Noicee - Tumblr Posts

It's the same old story With the same old clay pot And the same deaf butterfly that refuses to die..

Black and blue, turning and over-turning the things I’d chosen countless times, forever repeating the same actions… Ungainly. Awkward. Indecisive. Weak. Endlessly useless. That is what I am.
A treat
Pairing: Frank x [amab/male] Reader Word count: ~ 2 000 Genre: Smut Summary: You had a long day and Frank's needy. It's logic. Kind of content: Soft / Loving / Riding / Dom-Sub dynamics / Dom! Reader
Requested by anon [Do you think you could do a Frank (Projekt Rev because OH MY GOD-) x Dom-Male!Reader fluff/smut, where the reader is having an overall shit day and Frank wants to make him feel better?]

"Oh, you're here!" A voice says from the doorway and you look over to see Frank standing there. "You fine?"
"Long day." You sigh, looking back at the ceiling. Your eyes had been on it for so long that you could already see shapes on it before Frank showed up. The silence, at the same time it is comforting, also makes you painfully aware of the ringing sound in your ears that results from the whole mess at work.
Frank sighs as he walks over, standing beside the bed. “That sucks. I almost questioned myself whether you’d come home already or not because I could find you nowhere downstairs.” Hearing his voice is comforting; instead of answering, you just make a motion for him to join you and, Frank being Frank, he climbs on your lap to straddle your hips. You hold onto him out of instinct, rubbing his thighs lightly. “Poor (y/n). I’m going to take care of you.”
You raise an eyebrow at Frank and roll your eyes gently, just letting him cup your face and press kisses all over it until the last one is on your lips. The kiss is just soft at first, with his lips pressing to yours lovingly until he grazes his teeth against your bottom lip and then his tongue, but you keep your mouth shut. He tries it a couple of times more, but still gets no different reaction.
“(Y/n),” Frank whines, “come on...” He kisses you again, but you still don’t let him. It’s so funny to hear him groan in frustration again; you can’t help but smile. “You’re teasing.”
“Oh, am I?” You chuckle lazily, watching Frank’s lips purse. “Aw, come on.” With a hand on the side of his neck, you pull him for another kiss, this time letting your tongue run against his bottom lip. He wants to play you just like you did to him earlier, but you don’t let it happen. A gentle push of your hips is enough to make his mouth open in a gasp and allow you to push your tongue past his lips, letting it glide against his.
Despite getting what he wants, the circumstances still have Frank groaning once again despite continuing the kiss, sliding his hands down to your shoulders. You don’t know whether it’s intentional or not, but the way he keeps shifting on your lap... damn. For a few seconds, you allow him to pamper your lips, licking or nibbling on them according to his own desires until your hand pulls him for a firm, full kiss before you pull away.
“You’re a fucking menace,” you mumble against Frank’s lips, letting your thumb run against his jaw gently.
A giggle escapes his lips as Frank shifts a little. “And why’s that?”
You shoot Frank a look before pulling him for yet another kiss because— Damn, it feels so fucking good, even more after such a long day. His touch feels so good against your skin, from the kisses to his hands squeezing your shoulders a little to his weight on top of you.
Frank’s fingers trace your collar, the cold fingertips slipping past it and rising shivers against your warm skin before his hand trails down to slip under your shirt instead. You feel tempted to tease him, say something about how he’s just using the excuse to take care of you to get what he wants, but it’s not even that worth it at this point. It’d just delay something you wish for.
His hands reach up on your torso before you’re slipping your hands under his shirt to grip onto his hips so you can hold Frank in place to roll your hips up against him, which makes him gasp once more, hands stilling on you.
The only thing that gets Frank to interrupt the make out session is the need to get rid of his shirt, quickly giving you a shirt kiss again before he tugs on your shirt until your hands wrap around his.
“You’re rushing a little,” you whisper, and Frank just sits still, trying to catch his breath with his face barely an inch away from yours. “Calm down.” You kiss him again, taking the lead of the kiss and not allowing him to rush things again, which works really well considering how he just melts under your touches.
A soft sigh escapes Frank’s lips with how your lips trail down to his jaw, kissing gently over it until you have to pull away to get rid of your shirt, but you’re soon back to it, also kissing down his neck and nibbling on it gently. The new interaction starts to get him unquiet again, but it doesn’t matter since you’re soon undoing his belt and whispering for him to take off his pants while you also get rid of yours, and he’s already back on your lap by the time all of your clothes are discarded on the bed or somewhere on the floor near it.
A breath escapes your lips with absentminded words while you reach for the bedside table while Frank kisses you again, not caring whether you drop a few things on the way as long as you get what you want, then you can focus on Frank again. He shifts a little to adjust his position on your lap again, his hands pressing heavier on your shoulder and side, and the way he shifts against you makes both of you groan this time.
Your hands are all over, feeling him up and squeezing here and there, precise spots to snatch just the right pleased sighs from him until they turn into moans the moment your hand reaches his cock. He gasps against your lips, but does his best to continue making out with you despite how your hand feels good around him, pumping him up and down slowly with a tight grip. He curses quietly, hand going from your shoulder to the mattress to hold himself up by his elbow because he can’t hold himself up so easily anymore.
There’s a whine from protest when you let go, but Frank falls quiet and attentive at the moment he sees you reach for the lube. Cold liquid coats your fingers and he’s already pushing his hips up a little so you can easily reach between his legs and circle his entrance, spreading on it a the generous amount of lube on your fingers.
One finger pushes in just fine, making Frank’s breath get caught in his throat a couple of times, but a sound escapes his lips at the moment the second finger starts to slip in. He tenses up, biting on his lip, but then relaxes once your fingers stop. You retrieve your fingers to coat them in more lube, and your fingers meet even less resistance this time, almost pulled in by themselves because of how Frank clenches around you, his breath uneven against your face. If he’s already like that around your fingers, then when it’s you...
“Hell,” you whisper when you pull away, which is almost disappointing to him if you weren’t coating your own cock with the lube this time, hissing a little at the cold feeling of the liquid that is eased once you spread it with a few pumps on your cock. Frank himself tries to touch, but you slap his hand away, messily cleaning your hand on the covers before your hand holds onto his hip to guide him over again.
Frank lets out a shaky breath, looking down as you guide yourself in, just pressing the tip to his fluttering entrance before you start to actually lower him with his help, earning a soft moan from him. The new intrusion causes a bit of discomfort, but nothing that can’t be solved with a few seconds to adjust before the soft slap on his thigh makes Frank start moving.
“Don’t you want to take care of me?” You chuckle softly, your breath hitching in your throat when Frank rolls his hips. Fuck. “Go on and do it. All by yourself.”
Frank mumbles something while shooting you a glare, but he never stops moving, keeping on with rolling his hips against yours. He sits back, making both of you moan at the same time with how you sink in deeper, but he just moves his hips clumsily a couple of times while his hands shift on your torso to find where to hold. Your hands hold onto his forearms to pull them up until his hands slip into yours and he hums softly in appreciation before finally trying to find a nice pace.
At first, Frank continues with clumsy movements that barely hold any consistency. The way he looks down a few times makes his hair fall over his face, having part of it covered while he repeatedly lowers himself against you.
“C’mon,” you mumble, suddenly pushing your hips up to meet his halfway—he moans louder at the same time a groan escapes your lips. “You can do better than that.”
That seems enough to bring Frank back to reality, even if just a little, and he starts doing a better job with it. A continuous, rhythmic hum escapes his throat as he bites on his lip, eyebrows furrowed as he focuses on doing his best, not just for you, but also for himself. Soft groans escape your lips as you watch him, giving him the support he needs with your hands so you can just enjoy it. Your leg twitches a little with how good he feels, and it’s almost impossible to keep holding your hips still while he’s riding you like that, so pretty.
Moans fill the room with the wet sound of skin against skin, but it’s all relatively quiet, with a major focus on each other, holding gazes with full blown pupils and breathy groans.
Frank pauses, freeing a hand to run it through his hair and bring his strands back, breathing shakily. “(Y/n),” he whines softly, slipping his hand back in yours.
“What?” You squeeze his hands gently. “Already tired? Disappointing. You’re always so energetic...” A teasing tone laces your words. “C’mon, Frankie. Show me all you’ve got.”
A few seconds go by before Frank starts moving again, gently rocking his hips at first before he settles down for a decent pace that works well for both of you. His thighs quiver once in a while, but you encourage him to keep going, feeling the pleasure already pool in your lower stomach as you watch him do his best while clenching so nice and good around you. Fuck. Your tongue pokes out to wet your lips and you already crave another kiss from him, but it can wait now.
Frank’s best at the moment still doesn’t feel enough, so your hands are taking a hold of his hips to move them at the same time you start thrusting up, immediately turning him into a mess as he tries to hold onto something while you chase your own high.
“F—Fuck...” Frank whines, gripping onto your upper arms and shoulders to at least try to steady himself, easily melting under your touches. “(Y/n), I...” He gasps, his moans gaining a higher pitch as his legs quiver and it is just a matter of time before he is spilling all over his chest and abdomen with a chain of pleased sounds that just get whinier since you don’t stop.
“‘Most there...” You whisper, already on the edge given his tight Frank became when he came, so it’s just a few more thrusts until you do it yourself, gasping and curling your toes as you keep moving your hips until the throbbing on your cock becomes faint and Frank’s almost driven into overstimulation.
Frank mumbles something incoherently, all messy and breathy as you slowly loosen your grasp onto him to rub onto his hips soothingly instead.
“Good?” You bring his head up so he can look at you, with his chin between your fingers.
“Very...” He breathes, taking in a shaky breath in an attempt to regain his air. “Can we cuddle now?”
You hum, shaking your head. “Shower first.”
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