Needed Some Angst - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

skz + arguments & forgiveness

warnings: angst, tears are definitely shed

notes: i want to say really quick that not all of these scenarios are fluffy. Some of them are a little more rough - because I don't genuinely think all of the boys would get super upset or drop to their knees in anguish so I wrote how i see fit. Jtlyk. :)

request: Would you be okay writing something a little angsty fluffy? just a bit? like you've argued with your boyfriend and he left knowing you both could say something hurtful in the heat of the moment. but you were asleep when they came back. when they held you tho, they heard you talk in your sleep, saying something like "please don't break my heart". and they knew you were scared of it happening because of a past relationship. how would they react?

Skz + Arguments & Forgiveness
Skz + Arguments & Forgiveness
Skz + Arguments & Forgiveness


"I'm not him..."

He's deeply hurt by the argument you two had the night prior, hence him leaving because he didn't want to say or hear anything that could hurt someone's feelings. And he's a little more hurt that he'd come back to you crying in your sleep begging for him to come back.

He would never leave you that way. He wanted to give you space.

Absolutely the easiest to talk to about your worries. He knows you've struggled with past relationships and wants your relationship with him to be very open and honest. He doesn't like to dwell on things.

Takes off the following day just to spend time with you and figure things out.


"You were being... irrational."

He doesn't like being compared to your ex-boyfriend and he wants you to know that, so he makes it known very clearly through a small bout of anger the morning he returns. He gives you time to wake up but immediately goes into discussing it all.

He's not a fan of arguing but he's also not one to back down because of your hurt feelings. You need to understand he isn't your ex.

He calms down after a bit of space, then spends a good amount of time cuddling with you and ordering dinner. Overall - He's not super duper great at being mushy with his feelings but he does take yours into consideration - as long as you do the same with his.


"I'm not going to do that to you."

He wishes you'd know that by now - He isn't him. Never will be. (He's Seo Changbin after all jfc he's a God bro.)

He's still upset from the argument but he's understanding with both sides, willing to sit and listen and talk through it with you.

He does tell you about what he heard you say in your sleep and when you reel back out of embarrassment, he only further reiterates that he's not going anywhere anytime soon unless you specifically tell him to.

He's going to dwell on it a bit. It hurts to see you hurt.


"So are we going to talk about it or what?"

Probably the most bitter out of all 8. He's the same as Minho - He doesn't like being compared to your ex-boyfriend and he hates that you think he might ditch you as well.

But instead of talking it out, he takes you out the next day and makes it the best fucking date known to mankind. He's going to prove he's better.

It's mostly to fuel his ego.

He doesn't bring it up - what he heard you sadly murmuring in your sleep the night prior. He keeps it to himself and decides if he needs to, he'll talk to you about it. But right now the day is about spoiling you and showing you that he's superior to that bastard who'd hurt you in the past.


"Why were you..."

Shaking. Literally so scared to talk to you about it, not wanting to risk another argument. He's a grown man but he's also on the non-confrontational side (unless it's about falling in love) so he's sitting there with his leg bouncing as he faces you across the table.

Brings it up, not wanting to hurt anymore. He doesn't want to sit and wallow in the idea that you think he's the same way as him. When you nearly burst into tears at the idea that Jisung thinks so lowly of himself, he moves to your side and hugs onto you.

You spend so many hours talking things out, him wanting to make sure you were okay after the argument and you reiterating that you didn't think he was your ex in any way.

It's a hard day. You give each other some space after that but ultimately come back together to cuddle before falling asleep, both of you needing it.


"Oh my God..."

He's crying the second he hears it.

He can't get over it, and he probably won't ever fully. He keeps his arm wound tight over you as he snuggles in from behind, body wracking with sobs that you don't wake up to.

He won't sleep either. He feels awful from the argument on it's own - but the thought of you being so scared that he was going to leave you because of your previous relationship hurt him so badly. It wasn't your fault and he knew that, he understood where you were coming from, he was just so scared and worried.

He promises to make it a point within the following weeks that he's there to stay. Little gifts here and there, texting more often, listening better.


"We need to figure this out."

Isn't really sure how to feel. He sits in silence the next morning, eating breakfast with you before you start the conversation. Discussing the argument is easy - you're both regretful and agree to not let it get to that level again. Neither of you aim to hurt each other and Seungmin can be mean.

He sits with his lip between his teeth and his hands tucked between his thighs in an antsy manner. He's usually not so anxious.

He's unsure of how to even bring it up, so he doesn't. He keeps what he heard to himself because what if it starts something again? And it's a bit embarrassing - isn't it? So he keeps his mouth shut.

Spends the rest of the day lingering around, helping you cook as best he can (not.. very well, actually) and trying to offer some form of comfort to you without invading your space too soon.


"Jagi, I--"

Another one in tears. He's so scared.

You're his first real relationship and he needs to make sure you feel secure dating him, but it feels like you don't if you're thinking things like that.

He asks you right away if that's how you feel, waking you up and sitting back on the bed to ask in the smallest voice he can. He needs to know - He can't wait.

He feels a bit better when you reassure that it was only a dream, that you didn't actually think he was going to abandon you or give up on you over one argument. It was heated, you both knew it wasn't good - but things happen, couples argue, and they make up. It was a learning curve for the both of you.

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