Neytiri X Baby!reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

like mother like daughter

Like Mother Like Daughter
Like Mother Like Daughter
Like Mother Like Daughter

pairing ; mama!neytiri te tskaha mo’at’ite x baby!daughter!reader

taggings ; 🪽🍄

summary ; neytiri recently gave birth to her first daughter, and she has never been happier.

2.5k words

Like Mother Like Daughter

the omatikayan people did not have the same tools that humans did during pregnancy. the mother would receive monthly check-ups from the tsahìk herself to ensure her and baby were strong. when the day came, the mother would be brought to the tsahìk and her top healers to help guide her through the birth and bring her baby into the world.

the navi get no information on their babies before they are born, so when mo’at had placed you in neytiris arms for the first time with her words,

“the great mother has blessed you with a baby girl.”

your mother cried, as did jake. she had already welcomed a son into this world and the news of being able to raise a daughter brought her such joy.

neytiri held you against her chest letting her tears sink into your bloodied hair. all she could do was stare at you, though you were unable to do the same as your eyes hadn’t opened yet.

she rocked you against her chest, expecting your cries to ring throughout the room. when they didn’t, your mother worried and in turn asked her own mother if you were okay.

“sa’nok she isn’t crying. why isn’t she crying?”

mo’at picked you up from your mothers arms and investigated your small body, checking for anything that could be wrong.

the other healers rushed over to their tsahìk offering their aid, blocking view from your mother.

“what’s wrong with her? is she okay? please tell me she’s okay.” neytiri expressed, her lips quivering.

she tried to push herself off the hammock but fell back down due to her weak body after birth. a younger girl in the tsahìks tent lended her aid to your mother, doing her best to calm her.

after a through inspection of your external and internal health, mo’at smiled and placed you back into your moms arms. she gladly took you back and rocked you again, looking at your scrunched up face.

“nothing is wrong. she is just a happy baby.” your grandmother spoke, brushing neytiris hair out of her face.

your mother lightly laughed as she held you even closer. neteyam was such a loud baby when he was born, this was a shock to her.

you let out baby babbles and reached your tiny arms out towards your mothers face. neytiri put her index finger infront of your small hands, and you grasped on. you were only a few minutes old, but you let out a smile to the contact.

“have you and jake decided on a name?”

“(y/n) te suli neytiri’ite.” neytiri said with a smile.

Like Mother Like Daughter

you were presented to the clan by your father, the olo’keytan. everyone was there, young, old, healer, hunter, even some of the humans.

your father held you high and proud, with your mother by his side. neytiri couldn’t speak due to the overflux of joy she was experiencing. after neteyams presentation, she thought the next wouldn’t be as emotional. that was far from the truth.

“(y/n)!” your father spoke sternly, raising you in the sky.

“(y/n)!” the clan repeated after him.

everyone around felt blessed as they welcomed the tsakarems newest child into the omatikayan clan.

when night fell, it was time for the moment your mother had been waiting for since she first held you. your first connection to eywa was beautiful and full of emotions.

your mother held you this time, jake by her side. she guided your small queue towards eywa’s as you made tsaheylu with the tree of souls. when you and your mother made this bond directly after your birth, you felt neytiris joy and she felt your curiosity. connecting to eywa was different, the feeling was indescribable.

when the bond was made, both of your pupils widen in response. your face was blank a moment, until your broke out into a smile. the only way to describe it was like a hug from the great mother, feeling her warm embrace as she welcomed you into her great creation.

the bond first felt like a feeling, until you blinked and opened your eyes in a meadow within the forest. you saw everything in what seemed to be third person, not truely being there, just observing.

the first thing you saw was a female navi running into the middle of your view. she looked like your mother, though slightly older. she gasped in joy and scooped up what had to be you, as once she did you suddenly were aware of your surroundings and saw the world in first person once more.

“aw, tsu’tey look! she’s so pretty!”

a navi male then entered the scene, coming up behind the female.

“sylwanin, be calm. she is just a baby, you will spook her.”

your mind wasn’t old enough to comprehend what these people were saying, you didn’t understand your language yet.

“ok ok, i’m aunty syl! your sa’nus sister! your such a gorgeous little girl!” the girl who had introduced herself as sylwanin yipped, as she motioned to herself.

she bumped the males shoulder encouraging him to speak up.

“she can’t not even understand m-“ a quick shove to the leg shut him up. “sweet eywa, i am tsu’tey. your..uncle?”

sylwanin, your mothers sister, and tsu’tey, your aunts lover. they rested eternally with eywa now, though you didn’t know it at the time.

“sempul!” your aunt spoke, referencing the much older man now approaching you.

“look at her! isn’t she gorgeous? neytiri makes such cute children.” sylwanin held you up to the elder navi.

“she possesses your beauty as well.” he replied.

“this is your grandpa! eyuktan! he is your mother and i’s sempul.” syl spoke again. “look! everyone is here (y/n)!”

your moms sister held you up and let you see around the forest. there were countless navi surrounding the area, spread throughout the floor and trees. they were all focused on one thing, you. you had been presented to the living memebers of your clan, and now the dead admired you through the great mother.

sylwanin handed you to tsu’tey, speaking to him,

“it is better if you do it.”

tsu’tey held you tight and then to the sky as your father had once done.


the fallen navi spoke loudly,


outside of eywa, at the tree of souls, you were smiling with your eyes closed. once neytiri saw your emotion, she knew you had seen what the great mother intended you to see, and broke the bond.

Like Mother Like Daughter

“sit neteyam.” your father announced.

your mother sat on the floor of your families kelku, holding you gently in her arms. neteyam sat infront of his mother and put his hands out, wanting to hold his little sister.

“now you have to be gentle, understand? (y/n) is a baby. you can not handle her roughly.” neytiri explained.

“i will! i will! i’ll be super careful sa’nu!” your older brother pleaded his case.

neytiri began to pass you onto neteyam, placing you in his 3 fingered hands,

“support her head.”

your brother held you softly with one hand on your hand and another on your back. he stared into your eyes then back to his mother and smiled,

“she looks like you mama!”

he moved his head and faced towards you again and leaned in,

“i’m ne-te-yam. i’m your tsmukan, and i’m gonna be here forever and ever.”

your mother smiled at her two children, there was nothing in life she would ever desire more then the moments like these.

“sa’nuuu when will she talk?”

Like Mother Like Daughter

not everything was all sunshine. nights with you were restless. you hadn’t cried during birth, so your mother expected you to be quiet at night, she was wrong.

“shh, ma (y/n) you are okay. there is nothing to cry about.” your mother rocked you and softly tried to put you back to sleep.

your crying didn’t halt and you sobbed. neytiri had done everything to make you comfortable, you were simply being a baby.

at this point you had woken your father and brother. your crying had upset neteyam, and while he was older than you, he was still just a toddler who cried too. jake held his son and tried to calm him.

“what is the mighty warrior crying about? you’re not a baby like (y/n) why do you cry?”

neteyam shook his head and cried harsher which made you cry even louder. his sister waking him up during the night and not being quiet annoyed him so much, there was nothing else he knew how to do but cry.

neytiri was exhausted. with her daughter and son both crying in the middle of night she didn’t know what to do. she rocked and rocked you but nothing seemed to help. she was trying to hold herself together but you paired with your brother made an extremely loud combination.

“jake, i can not. i can not do this. i cant calm her, i am such a bad mother i cant even console my children.” neytiri ranted to her husband, doubting her skills.

her father sat neteyam down despite his protests and embraced his wife as well as you.

“you are doing great love. (y/n) is a baby, babies cry. she will stop eventually, this is not your fault.”

neteyam clung onto his leg sniffling, wanting to be held again.

“sempu!! make it stop!”

you continued crying and weeping, seeming even louder than before now.

jake sighed, “give her to me neytiri.”

your mother reluctantly handed over her daughter to her mate, and picked up neteyam, having an easier time calming him.

jake shook you from side to side, rather than up and down; a trick he learned on earth.

as your cries softened, neytiri stared with wide eyes, mostly thankful but with a hint of jealousy.

“w-wha- how - how did you do that?” she stammered over her words.

“if up and down doesn’t work, try side to side. all babies are different.”

you quickly fell back asleep and jake placed you in your smaller hammock. neteyam sighed in relief and returned to his sleeping quarters as well. now it was neytiris turn to cry.

“i don’t understand, i am her mother. i should know what is best for my baby. i am just failing her ma jake.” she exclaimed, falling back onto her and your fathers shared hammock.

“woah, woah slow it down baby.” jake approached and sat next to her.

“you are a wonderful mother neytiri. i wouldn’t want anyone else raising my babies. you have bore me two strong children, and you will learn their way as they learn ours. doubting yourself will get us nowhere as parents.”

neytiri looked up at him through watery eyes and squeezed him, letting her tears fade away.

Like Mother Like Daughter

“come to mama (y/n)! use those arms, i know you can do it yawntutsyìp!” neytiri sat shortly away from you, encouraging you to crawl towards her.

your father stood in the kitchen, preparing lunch, as your brother played with his wooden toys; most likely annoying his dad.

you babbled a little and got onto your knees and started crawling, wanting to feel your mother.

“yes ma (y/n) come! you are doing so good!”

you continued with help of your mothers encouragement, wanting to be held even more. you had a big smile on your face as you approached her. once you had made it neytiri swooped you up and hug you as tight as she could without hurting you.

“i am so proud of you my little nantang! you did so good!” she happily spoke

you stared up at your mother and giggled.

“yes that’s right! sa’nu is so proud of you! sa’nu loves you so much!”

your noises started to form something clearer, “saa- sa’nnnu!” you laughed and reached towards your mama.

jake dropped his knife in the kitchen and neteyam had started staring at you.

“you said what? what did you say (y/n)?” your mother spoke in shock and doubt, looking at you intently. “did you say sa’nu? sa’nu?” she asked more questions as jake approached and sat aside you and neytiri.

“sa’nuuu!” you dragged on the word into a weird baby noise and clapped your hands.

“she just- right?” your mother stared at her mate in shock as they both smiled.

your father hugged your mother and smirked while speaking, “sa’nu! your so smart (y/n), so smart! that’s her first word yeah?” he looked towards your mom with the biggest smile.

“yeah! oh- yes (y/n)! sa’nu! your so amazing my little syulang, oh your so great!” she finally spoke, breaking out of her confused silence.

neteyam ran up to the 3 of you at the family celebration, “she can talk to me now right?!”

your mother let out one more sigh of shock and hugged her son and and husband with you still on her chest.

Like Mother Like Daughter

several weeks later, you had been working on crawling and speaking. you could crawl longer distances and knew a few little words. you and your mother had been alone this time, playing with wooden ikrans.

“whoosh! catch it (y/n)!” neytiri was moving the ikran around in the air, making noises to indicate it flying around.

“you can do it ma yawne!”

you pouted and sat on your knees reaching up, it took a while but you stood up as well, which you had learnt a few weeks ago. neytiri taunted you, raising the toy higher.

“sa’nu! sa’nu!” after you were able to speak a word or two, you never stopped.

“no (y/n) you have to come get it!”

“sa’nu! ikrab! sa’nu!” your pronunciation wasnt the best, but ikran was one of your favorite words.

your mother started backing up on her knees to tease you further, “it’s getting away!”

you started to whine at your mom leaving you behind and would’ve broken out into full sobs if the flap to your home didn’t open.

your father walked in with neteyam behind him, holding a fish in his hands.

“look what this fisherman caught!”

neteyam spoke up, “all by myself dad!”

jake repeated what his son had said, “yes all by himself!”

neytiri clapped for her son, allowing his ego to quickly grow as he puffed his chest out.

“sempu! sem!” you used some of the furniture to assist you in turning around and slowly waddled over to where your dad stood.

at this sight, jake got down on his knees as neytiri gasped.

“hi baby! come on (y/n) keep going!” he motioned his hands towards himself.

your mother teared up behind you, and once you made your way to your father he grabbed you up into the air with a tight hug.

“i’ve got two mighty kids! (y/n) the great walker!”

neytiri rised up from her spot and ran over to her daughter, taking you from jakes arms.

“oh my baby! your getting so big!”

neteyam wasn’t having it with the attention being placed onto someone else.

“mama i walk everyday! i’m the mighty walker!”

both of your parents laughed as your dad picked up your brother, then initiating a family hug.

neytiri wouldn’t have her family any other way.

Like Mother Like Daughter

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