Nova Au Mari - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago


Mari - Sunny

Kel - Basil

Hero - Mari

Aubrey - Kel

Basil - Hero

Sunny - Aubrey

Hero's death :

Hero noticed that,recently,Sunny and Mari would never hang out with the friend group,because they were practicing for the recital. Hero grew worried for Sunny,as he sometimes vented to Hero about how he hated playing the violin. During one of Mari's rare visits to Hero and Kel's house, Hero confronted Mari about that,and they started arguing,in a fit of rage,Mari pushed Hero,forgetting that he was on the very edge of the staircase. Kel had just returned from a hang-out with Basil and Aubrey,and saw his brother unconcious,and Mari staring in shock. He ran to try and feel a pulse,but there was none. Mari,completely shocked from what she did,said that they needed to stage Hero's death. Kel was heavily against this idea. Mari screamed at him to help her,and said that both her and him would to to jail if he didn't help her. Kel,obviously not wanting to go to jail,hesitantly agreed. They then proceeded to frame Hero's death as a suicide,more specifically,as if he hanged himself.


-With Hero's death,Kel tried to imitate Hero's personality,however,it became his current personality soon.

-Kel is a year older then Aubrey,Sunny and Basil.(not really a fact,because it's canon)

-The only one that remembered Kel's (14th) birthday was Aubrey.

-Instead of Sunny pushing Kel in the lake,Kel pushed Sunny in the lake,as he finally snapped at Sunny.

-Instead of locking himself in his room,Kel hangs out/spends time with the group.

-Aubrey has a better home life,in this AU,her parents are divorced,and she lives with her dad.

silly facts :3 :

-kel,auby and mari are a trio (they still are best friends with sunny and basil,its just that the three are a bit closer to eachother)

-auby made bunny themed cupcakes for kel's 14th birthday

-basil dyed his hair with auby

-kel is wearing mari's old sweater(the pink one)

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10 months ago

I see people are still trying to vilify and demonize Mari.

I'm sorry if I demonized Mari!!! I tried to make her extremely scared about the posibility of going to jail,so she tried to make Kel help her frame the death of Hero.

One hour after the good ending,Mari sincerely apologizes to Kel for what she did to him back then.

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