Nope Jean Jacket - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

It has a certain resemblance to some of the angels in Ezekiel's vision (Biblical Prophet).

Me, Like: "Jean Jacket Is So Pretty, I Need To Look Closer-" *proceeds To Perish* (I Had A Lot Of Fun

Me, like: "Jean Jacket is so pretty, I need to look closer-" *proceeds to perish* (I had a lot of fun drawing this! I'm obsessive over this movie.)

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1 year ago


I finally watched Jordan Peele's Nope that was released in 2022 on Prime Video and is the fact that I'm like a year late to watching it gonna stop me from ranting?

Nope! (Har har)

HOL-EE SHIT. Jordan Peele has once again done an outstanding job. I personally find this his most scariest movie yet, and yeah it might be because UFO horror movies that are done right scare the hell out of me (War Of Worlds) because there's always that unspoken thing of how helpless human beings are. You can't fight it you can only run and hide, and Nope shows that PERFECTLY.

The Star Lasso Experience is HORRIFYING. All of those people getting sucked into Jean Jacket's throat and slowly being swallowed and judging by those squishing noises right before the blood rain maybe even chewed is absolutely terrifying. Jean Jacket's sounds? That popping noise? Fucking creepy as hell!

Most of the movie taking place during the day in wide open desert with no cover from the giant extraterrestrial predator flying over your head and trying to suck you up into it's maw? YES.

And Jupe, I feel so fucking bad for his character and how he turned his trauma into entertainment, and fatally exposed himself and others to the same scenario he and his costars were with Gordy. I've read abour the symbolisms with the other shoe dropping and victims' traumas being turned into clout and I love that Jordan Peele addressed these things but did it in a way that people could figure it out without being told directly.

I could go on and on about this movie, it's just, SO, GOOD.


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