Never Not Gonna Be Obsessed - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
Have Nexus From A Short While(a Few Hours) After Suns Death, Hes Been Destroying His Bedroom In His Anger
Have Nexus From A Short While(a Few Hours) After Suns Death, Hes Been Destroying His Bedroom In His Anger

Have Nexus from a short while(a few hours) after Sun’s death, he’s been destroying his bedroom in his anger and grief, along with his personal guilt of not being able to help keep Sun alive. In his destructive anger he is checked on by his other siblings, and he keeps yelling for them to get out, he doesn’t want anyone seeing him like this and he isn’t in a mental state to keep a good composure, as one can tell by him destroying practically everything in his room…

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned that Nexus has anger issues, or at least that he lets his anger out through drumming.

Anyways I need to head to bed, good night guys.

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