No Why Would I? WITH AN EYEBROW RAISE - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

I believe we aren't going to see substantial progress in the fight against child abuse until we start viewing children as people group. More specifically, until we stop viewing children as a parent's property, and start listening to their voices in the same way we'd listen to any oppressed class.

I'm sick of dancing around the issue, especially in front of parents who get offended when other people "try to tell them how to parent their kids". You know what, I don't want to make friends with people who think it's okay to treat other people as your property, for any reason.

Children aren't legally allowed to own property, even though they can legally earn money at fourteen.

Children who can cognitively process algebra are allowed to be denied healthcare if their guardian disapproves.

In many states, children are allowed to be intentionally hit if it leaves no substantial harm on their body.

It is considered morally neutral to hate children.

Children constantly have their experiences, perspectives, and worldviews tokenized because "they'll understand when they're older"

In many states, children are not even allowed to choose what name they are called by.

And don't give me the "their brains haven't fully developed yet! They could make bad decisions!"

Listen. Adult people with intellectual disabilities can own property. They can still get healthcare if their nurses or assistants deny them healthcare. You're not allowed to spank someone with an ID or slap them if they do something you don't approve of. If they earn money or other assets, it is legally their own. And I think anyone who unironically claims to hate disabled people will be flagged as an ableist.

The fight for disabled rights is far from over. That's not the point I'm making. The point is that it isn't about whether someone's brain is fully developed.

They don't care about the kids. They care about controlling the kids. They view children as their physical possessions.

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