These Reis were not only trapped against and or in their desserts, but they had a delicious, sweet syrup drizzled on each of them. The goddess smiled in anticipation, running her beautiful fingers over her belly.
Needless to say, those desserts didn't last very long. The goddess practically devoured them in a fraction of the time it took for her to eat her meal.
Spoonfuls of ice cream with a fox on top in place of a cherry; gone in one swift gulp. Cakes barely even needed to be cut, as the Mizuki just lifted the tray and let it fall into her mouth. The little Reis adorning each and every delicacy didn't even stand a chance.
Mizuki sighed in bliss, rubbing her hands over her much larger belly. The plates and dishes left the table, just as clean as before they were used.
The goddess stroked her fingers over the large gut before her, feeling each and every little movement inside. It was almost hard to believe that there were one hundred Reis inside… because there was one left.
One last fox remained, hiding behind the goddess’ tea cup. Mizuki smiled, reaching for her tea, and quickly grabbing the hiding kitsune in her hand. The little yokai squirmed around in vain, much to Mizuki's enjoyment.
Mizuki sat the last Rei on her large belly, letting her feel the other ninety-nine squirming Reis just under the soft skin. The fox almost seemed fascinated by the naga’s belly full of her ninety-nine other selves, but her face still showed anger towards the large serpent.
The naga smiled at the fox on her round tummy, patting her head. “You'll join them soon enough, not to worry.” she told the little Rei. “I just wanted to enjoy the last of one hundred little kitsunes a little bit.”
The Rei let out a gasp and tried to run, but the goddess anticipated this, and was quick enough to grab the little fox by one of her tails.
Rei screeched in rage as she was slowly lifted up by her tails, and was turned to face Mizuki. The naga slowly lifted her little morsel over her head and opened her mouth at the same time. The little kitsune started to kick and swing around by her tails as she was dangled over the maw of the goddess.
It didn't last long though, as Mizuki let her go and the fox was greeted with a sight of a quickly approaching throat, which she landed in much faster than she would have wanted.
One large gulp and Mizuki sent the last yokai fox down to her stomach. Mizuki sighed in bliss as she rubbed her big, full belly, filled with the constant movements of many small foxes. As the goddess moved her hands over her large middle, she could feel the several bumps the they made as they struggled and squirmed within her belly.
“This was almost too much fun to describe, Kikue! That spell truly was legendary, you'll have to show it to me so we can do this again!” The naga laughed, roughly patting her belly. The Reis inside squeaked angrily as they squirmed and punched the walls of the goddess’ stomach.
The naga grabbed the sides of her belly as she spoke next, “But for now, let's get you back in one piece, shall we?” and she proceeded to shake and knead her large stomach around, sloshing all the Reis around inside. Mizuki giggled as she felt all the foxes in her belly moving around as she shook it.
Sure enough, the kitsunes inside the goddess’ stomach gradually started returning into one kitsune, creating larger and larger Reis as they were sloshed around and squeezed back together.
Though the bumps and bulges on Mizuki's belly dropped in number, their sizes grew. The snake god watched her belly shift and slosh around, until there came one voice from within her belly. “My name is REI!” The lone kitsune shrieked, much to the goddess’ amusement. “There's no way on this earth that I'll let you know that spell!” she added, as she squirmed around inside Mizuki's belly
Mizuki laughed and rubbed her large stomach. “I don't think you'll have much of an option.” she told the fox, “But it seems like you've retained your memories from when you were separated, how fascinating.”
Rei growled as she held her head. “Yes, I have every single memory of your stupid maw devouring me.” the fox groaned, as she felt a headache coming over her. “Eaten one hundred times in one day... you are a real glutton, you bottomless serpent!” Rei renewed her kicks and struggles in the goddess’ stomach.
Mizuki punched her belly, striking the fox square in the head. “You should feel blessed, not many yokai get to see my divine maw as often as you, especially on a special day like this.” she laughed, running her hand over her big gut, feeling the kitsune’s form within.
Rei sat in Mizuki's stomach, holding her head again as it rang with pain. The memories of falling past the snake's white fangs, being tossed around her mouth, travelling down her tight throat, and falling into her stomach one hundred times were ringing through her head. The kitsune knew she'd probably be having nightmares about this for a long time.
The snake looked at her belly and giggled, patting it in such content. “One hundred in one day. I wonder if that's a new record for me.” Mizuki laughed, stroking her belly in long, slow motions. “At least it's the most fox I've eaten in one day.”

I really loved that ask where he’s prey a lot but I just had to see him with a belly I’m sorryyyyy. Also no robe cause im lazy.