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5 months ago

Cabin 9 Headcanons so I can not go to the canteen with my friend

They all hold grudge against Silena since Charlie was extremely close to all of his siblings

Cabin 9 Headcanons So I Can Not Go To The Canteen With My Friend

Not related but I just realized what is the water brand that my friend bought


Most don't really have any power but are very strong, talentous and have a very good heat resistance, to the point they can put their hands on the fire and not get burned

Harley is better than children of Ares on lots of things, despite being nine years old

Nyssa and Jake wake up at 5 am everyday so they can manage to train and do their duties at the forges

Harley wakes up at 9am but only because Nyssa wakes him up, after breakfast he takes a 2 hour nap but is very awake and energetic until sunrise

Chiron had to ban Greek fire from flag capture because they burnt so many trees it was dangerous they could get Thalia burnt

Cabin 5: "any strategy suggestions?"

Cabin 9: "We rush, fight a little, get the flag and win"

It actually works and is how the red team managed to keep the flag for 5 years

Harley has the same fire powers as Leo but just hasn't found out yet

Jake has a minimum fire control hability

None of them is good with people but when they get close enough to someone they're the sweetest little thing

Nyssa makes jewelry for Drew

Harley often gifts Nyssa and Leo explosives and they keep all of them

Charles used to make prosthetics for the disabled demigods but after he died, cabin 7 had to learn how to reattach dismembered members

Most of them are latino bc the voices told me

Harley's family don't like him around so when summer ends he either stays at the camp or goes to Nyssa's home

Harley is one of the youngest demigods at chb but also one of the ones who have fought in more wars than the rest??$!(_!(?2;;83792; Poor kid

Nyssa is very worried for her siblings and even more after Charles died

Leo is close to his siblings but not as much as they are to each other, Nyssa is the only one who he really has a sibling relationship with rather than a colleague relationship or friend relationship

Their (yes, all of them) love languages are gifts and acts of service

Most of them are poliglotes

They're either very strong and buff or look like a stick figure and can't lift a rice sack, there's no in-between

Very close to cabin 5

Is one of the cabins with less members since Hephaestus doesn't usually go to the mortal world

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