No Nasty Yet - Tumblr Posts
Baby Talk - Part III

Pairing: Jikook X Reader (Jimin X Reader X Jungkook)
Genre: Surrogacy!AU, Polyamorous!AU, Romance. (Future Smut)
Warnings: Profanity, depictions of a panic attack, mentions of poor dieting (starving oneself), overexertion/exhaustion, I wanna protecc them all but alas, some cute shit ig (if I forgot anything please let me know!)
Words: 7.7k (sorry it's a shorter chapter - the next one will be litty citty titty i hope lol)
You and Jimin had been spending a lot of time together recently. Jungkook was having to do a lot of overtime at the office as of late, leaving you and Jimin to have dinner by yourselves most of the time.
Jimin had been surprised at your cooking skills, making you laugh.
“You forget, I was a woman living on her own for like five years before I met you and Jungkook,” you reminded as you set down the plate on the table.
“Such a domestic goddess,” Jimin teased, looking at the apron on you with a certain kind of fondness.
“You have no idea,” you smirked.
“Come on, sit down I’ll bring out the rest of it,” Jimin said, urging you to take a seat at the table.
Not wanting to fight him on it you sat down in your usual spot. You had a tendency of setting a place for Jungkook, even if you knew he wouldn’t be here, you wanted to make sure if he did miraculously show up, he had a place to sit too.
Jimin brought out the drinks and poured you a glass of water before getting himself a glass of wine. You watched in envy as the burgundy liquid filled the cup. You sighed and took a sip of your water before starting in on your meal.
“Y/N?” Jimin asked, looking up from his plate to gaze at you.
“Hmm?” You said, raising your eyes to look into his.
Your heart damn near stopped looking into his beautiful orbs. Sparkling in the dim light of the dining room. His cheeks were full of food, but he had spoken up regardless. Clearing your throat you looked back down at your plate in embarrassment.
“I have a trip I need to take for work, a conference in China. I shouldn’t be gone too long, but, I just wanted to ask what you thought... Would you like me to stay home?” He asked.
You were slightly shocked that he was asking you what you thought about the situation at all. You didn’t think your opinion mattered that much. Did it?
“Well, I mean, Jungkook and I should be fine. How long are you planning on being gone?” You asked, taking another bite.
“Maybe five days? Might be a little longer,” he explained, shoving more food in his mouth as well.
“I mean, it’s for work, right? So, I don’t see why you shouldn’t go,” you said.
“You’d be alone with Jungkook doing a lot of overtime, I-I don’t want something to happen,” he said, taking a slow sip of wine.
“Well, I mean, I’m not that far along. I can still take care of stuff around here for a few days. Jungkook and I will be fine,” you encouraged.
“Okay, but, if something happens just call me and I’ll come back home. I promise,” Jimin said, placing his hand on yours across the table.
Your heart jumped into your throat at the contact. His palm was so warm. It sent little tingles over your skin, making you jump lightly at the touch. Jimin moved his hand away, going back to eating. Trying to keep your breathing even, you tried to think of anything but the gorgeous man sitting in front of you.
Jimin finished eating before you, heading to the kitchen to start cleaning up. You wiped your mouth when you were done and took the rest of the dishes to the kitchen to help clean up as well.
You two fell into a silent rhythm, working around each other. Cleaning up and packing the food away so that when Jungkook got home he could eat and go to bed. Jimin finished off the rest of his wine and then washed out the glass before putting it away.
Eventually the two of you made it to the living room, just sitting on the couch and digesting. It was getting late and your eyes were dropping, Jimin just smiled. Giving you a little nudge, you looked at him in confusion.
“If you’re sleepy, go to bed,” Jimin said.
“Wanna... Wanna make sure Jungkook eats when he gets home,” you said, eyes closing again.
Jimin’s heart clenched in his chest painfully. You were so caring, so kind. He knew you’d be the perfect mother, that was if you even wanted to do that. Jimin felt a rush of panic go through him.
Would you even want to stay with them and the kids? A polygamous relationship was hard enough, but with two kids? It would be even harder... Jimin tried to swallow his rising fear, panicking right now wouldn’t do him any good.
“Sweetie, you need to go to bed. I’ll stay up and wait for Jungkook,” Jimin said, trying to coax you to bed.
“Nooo,” you whined, head lulling to the side slightly.
“Come on, Y/N, don’t be difficult,” Jimin tutted sarcastically.
“Not being difficult,” you murmured.
“Yeah, right,” Jimin snorted.
Just then, the front door opened. Jungkook came in, heaving his briefcase onto the entryway table, taking off his shoes. Before Jimin could blink, you were up and heading towards the kitchen to prepare him a plate.
Jungkook walked over to his boyfriend, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Jimin melted into the familiar embrace and soon had his arms wrapped around Jungkook tightly. You walked back from the kitchen with a hot plate of food, to find the two men wrapped up in each other.
You damn near dropped the plate at the sight, you’d seen them kiss before obviously. But this seemed more intimate than those. Like you shouldn’t be looking. But, you couldn’t look away... The way their lips moved together so passionately, it made your heart ache in loneliness. Quickly, trying to keep yourself from getting caught peeping like a creep, you hurried to the dining room.
After you were gone, Jungkook and Jimin pulled away. Jimin brushed Jungkook’s hair out of his face, smiling at him with his perfect teeth.
“Y/N heated you up some dinner we made,” Jimin said, leading his exhausted partner towards the dining room, where you were still getting the silverware out. Although both men noticed a cute little blush on your face.
“What are you still doing up?” Jungkook asked as he sat down, watching as you sat in the chair next to him.
“I have to leave for that trip in a few hours. I already discussed it with you and asked Y/N how she felt about it, so I’ll be keeping my four-thirty flight,” Jimin explained.
“Gotcha,” Jungkook said, turning his attention to you. “But what are you doing up? You need to get some rest.”
“I-uh, know you’ve been working late and coming home late... I was just, wanting to make sure you were eating and everything,” you said, rubbing your neck in embarrassment.
“You’re too sweet, Y/N, honestly. Thank you,” Jungkook smiled, showing his beautiful teeth.
“It’s nothing,” you insisted.
“It means something to me,” Jungkook said softly. You gulped, trying to keep your wild child squealing to a minimum.
“Me too,” Jimin said, coming to place a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder. You looked at the comforting gesture and gave the two men a soft smile.
“How much longer are you going to be doing overtime?” You asked, trying to get you out of the topic of conversation.
“Probably another week or two, we’ve been slammed recently,” Jungkook sighed, rubbing his face.
“That’s unfortunate,” you mumbled.
“I hate it, but it needs to be done,” he said, sighing.
“Yeah, I totally understand,” you agreed.
Jungkook dug into the food you and Jimin had prepared with gusto. You gave him another helping, wanting to ensure that he was full before he went to bed. Jungkook ate well, really savoring the food you and Jimin had made. It really touched you that he was so appreciative of the meal.
Faster than you thought possible, he was finished and you were clearing away the plate. Jimin insisted that he do the remaining dishes, since he’d be up. Jungkook went to the bedroom to change out of his clothes before reemerging in his comfy pajamas.
Assuming that he wanted to spend some time with Jimin before he left, you headed towards the bedroom. When Jungkook’s voice spoke up from behind you.
“Hey, Y/N!” He said, stopping you in your tracks. You turned to face him, surprised at how close he actually was.
“Yeah?” You asked, giving a sleepy grin.
“Thanks for waiting up for me, and for helping Jimin with dinner. I really do appreciate it,” he said, giving you a genuine look.
“Jungkook it’s the least I can do,” you said, reaching forward to squeeze his hands gently. He looked down at your combined hands, and then his eyes snapped back up to your face.
“You’re already doing so much for us, I hope you know how much it means,” Jungkook whispered.
“I wouldn’t want to do it for anyone else,” you said. And immediately, you wished you hadn’t. Jungkook’s face looked shocked as he locked eyes with you. You blushed, unable to keep eye contact with the handsome man.
“Y/N, Jimin and I-”
“Kook! Come on, you need to get to bed! Otherwise you’ll be dead on your feet in the morning!”
Jungkook sighed and gave your hands a gentle squeeze before heading off towards Jimin. You stood there, star struck it seemed. You had no idea what you had been thinking when you’d said that. But you couldn’t find any lies in the statement...
Quickly rushing to your room you shut the door, heart beating wildly at the thoughts running through your head. Trying to silence your swirling head, you laid down in bed. Eventually falling asleep to the rhythmic beating of your heart.
Jimin had been gone for a few days. And you could feel his absence. There was a certain lack of joy in the house. Jungkook was still staying late at work, making you worry about his sleeping schedule. Seeing as how he was getting to bed so late and having to leave so early.
But you prepared meals and cleaned up, making sure he had something good to eat when he came home. You really didn’t want him to go to bed without eating. He claimed to do it some nights when he was really tired, but you couldn’t allow it to happen. The man needed his strength if he was going to keep pushing these long days like a machine.
You were impressed with Jungkook’s stamina. He’d been doing this overtime thing at work for almost a month now. And you were really surprised he hadn’t crashed.
Although, all good things come to an end, and all batteries burn out.
And sometimes they explode.
You were snoozing on the couch late one night when you heard the front door open. Hurrying to the front door to greet him, you were met with Jungkook on the floor. You gasped and ran to his side, worried about him.
“Jungkook? Hey, what’s going on?” You asked. The man was on his knees, slumped against the door.
“I’m...fine...” he mumbled.
“Jungkook! You are the least thing from ‘fine’ I’ve ever seen! Can you stand?” You asked, reaching over to bring his head off of the door.
“Just... tired,” he said, eyes not opening.
“Jungkook,” you whimpered, brushing the hair from his face in a way that felt too intimate, but you couldn’t help yourself.
“I’m okay,” he whispered. His eyes still weren’t open, scaring you. If it came down to it, you wouldn’t be able to pick him up and take him to the hospital. And you really didn’t want to call an ambulance because it would take them forever to get here at this time of night.
“Can you look at me? Jungkook,” you said, touching his cheek gently.
“Mmm,” he said, eyes fluttering like he was trying to open them for you.
“Look at me,” you almost cried, keeping his head in your hands.
Slowly, his eyes peeled open. They were glassy and tired. You can’t imagine how exhausted he must be. He never complains, always going to work with a grin on his face, but you can see it in his posture when he comes home. He really works himself too hard.
“Hi,” he greeted quietly.
“Oh God don’t scare me like that,” you exclaimed, wrapping him up in your arms tightly.
You didn’t know you could panic like that before. Maybe it was all the hormones running through your body, but you were overwhelmed to the point of tears falling down your cheeks.
“Um, Y/N?” Jungkook’s voice was slightly muffled.
“You scared the ever loving piss out of me you jerk! I thought you were gonna die!” You blabbered on, not really thinking about what you were saying. You were too caught up in your own emotions to realize you were practically shoving Jungkook’s face into your chest.
Although, Jungkook really couldn’t find it in himself to complain. Your body was warm, you smelt like jasmine and bergamot, a body wash he had picked out for you. A lot of smells had been putting you off recently and he picked a more subtle one in hopes that you would like it better. He could hear your heartbeat slowing down as you calmed yourself. It was turning into a soothing lull that had his eyes closing again.
“Honestly, why are you staying so late at work! You can’t keep pushing yourself like this! You’re staying home tomorrow, and I’m going to look after you,” you demanded, a soft pout on your lips.
Jungkook brought his head away from your body to protest, when you placed a delicate hand on his cheek. Every bone in Jungkook’s body lit up at your touch, you’d never put your hands on him this much before... He wanted more, he wanted to feel your skin under his palms...
“But I have to go to work,” he said.
“Please, I know you make a salary, one day away isn’t going to hurt you,” you scoffed.
“But they need me-”
“I need you more, all three of us do,” you said, holding your stomach. Jungkook really hadn’t noticed before. But you were starting to show. You’d mainly been looking bloated for the past few weeks, but now he could really see the distinction. “You need to be healthy. I don’t want Jimin to kick my butt when he comes back.”
“H-How far along are you now?” He asked, completely changing the subject.
“Fourteen weeks, why?” You asked, looking down at your stomach.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered, eyes closing again as he fell into your chest. You startled for a moment, before you realized, he was fast asleep. Laughing to yourself you tried to untangle yourself from the gorgeous man... But, it wouldn’t hurt to sit here for a few more minutes, would it?
Jungkook awoke with a start.
Looking around the room he noticed that he was alone. Remembering Jimin was on his trip he yawned, moving to start getting ready for work...
When he looked at the clock.
1:00 pm.
Jungkook almost keeled over. Did he forget to set his alarm last night? To be quite honest, he doesn’t really remember coming home. Or going to bed...
Getting up on shaky feet he wobbled to the living room, to find you, sat on the couch with another book in your hand. You looked completely at ease, smiling softly as you munched on a snack.
“Y/N?” Jungkook called out.
You turned your head and looked at him, giving a sweet grin.
“Well it’s about time, I was wondering when you were going to wake up,” you smirked.
“Why didn’t you wake me up? I need to go to the office,” he said, already moving towards the kitchen when his knees buckled and he collapsed to the floor. You rushed over, getting on your knees as well.
“You don’t need to go anywhere mister. I called the office this morning, you’re taking a long weekend,” you announced.
“How did you even get the number for the office? And what did you tell them?” Jungkook asked.
“I got it from Jimin, I told him what happened last night,” you said, blushing lightly.
Jungkook frowned. What did happen last night?
“Ah, so you don’t remember. Jimin said that might be the case,” you said, smiling.
“What happened?” He asked.
“You came home and collapsed in the front entryway. I thought I’d have to take you to the hospital or something, but Jimin assured me that you just needed some rest. So, that’s what we’re doing.”
Jungkook pouted at the realization that you weren’t going to let him go anywhere. He tried to stand up, but his legs were still so unsteady you wound up having to help him up as much as you could with your smaller frame.
“Sit on the couch, I’ll get you something to eat,” you said, heading off towards the kitchen. Jungkook couldn’t help but notice how maternal you were acting. You really were so incredible to him. He and Jimin had both agreed to wait until they approached you about being with them. But looking at you now, it was hard not to just spill his guts to you. Although, this wasn’t the right time.
You brought him a bowl of noodles, making sure that he had something covering the hot bowl so he didn’t burn his hands. He took the food gingerly, sniffing it before bringing the food to his mouth. You watched him eat, smiling as he scarfed the food down.
He made such an intense face when he was eating, it made you giggle lightly. Jungkook’s face turned to you, big doe eyes looking at you with confusion.
“What’s so funny?” He asked between big mouthfuls of food.
“You look like you’re about to give a dissertation on ramen, so serious,” you said, mirroring the look on his face.
“Food is serious business,” he warned.
You snorted but gave a nod.
Jungkook finished the food and you took the bowl, heading to the kitchen to clean it out. You were wearing a simple dress, just blue and white stripes that hung off your shoulders in little frills. But you looked so beautiful to him, he could hardly believe it. Your little bump visible underneath the fabric.
You came back with a glass of water, handing it over to him. He swallowed it down in big gulps, making your anxiety loosen its grip on your chest. You’d hardly slept last night because you were so worried about him.
It was fruitless trying to stay in bed and it was becoming harder to get comfortable, so you decided to make it an early morning and get some housework done so Jungkook could enjoy the long weekend without worrying about silly things like dishes.
Soon Jungkook was finished with his food and you took the bowl and utensils back to the sink to clean them. He watched you with eyes full of wonder, his body felt oddly rejuvenated. Was all he needed some food and a long rest?
Somehow he doubted that was the cause of his sudden transformation. Seeing you in a cute sundress was doing things to his head that he couldn’t quite register. He wasn’t sure if he was jealous of Jimin or sorry that he was missing this sight before him.
You came back out to the living room to see Jungkook fiddling with his phone.
“What are you doing?” You asked, causing the man to jump at the sound of your voice.
“Just texting Jimin,” he answered, setting his phone down.
“Ah, is he doing alright?” You questioned, resting against the back of the couch.
“He’s alright, a little tired. But he’ll be coming home soon,” he said, a soft smile on his face.
A ding echoed throughout the house, making you look down at his phone. But Jungkook snatched it before you could get a glance at the message displaying on the screen. You raised your brow in confusion, before he was answering in rapid fire.
Jimin 💕: You mean to tell me she’s in a sundress and I don’t get to see it??? HOW IS THIS FAIR? I QUIT.
Kookie 🐰: There’s a lot of aggression going on here.
Jimin 💕: Because you’re a lucky little shit that’s why.
Kookie 🐰: I didn’t force her into a sundress babe.
Jimin 💕: I don’t see you stopping her 👀
Kookie 🐰: As a lawyer I can confirm that’s illegal.
Jimin 💕: Lammeee. Anyways, send me a pic.
Kookie 🐰: ???
Jimin 💕: Y/N. Sundress. Pic. Send now pls.
Kookie 🐰: That’s creepy babes.
Jimin 💕: Not if you take a selfie. Then I can see all four of my babies!
Well, Jungkook did have to admit that was less weird than a voyeuristic picture of you in a sundress.
Worth a shot.
“Y/N? Wanna take a selfie and send it to Jimin? He wants to see you and the babies and is being annoying about it,” he chuckled.
He wasn’t entirely lying.
“Sure! Here I’ll scoot closer,” you said, struggling to shuffle.
“Wait, you might pull something, hold on,” Jungkook said, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you in closer. Your heart stammered at the sensation of Jungkook’s strong arm pulling you in closer. You tried not to let the shock show on your face when he got the phone out and took the picture.
Jungkook’s heart could burst right then and there.
Your hand had naturally rested on your little bump and your smile was radiant like the rest of you. Jungkook could hardly breathe when he squeaked out it was good and fired it off to Jimin in the hopes that it would shut him up for a little while.
Kookie 🐰: 1029.jpg
Jimin 💕: What the fuck.
Kookie 🐰: Now what’s wrong????
Jimin 💕: You get to be alone with her looking like that. I’m jealous duh.
Kookie 🐰: I’m gonna fucking leave you on r.
Jimin 💕: You wouldn’t dare.
Jimin 💕: Babe?
Jimin 💕: I’m sorrryyyyyy please don’t leave me on r you know I hate it.
Jimin 💕: You brat, you suck.
Jimin 💕: And not the good kind of suck either.
You watched as his phone lit up, making you smile at the thought of Jimin. Then, a thought popped into your head.
“Jungkook?” you asked, settling back into the couch.
“Yeah?” he asked, turning towards you.
“Can you ask if Jimin is eating well? If he’s doing okay? I ask him when I message but he keeps telling me not to worry, I just want to make sure that he’s alright,” you mentioned. Before he left, Jimin had started a new diet and you were worried that he wasn’t eating enough to help sustain him. Especially with the stress of being away from home.
“Yeah, I can do that,” Jungkook nodded.
Jungkook fired off a quick message, asking Jimin if he was okay otherwise.
You waited patiently, hoping to hear the truth from Jimin through Jungkook.
Jungkook’s phone pinged and he looked at it and read the message aloud.
“Doing good baby, thanks for asking! So much for leaving me on r huh?”
You chuckled, but felt a sense of worry settle in your stomach. But Jungkook ignored the remainder of the messages that fired off through his phone from his annoyingly sweet boyfriend and decided he’d like to spend time with you instead.
You two fell into easy conversation. About your past with your great aunt, what you remembered of your family, as well as simple things like your favorite color and favorite anime.
Jungkook discovered you really liked anime just like him and he suggested the two of you watch one just to pass the time. He put on the pilot episode of Black Clover and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence. You were wrapped in watching the show and Jungkook was trying hard to keep his eyes forward. But honestly? He’d much rather watch you enjoying the show, the way your eyes scrunched up when you laughed and the way you snorted when Asta did something stupid, which was ninety percent of the time.
“Is Noelle, like, aware she likes Asta or is it just a trope thing?”
“Oh my God, Asta don’t do that! You’re gonna get the whole party killed!”
Jungkook couldn’t contain his laughter at your outbursts.
It was all too precious in his eyes.
You were precious.
And the two lives you were carrying inside of you...
You’d been really exhausted the past couple days.
And Jungkook couldn’t find you more adorable than he did right now.
Jungkook told you that Jimin would be coming home early in the morning and he’d be picking him up from the airport when his flight came in.
The pair of you were in the living room, sitting on the couch. Well, you were practically asleep on the couch, and Jungkook was trying to get you to make a decision.
“Y/N?” He asked.
“Mmm,” you murmured, leaning your heavy head on your hands.
“Did you want to come with me?” He asked, standing up.
“I’ll be alright,” you said, not quite opening your eyes.
“At least go to bed, Y/N. You shouldn’t sleep out here on the couch, it’s not good for your back,” he complained, urging you to stand up.
“I’m fine here-”
“I’m home!” Jimin’s bright voice came through the house.
“What?” Jungkook said, frowning, looking at his phone.
“Where are my babies?” Jimin yelled, walking into the living room.
All the air rushed out of his lungs. There were his two favorite people. Jungkook was all casual, his favorite look on his and you were sitting there practically falling asleep in the couch cushions.
Jungkook walked over and was quick to give him a gentle peck on the lips before he hugged him tightly. Jimin whispered loving words into his boyfriend’s ear, running his hands down the taller man's back before his eyes moved to you. Blearily, you stood up to greet him too. Kissing Jungkook’s cheek, Jimin walked out of his grasp to walk over to you.
“How are you?” He asked, placing his hands on your elbows and squeezing gently.
“Sleepy,” you murmured, eyes not quite open.
“I can see that,” he chuckled. His eyes ghosted down you, checking you over to make sure everything was alright with you when he saw the more prominent belly protruding from your dress.
“You okay?”
No he was not.
He wasn’t expecting to come home and see you looking… Well, like this. All beautiful and maternal. It did things to him seeing you in such a state. Because of him. Those were his and Jungkook’s babies growing in you and that idea made him swell with an odd sense of pride.
“Jimin?” You asked, voice sounding moderately concerned.
Jungkook had walked over and placed a hand on Jimin’s shoulder, rubbing his tensed muscles.
“Baby, you need something?”
“It’s just… You, your-uh,” he coughed. “Your stomach has gotten bigger since I saw you last,” Jimin flushed.
“You want to feel?” You asked.
Jimin and Jungkook’s eyes both shot up in shock.
“Yes,” he breathed.
“Here,” you said, rolling your dress up to reveal the bump jutting out in front of you. You had worn leggings underneath the dress because the apartment was cold. But the way Jimin’s eyes sparkled with amazement made your chest tighten. Jungkook was pouting off to the side, making you want to smile.
“There’s room for two hands on my stomach, Jungkook,” you said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him forward too. Gently, you place both of their hands on your swollen belly. Jimin rubbed your soft skin with his thumb tenderly, wondering if his children could feel him. Jungkook did something similar, looking at your tummy with glittering orbs, like this was the most beautiful moment in life. This moment right here. With all three of you.
Jungkook grabbed Jimin’s other hand with his, interlocking their fingers with a soft grin on his features. Jimin looked at him and placed a gentle kiss on their joined hands.
“You’re incredible Y/N, truly,” Jungkook breathed.
“I’m nothing special,” you said, fiddling with the necklace the boys had given you.
“You’re more than enough,” Jimin said, looking at you with an intensity that had your heart stammering. But before you could refute their kind words, you were yawning. Jungkook tried to hold back his laughter, but you were far too cute for your own good.
“Come on, Y/N, you should go to bed,” Jungkook said.
“Wanna stay here,” you pouted.
“I’m not going anywhere, I have the next week off because of the trip. Time to get reacclimated. I don’t have any patients, so why don’t you go take a nap and when you get up, I’ll take you to lunch,” Jimin offered, giving you a sweet grin.
You seemed to think about it for a minute.
“Okay, I guess,” you said, rubbing your eyes.
“I’m gonna head to work then,” Jungkook said, heading towards the entry way for his keys and such. When your head snapped around and you glared at him. Jungkook froze in place at the look.
“Have you eaten yet?” You asked, raising a brow.
“Um, well. I was going to grab something on the way,” Jungkook said, rubbing his neck.
“Eat. Before you leave,” you said.
“Y-Yes, I will,” he agreed.
Jimin almost burst out into laughter. Jungkook was a stubborn brat most of the time and hardly listened to Jimin early on in their relationship. To see him so utterly whipped for you had him wanting to bend over laughing.
Jungkook quickly grabbed a bowl of granola and ate it while you watched him dutifully, even packing him a snack to eat while he was at work. Even in your sleepy movements, Jimin could see how much you cared.
His own chest felt constricted at the sight of you two together. His favorite babies. Jimin wanted to go over and wrap both of you up in his arms and kiss both you and Jungkook senseless… But now wasn’t the time for him and Jungkook to ask you. They had to do it right, make it special…
Jungkook managed to get away from you, promising he’d drink enough water and he’d take breaks. You scolded him thoroughly when Jimin was gone and it was honestly hilarious that the younger man would comply with your demands so easily.
You yawned again when you turned around and saw Jimin staring at you with a slightly dazed look on his face. You frowned in confusion and walked over, checking him over.
“Did you eat enough when you were gone? Did you sleep-”
“Y/N,” Jimin chuckled. “It’s okay, I’m more aware of my limits than Jungkook.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, bringing him into an awkward hug Jimin was most certainly not expecting. But, he wasn’t going to argue with a good thing. He wrapped his arms around you and almost gasped at the feeling of your little tummy pushing into him. You trailed your hands down his back, causing Jimin to slump forward against your shoulder.
You took his weight, rubbing his back and up to his shoulders. Jimin grumbled appreciatively, relaxing in your hold far too easily. Slowly, you pulled away, looking at him with your eyes blazing.
“W-What?” He asked.
“I can feel your vertebrae! And, your waist is narrower than the last time. Are you really dieting?” You asked, frowning.
“I-I,” Jimin swallowed.
“You don’t need to do that, Jimin. You’re handsome and perfect just the way you are,” you said firmly.
“It’s just a few pounds I want to get rid of,” he huffed, puffing out his cheeks.
“It’s just a few pounds now, but what happens when you lose them and you still don’t like how you look? Do you just keep losing? I’d understand if you wanted to exercise more to gain muscle or if you wanted to make a nutritional diary or something, but this is too much,” you said softly. “I don’t want you to feel like this.”
Jimin was shocked you paid that much attention to him. He’s always felt that you and Jungkook meshed better. But now he knows, his throat closed in emotion.
You’d been watching Jimin for a while. He tended not to eat heavy in the afternoons, saying it made him tired and unproductive. But you know it’s because food is harder to digest and you’re more apt to gain weight if you eat later in the day. And Jimin’s weight fluctuates so easily. You always hear him complaining to Jungkook that his suits are either too big or too small. That something doesn’t suit his stature.
“I want you to love yourself. It doesn’t have to be today, it doesn’t have to be this year even. But I want you to look in the mirror and know, there are people who love you for who you are, not what you look like. There’s so much more to you than your handsome face. A kind, and active listener. A man with a heart of gold. And you have a partner who loves you more than words can describe. And these children,” you said, taking his hands and placing them on your stomach carefully. “They will love you unconditionally. There’s already so much love for you out there. But if you can’t find it in yourself to love who you are, then you’re missing out. Because there’s already a lot to love, Jimin. So much.”
Jimin didn’t realize it, but he was crying. Holding onto you so gently, his children tucked safely away inside of you. But, he felt so vulnerable right now. You’d bared his deepest secret without even knowing it.
Jimin had never felt worthy. Like there was always more he could prove. Even as a professional therapist and counselor, he couldn’t find it to take his own advice. He could coach people all day about their own issues and help them find solutions, but the second he tried to do the work introspectively, walls and old pain rose to the surface.
He’d wanted so desperately to hide it from you. So that you wouldn’t think he was weak, that he’d be a good father to the children you were carrying. He didn’t want you to think he wasn’t going to be good enough for them… For you.
Jungkook knew his pain, and sometimes shared in it. The younger man is always being pressured to be the best in an extremely competitive field. But Jimin grew up with a different dynamic, with parents that are no longer in the picture.
His children would never know their grandparents because Jimin knows that kind of demanding and critical view of your children isn’t a life, but a set of shackles weighing on your heart as you try to please everyone but yourself. It was a painful decision, but they don’t need to be a part of his life anymore. Or his children’s.
You could see the pain etched into Jimin’s features. It was a hard pill to swallow, being told to stop constantly analyzing every little thing you’re doing and to try and be happy when sometimes, deep down, you’re really not.
But if he could just try.
Just a little.
He could make it.
“I never wanted you to know,” he breathed, wiping his eyes. “Gosh I’m such a mess, I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. I don’t know why you’re so over critical, but it’s needless. You are allowed to strive for excellence and good things and to be unhappy with things. But, this kind of self hatred isn’t healthy,” you said.
“How did you know?”
You blushed, not really wanted to admit you’ve been watching him and Jungkook, but he deserved to know. Maybe if you pointed things out he could recognize when he was doing them.
“You don’t eat in the afternoon a lot. And if you do it’s not a lot. You tend to over do it with alcohol. I know you have a higher tolerance but, still. I can hear you when you talk about your clothes to Jungkook. I know when you’re dieting because your cheeks hollow out first. You love to eat out, but when you cook you always give Jungkook and me bigger portions,” you said, biting your lip.
Jimin gave you a weak smile, one that made your chest hurt. “I didn’t know you were watching us too,” he said, rubbing his eyes in frustration.
“It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to not be okay,” you encouraged. “I’m not okay all the time. I struggle, I feel down. But you and Jungkook squash those fears, squash all the doubt and fear. I can’t thank you both enough for everything you’ve done for me. I’m not even talking financially, you two have been such great friends to me.”
Jimin’s heart froze.
“Ah... of course, we’re... we’re grateful to have a friend like you as well. You’re doing so much for us,” he said, eyes dropping.
“I wouldn’t do it for anyone else,” you said, giving Jimin a kind expression. He tried to return it, but you knew you’d said something wrong. He was closing off again. “Are you okay-”
“We should go out to eat,” Jimin said, turning towards his room. “You can take a nap before we go. I’m not really hungry right now.”
With that, Jimin shut the bedroom door and you were standing in the living room alone, wondering what on earth just happened...
Jimin was a good actor.
He’d done it plenty of times with patients and people throughout his life.
But now?
He couldn’t think of anything else.
Is that all you wanted to be?
Surely friends don’t look that deeply at another person? Surely they don’t watch your habits that closely.
Jimin hadn’t changed his clothes and laid on his bed staring at the ceiling. Should he and Jungkook even try to be more with you? Is this what you want? Being a part of a couple is already hard enough, would it work between the three of you?
What would happen if someone wanted to step away? What would happen to the children? What would happen to the remaining two. What if they all wanted to separate? Would you have any rights? Would he?
Jimin couldn’t help the anxious feeling creeping up his throat. He knew the warning signs for himself, but even as a licensed professional, the fear, the doubt and the worry all came crashing down on him at once.
The feeling of drowning.
There’s too much at once.
It’s all overwhelming and everything is suddenly tilted on an axis without even footing. Breathing becoming labored, Jimin stumbled to his feet. He tried to follow the steps, in through your nose out through your mouth. Hold for eight seconds. Try not to panic, try to keep yourself level.
But, it was like everything he’d ever told his patients didn’t apply. It was too hard, staying rational was too hard.
A soft knock came to the door.
“Jimin? Are you ready to go?” you asked, standing on the other side.
“Help me,” he pleaded, gripping his sides so hard he could feel his own ribs. They couldn’t move enough, he wasn’t breathing.
“Jimin? Are you alright? Something wrong?” you asked.
“I-I can’t,” he gasped, collapsing to his knees.
You heard the thud through the wood and your concern grew. You tried knocking again, but there was no response.
“Jimin? Say something, I’m worried,” you said, biting your lip.
Again, no response.
Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore so you placed your hand on the handle and pushed the door open.
You weren’t really sure what you expected to see when you walked in, but Jimin trembling on the floor wasn’t one of them.
“Jimin!” you yelped, getting on your knees next to him. He was shaking like a leaf, hands clutching onto his shirt so tight you wondered how it hadn’t ripped yet. What was going on? Could you touch him? Would that just make it worse?
“Jimin, Jimin look at me,” you pleaded.
“C-Can’t... breathe,” he gasped.
“Let go of yourself, hold onto me instead. Jimin, sweetheart, easy,” you said, softly placing a hand on his. He jolted so hard you feared you’d hurt him.
“I can’t do this,” he hiccuped.
“Do what, Jimin?” you questioned, trying to gently pry his death grip apart.
“Don’t deserve this... You or Jungkook,” he cried.
“Jimin, let go of yourself,” you urged again.
“I’ll fall apart if I let go,” he whimpered.
“Then let me pick up the pieces if you do,” you whispered, patting his hair soothingly.
He finally lifted his head, looking at you with wide and scared eyes. You brought your hand to his cheek, wiping the tears away with a gentle touch. Jimin managed to pull one hand off of himself, watching as it laid limp at his side.
“On me, hold me,” you encouraged.
“Y-Y/N,” he croaked. When he didn’t move, you brought his hand to your hip gently.
“I’m here, I’m right here,” you said, rubbing his knuckles with your thumb.
“Here,” he breathed.
“Even if you fall apart, even if you feel broken, the pieces of you are still good. They still belong together, even if they feel like they don’t fit. Take some of mine, to fill the spaces that hurt,” you begged. “Because you gave me two pieces that fit perfectly right here.”
You took his other hand that had loosened on his shirt and set it on your stomach. Jimin took a sharp breath in. He slowly touched your belly, smoothing his hand over the protruding bump. Jimin could feel himself coming back in. Slowly, but surely.
The pieces weren’t falling apart.
They were falling together.
“You’re alright. You’re safe and you are loved, so much,” you said, bringing him into your embrace. Jimin was stunned for a second, but relaxed in your hold. Your scent overwhelmed him, but not in a scary way. It took away all the pain, the fear and the tightening sensation started to let go.
“I’m here,” he squeaked.
“Yes you are, you’re right here. With me and the babies, we’ve got you,” you said, combing your fingers through his hair to soothe him. His body was still shaking, but it wasn’t like he was going to shatter now. Just startled.
“Babies,” he whispered, letting his head fall in the crook of your neck.
“Yes, we’re here. All yours,” you said, placing your hand on top of his.
Jimin’s heart stuttered at your words.
Were you his? Were you Jungkook’s?
D-Did you feel the way they felt?
“Y/N,” Jimin said, letting a few more tears fall before letting them soak into your shirt and disappear from him.
“It’s okay,” you reassured.
You two sat there for a long while.
Your legs had started to cramp and go numb from the position, but you couldn’t let him go. Not now, not when he needed you. He and Jungkook had held you when you were scared, now it was your turn.
But, your heart was pounding in your chest.
His warm body against yours, clinging to you like a lifeline. You didn’t realize until now. You couldn’t fathom.
But this is where you knew you wanted to be.
Right here with him, and Jungkook. You didn’t want to let him go ever. Or these kids. It felt like you’d been hit with a car. But just the thought of them not having you, or you not having them was almost too much to bear.
You’d died a little on the inside when you said they were your friends.
You were friends with Namjoon and Jin, you wanted to be more with Jimin and Jungkook.
But, could that even work?
Would you last?
How could it work with these kids in the middle?
With... with you in the middle...
Jimin had fallen asleep, resting against your legs as you sat on their bed. You’d managed to get him on his feet after some coaxing.
You called Jungkook shortly after.
“Y/N? Everything alright?” he answered, sounding like he was coming through on his car audio.
“I’m alright, the babies are okay but... Jimin’s struggling,” you said softly, running your fingers through his hair.
“What happened?” Jungkook asked, sounding worried.
“H-He had a panic attack, I think,” you explained.
“Oh fuck, Y/N... Is he okay? Can I talk to him?” Jungkook’s tone turned scared.
“He’s okay, I calmed him down. He’s alright,” you eased, trying to keep your voice level so you didn’t wake Jimin up.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked. You heard the gear shift go in.
“I’m fine, are you home?” you asked.
“Yes, I’ll be up in just a second hang on,” he said, hanging up.
You heard the front door open a while later. Jungkook’s footsteps came up the hall and you lifted your head to see him standing in the doorway.
“Oh my baby,” he whispered, walking over and kneeling next to Jimin.
“He had a tough day,” you said, taking your hands away.
Jungkook took over immediately, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. His frown was severe, looking at his partner with such concern it made you feel out of place.
Your job was done, Jungkook was here and could do the rest.
But, you couldn’t find it in yourself to move.
“Y/N, thank you so much for helping him,” Jungkook said, taking your hand in his.
“I-I’m glad I could help,” you stammered.
“It means a lot, seriously. Thank you,” Jungkook stressed, placing a gentle kiss to your hand. You felt your face flush immediately.
“It’s alright, I’m glad I was here. No one should go through that alone,” you said, frowning.
“You should get some rest. Did you wind up taking a nap when I left for work?” he asked.
“No,” you said, feeling the exhaustion in your body taking over.
“Just lay down, sleep. It’s okay,” he encouraged, rubbing your knee. Jimin fussed on your lap, but you quickly calmed him down again.
“Okay, but-” you yawned. “But just for a second.”
“Mhm. Just a second,” Jungkook smiled. You leaned back against the pillows and the last thing you felt was two pairs of hands clutching your hands.
Taglist: @kittkat44, @giadalin, @kookachuwu, @honeyandcakess, @lolalee24, @mariana-mmtz, @theravengoddess, @tsunami7, @artsxpe, @alanit18, @lilbabymoonie, @jeonartemis, @brokencrownqueen, @ellareads7, @chimchoom
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