Not A Real Tigress Am I? Well Maybe Slink And My Claws Are Just For SHOW THEN!! - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Get Wrecked, Channel Awesome*

YAAAAA, ya heard me!

U a-holes n ur shtposts and ur dmn thoughts on things I never seen/played/heard/read, wut have ya, soured my enjoyment of XPing any of them!

"StIil A bEttEr LoVe SToRy thAn TWilIGHt!" "ThAt dIdNT HaPPeN IN tHe cOmIcS!" "SHOW DON'T-TELL A STORY!"


U honestly think shouting ur mindsets have any impact on how Hollywood will change The Sorry State of Films Today?! You honestly think pushing Charles Martinet to play Mario over Chris Pratt or canceling any live-action Disney remake production cus they suck nostalgia dry with questionable VFX, opulent scenery and pretty costumes all done wrong?! Okay, those rants are called for, but NOT ALL OF THEM!

All the noise of you barking out about why Last Airbender or Shaq-FU or Space Jam doesn't work on every page cuz were morons who should ape your preferences is irksome to my POV; I don’t even know if I like/hate/meh this no more thnks 2u! You are no longer human, you're not even cartoonish versions of your thoughts in costumes. You're filthy little forest critters and housepets: Spineless bitter angry vermin growling in hollow stumps waiting for randos to drop their food to take to your holes, all fat n proud ur not going hungry for the winter; angry badgers venting their frustrations at someone becoming angry themselves lashing out some passerby who mean no trouble; rich-ass housepets pampered in luxury all fat and lazy spoiled by your masters, yowling at strangers for no reason or were in the way, playing victim for mom & dad cuz they didn't get you that elegant pillow for your bed or lost 2M subs on their Instagram or smsht. Well, that won't stop us from kicking all your chushiony asses n serving ya on kebabs and spit to have our own opinions again!

U would not survive a miniute hiding from some strongly vocal pussies–animal wise, mind u!–body and kink shaming you for the squirrelly trash bags you are with BRUTE FORCE! Oh BTW, that's a running gag in my Joan's ParCk stories and a favorite past time of my main Joan Tigan along with her leopard cousins Pyuma and Megara: LITERAL CRITIC BASHING, where they get the most points hack-n-slashing every part of your entitled asses for making them second-guess everything in their lives! High scorer gets bragging rights posted on SoMed!

NOW Let's see how you like taking opinions you dished out on beloved fandoms in Mortal Kombat, Every Toxic-in-my-opinion Internet Critic on YT!

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