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maybe it's just because i re-read the book recently, but i think that everyone who expected the rwrb movie to be this perfect adaptation was just kidding themselves xD because, honestly—while i don't know shit about film-making, i know enough to understand that it must have been a fucking hard book to adapt. not only is it pretty long, it also has so many characters and sub-plots that are virtually impossible to cover in a meaningful way within 2 hours of runtime. most of alex's bisexual crisis is told through internal monologue. also, so much of the book is told in an epistolary format. that has to be rly difficult to adapt onto screen, and i'm glad they did what they could and left out the rest, rather than trying to include everything and fucking it all up. are there quotes and plot points and characters i severely missed? sure. but it was never gonna be this super faithful, on-the-nose adaptation, and reading the book itself is enough to discern that (and i say this as someone who can be a huge snob about book-to-movie adaptations). frankly, i'm shocked at how true it did manage to stay to the book. at the heart of it, it was a truly sincere movie that was a love letter to the original, and that is so much more than can be said about so many movies these days.