Nexus Teams Up With Rez In Vrchat? - Tumblr Posts

Oh, deer. 🥁 (Sorry, couldn't resist the pun)
So, I guess we know what Lunar and Earth will be dealing with this October. They may not have an October takeover, but it looks like they'll have to deal with Rez and Cetus.
This means trouble! From what I gather, Rez can infect things that have had or been exposed to negative emotions. Kinda reminds me of Agony a bit? I wonder if negative starpower and agony are linked?
But now Rez has resurrected Dazzle's old body, everyone meet Razzle (or Rezzle)
And in ever worse news..... at 3:14
THERE'S MORE OF THEM?!?!?!?!?!?!
I thought it was just Rez and Cetus! Nope! There are more we're doomed!
So, Lunar seems to be having a more physical reaction to Dark Star Energy now. He literally threw up or spat up after sensing Rezzle/Razzle, so this is either gonna be really helpful for Lunar or really bad. He basically has a spider-sense that hurts him.
The has me scared it just felt too calm and peaceful. Obviously, Razzle was watching them, but I also just got a foreboding sense like this might be the last nice moment they have for a while. Kat, Reed, Davis... please my heart...

Huh..... is.... is Turuas starting to grow on me?
Moon is basically at his lowest here. He's screaming out to God, to the universe, to anyone who will listen to please just help him and his family. That is probably very relatable. I think we've all been there at least once in our lives.
Turuas, while he isn't this planet's or everyone's biggest fan, he really helped Moon here, but telling him not to let his failures define him. Very true advice. Your failures don't define you, you do.
Turuas.... thank you. I forgive you for everything you've done to them.... but you hurt or try to kill ANY OF THEM, and we got problems! The fight between Turuas and Nexus is gonna be a sight to behold.
And lastly...

Moon and Puppet may have taken at least nineteen years off Eclipse's life with this game. I loved it. 🤣 The chaotic friendship I didn't know I needed till now.
Lunar, Earth, buckle up. It's gonna be a rocky October!
Seriously, if Nexus teams up with Rez, we got problems. Even more problems.