Narrative Foils - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Remember by post about Stella and Darcy supposedly being foils? Well, I just remembered some canonical details I forgot to include in my original post that supports my theory.

In S2E2 there's this scene where Wizgiz talks about how all magic has its dark counterpart.

Remember By Post About Stella And Darcy Supposedly Being Foils? Well, I Just Remembered Some Canonical
Remember By Post About Stella And Darcy Supposedly Being Foils? Well, I Just Remembered Some Canonical
Remember By Post About Stella And Darcy Supposedly Being Foils? Well, I Just Remembered Some Canonical

Wizgiz: I know what you're thinking. Wouldn't it be nice if all the things in the universe were good? Well, that's not the case. Furthermore, that's not possible. Because in the universe, there is no light without darkness. When a form of energy is created, it produces an opposite force. Equally strong. Observe. What do you see? What I did was, I captured some of the light that was in the room. But it only shows its power in the darkness, its polar opposite. As I mentioned at the beginning of this introductory class, the existence of good energy results in the creation of an equal amount of evil energy. Normally, these forces are balanced. But sometimes, balancing needs a little bit of help. A dynamic energy between the dominant force and the recessive one.

This is the background to why the shadow phoenix was created as an opposite force to the dragon flame. But Wizgiz's statement still stands true for all other forces of magic, meaning there are some really interesting implications to it. This leads me to S2E12, where Faragonda explains that all Magic powers have a defining core, such as the dragon flame is the flame of life. And Stella's powers are....

Remember By Post About Stella And Darcy Supposedly Being Foils? Well, I Just Remembered Some Canonical

Faragonda: Light is part of your expression of your power of inner vision, sight, clarity. Stella: Uh, what? Faragonda: Your power bursts forth to energize and illuminate so others can understand.

light, vision, sight, clarity, understanding, revelation. And what would the opposite of that be? Darkness, blindness, confusion, deception... Now, doesn't that sound familiar?

Remember By Post About Stella And Darcy Supposedly Being Foils? Well, I Just Remembered Some Canonical
Remember By Post About Stella And Darcy Supposedly Being Foils? Well, I Just Remembered Some Canonical

This establishes that Stella and Darcy are, whether it's intended or not, quite literally each others yin and yang, each others direct counterparts.

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1 year ago

joost can't find a romantic way to describe anya's brown eyes and meanwhile kanej waxes poetic about each other's brown eyes. joost thinks he could compliment anya's laugh except he doesn't know how to and meanwhile kaz wants to bottle inej's laugh. joost didn't have enough money to buy out anya's indenture but kaz bought out inej's indenture. people say that anya uses grisha magic when it's not really magic per se but for a moment kaz was a boy again who believed that there was magic in the world.

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This is just a dump post cause I think too much about a dog guy

So I made an OC called Dogman (he's a superhero, because obviously.), basically being a dog in human form but my goodness do I make things...

He is every dog motif in one person. He refuses to give up on anyone, even those who are far beyond saving. He will go through great pain and hurt to protect everyone from anything. He doesn't understand when someone doesn't like him or doesn't want to be his friend. He tries and tries to gain positivity in everyone's eyes. He has a boiling point. He barks, snarls, bites. He is good, he hopes.

Protecting his small town, he's adored by everyone. No one wants him to leave. Not even his nemesis, Sterling Shaw.

They make me want to scream.

Sterling "I can control people simply by touching them" Shaw & Connor "I've never been afraid to touch you" Cairn.

Sterling "everyone leaves me so I'll kick them even harder" Shaw & Connor "I'll never leave, no matter how hard they kick" Cairn.

Sterling "I'll destroy Connor, I'll ruin him" Shaw & Connor "I'll save Sterling, I'll protect him" Cairn.


Sterling has never had a friendship unbound. He doesn't understand giving. Only taking and taking. He has never had a connection not built on chains and demands. He latches onto his slaves' need to obey. They need his orders like they need air. He is bad, he knows.

They're sick. I love them.

Also I made a playlist for them, if you're interested!! It's mostly Mitski, cause I have a problem.

I came up with this idea and these characters YESTERDAY and they've rotted my brain.

I need someone else to understand my vision. Please.

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I can't even develop them because every time I think about them I feel sick and have to start pacing.

This is just a dump post cause I think too much about a dog guy

So I made an OC called Dogman (he's a superhero, because obviously.), basically being a dog in human form but my goodness do I make things...

He is every dog motif in one person. He refuses to give up on anyone, even those who are far beyond saving. He will go through great pain and hurt to protect everyone from anything. He doesn't understand when someone doesn't like him or doesn't want to be his friend. He tries and tries to gain positivity in everyone's eyes. He has a boiling point. He barks, snarls, bites. He is good, he hopes.

Protecting his small town, he's adored by everyone. No one wants him to leave. Not even his nemesis, Sterling Shaw.

They make me want to scream.

Sterling "I can control people simply by touching them" Shaw & Connor "I've never been afraid to touch you" Cairn.

Sterling "everyone leaves me so I'll kick them even harder" Shaw & Connor "I'll never leave, no matter how hard they kick" Cairn.

Sterling "I'll destroy Connor, I'll ruin him" Shaw & Connor "I'll save Sterling, I'll protect him" Cairn.


Sterling has never had a friendship unbound. He doesn't understand giving. Only taking and taking. He has never had a connection not built on chains and demands. He latches onto his slaves' need to obey. They need his orders like they need air. He is bad, he knows.

They're sick. I love them.

Also I made a playlist for them, if you're interested!! It's mostly Mitski, cause I have a problem.

I came up with this idea and these characters YESTERDAY and they've rotted my brain.

I need someone else to understand my vision. Please.

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