Natural Disasters Cw - Tumblr Posts
Blitzo had to actually fight a laugh on that one, absolutely grinning. "You know me too well, Mox. Just don't go telling any of the clients, huh? Humans are dumb little pissy bitches, but animals? Nothing wrong with them."
Right as he stopped speaking, they could hear a car driving past with two loud, angry Americans yelling at each other about something that sounded shitty and transphobic. Blitzo rolled his eyes and resisted the urge to reach for his gun. They'd already killed their mark, all they had to do was wait. Law enforcement was gone, Loona would open the portal any time now--any time now, right?--and they'd go home and this would all be over.
Still, since Moxxie had confided in him about the spiders, and he had to do something to pass the time, Blitzo got up. He thoroughly checked over a bucket, inside and out and under the lip, to make sure there weren't any spiders, then carefully cleared out one corner, brushing away any debris, making sure there was nowhere for a spider to easily creep up on Moxxie, before setting the bucket upside down for him to sit on. "I'll keep an eye on you," he promised.
And he did. If any spiders wandered towards Mox, Blitzo shooed them away. It was something to do, totally not because he cared or anything.
But as the hours passed, he started getting more grumbly. What the fuck was taking so long? It was getting dark out there, at least, so they could escape soon. But it was also getting windy. Really fuckin' windy. Hot, dry, windy, up in a pine forest. It didn't occur to Blitzo at all what might happen--not until something changed subtly about a smokey smell on the air. He'd been assuming it was campfires, but the smell of the smoke started to get a little dirtier almost. Frowning, he raised an eyebrow at Moxxie and nodded to the shed door, then let himself out.
He didn't see anything at first, but when he walked out farther...
"Holy shit, Moxxie..." Blitzo's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. The humans had gone to bed, all throughout the camp they were quiet, tucked away in their RVs and their cabins, but the forest hadn't. Sometime during the day, there must have been a spark somewhere out in that forest. Because now?
There were flames.
Not roaring. Not yet. But fire was stretching out all across the mountains. It had already cut off the road down below the camp--the only road--and it seemed to be reaching up. Crawling up the mountains, coming up towards them. Whenever the wind surged, the flames blazed hotter, moved faster. The fire wouldn't hurt them...
Blitzo's tail drooped to the ground as he just stared at this massive conflagration, stretching out all around them. A disaster in the making.
"Moxxie... What the fuck is this...?"
Moxxie had all but ducked low to the ground to paste himself as far away from the spider as possible but still not abandon Blitzo there with a terrible, poisonous monster of his nightmares. So when Blitzo’s reaction was so calm– gentle even– Moxxie could only watch in wonder for a moment, half lying on his side, curled up, blinking. But as he pulled himself up and resumed a less ‘irregular’ imp posture and watched, the stunned expression tipped into a smile at seeing Blitzo react so gently to an animal most people would have squished without a second thought.
It took him a second to catch his breath but he had his wits back about him again.
“...they creep me out…” he huffed, a noise like a baby goat trying to sound tough.
And then at Blitzo’s jab rolled his eyes. He wasn’t sure what was more annoying, that Blitzo seemed to think the notion would annoy Moxxie or that it was treated like a revelation. Outside of work, had they been friends without a business running together, he might have asked Blitzo why that would be such a surprise. But it was work and such a thing was meant to get under his skin, and he knew it–
“Oh yeah, well–” he thought but it only took a minute to retort, “I spy with my little eye an imp who has a soft spot for animals. Would probably even save a kitten from a tree when nobody was looking.”