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3 years ago

House of Lamentation AU Rules

Warning: (Honestly, I’m not sure what’s going on here but like please just be careful okay?) (To be honest I just dumped whatever here hahaha my brain is spent)

Word count: about 1k?


1. If you love Mammon at all, be kind and do not trace his skin. Do not keep his hands in yours, do not press kisses on his face, do not hold him to your chest. Do not touch him, if you care for him at all. Regale stories and trade secrets to distract him, and perhaps also yourself from the blooming red stain so deeply imprinted into his clothes by now. Above all, do not accept expensive gifts from him. He will try to shower you with riches, as he loves you so. You will see it in the way that his eyes glimmer gold, and in the way that the glow eventually fades into blue. He will grin brightly at you, while pressing small and thin gold into your hands. It’s not much but these are the only parts of him that they haven’t gotten to.

2. Every so often, you might find Leviathan wandering around the House of Lamentation with confident gait and charisma. There are few things you can know for sure in the Devildom, but it is an irrefutable fact that Leviathan keeps to his room. So listen closely then, in case his steps are uneven, listen to the bloodlust his smile is singing. Watch his posture as it minutely straightens in pride, and most damning of all, notice how he lacks a shadow at all. Find Leviathan now or it might take his place, and I promise you, you don’t want that.

3. If you find yourself needing assistance with your assignments, you may turn to Satan for help, but do keep track of the time. You must leave before it hits three. Open a window on your way out, otherwise it will smell of roasted pork, and of sweet, musky perfume, until it does not. Stay away from the walls and keep your headphones on you at all times. In return for Satan’s help, offer to dust his books in the morning and sparingly water the aloe vera plants that line his windowsill. Under no circumstances should you attempt to pull the blanket off the lump on his bed, even if it is charred black and red.

4. There are no mirrors in the House of Lamentation except for the one in Asmodeus’s room. If you one day find it in your room, cover it with a piece of cloth, even if (especially if) Asmodeus will be disappointed by this. He will claim that you are breathtaking and wasting your looks. He will claim that if he had your face he would be flaunting it. You may find yourself flattered by his words but do not be. Remind him that he is the most attractive, the most beautiful, and that he need not concern himself with you. And do not stare at the mirror for too long, or you’ll notice something is amiss.

5. Do not enter the kitchen at night. If you must pass by the kitchen, hold your breath. Otherwise the aroma will draw you close and Beelzebub will call out to you. He will worry you are not eating enough, and offer you a portion from his own. I suppose you may accept him. Its flavor will be delicious beyond compare, its texture is soft unlike any other, you will find yourself craving it more and more until it consumes your mind. But keep your eyes level to Beelzebub’s chest, do not let it wander down, and do not ask what it is you have eaten, you may not like the answer.

6. Belphegor never speaks of these instances, do not ask him to speak. He fears that it will learn of your existence. You will find him asleep, wheezing and curled in on himself. Do not make a single sound. If you must wake him up, do so using your touch alone. Make sure that he has eyes and not hollow sockets of rotting flesh, only then can you hold him close. But know that your own eyes will burn and your body will feel heavy. It will be too easy to slip into his dreams, but you must not. Else you will awaken to sunken cheeks and brittle aching bones, or not at all.

7. The exchange program should last exactly one year, so track the days and have it burnt into your mind. You might come to find that it’s been longer. The clock stops at exactly 11:59 each night, and everyday nothing changes. Do you still trust Lucifer? Well, just stay out of his way, he’ll find a way to end this, or so he believes anyway.


When it is your turn to set the table, remember to arrange nine sets of cutlery and plates. When it is your turn to cook, remember to set aside her share. Pull out the chair for her, she will appreciate it. But do not speak to her during meal times. Don’t worry there will be more time to acquaint yourself with her, sooner or later you will join her.

When the winds seem to whisper, yet the curtains do not move, then you will know that it has come. Play with it, hide and seek is its favourite. Always count to ten and say “ready or not here I come” so that it knows to hide. Or else it will find you.

Always count your steps, if the hallways seem especially long, stop. Do not move. You may wander off to somewhere you can never come back from. Close your eyes and walk back to where you came from. You must not open your eyes, no matter what you hear.

You may see silhouettes from the corners of your eyes, you may even feel their gaze upon you. Do not worry, they are simply curious. Greet them respectfully but do not turn to look. Nothing will happen but you may not be able to look away.

Music will play, light and soothing, drifting in from the music room. There will be an abundance of laughter. If you come across the shadows on the floor, dance along with them, it is only polite.

When all the world stills, watch the picture frames that litter the walls, if they smile at you… Run.


My brain: I’m going to write something Me: The fluffy one we planned right? My brain: … Me: The fluff one… Right?!

And this is the result.

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2 years ago

I have a question. How has Beel been doing? probably horrible, I'd imagine. but.. the food problem. how would he be handling it? would he resort cannabalism? or...?

...good question. I never entirely figured that out. I toyed with a few things, but never found something I really liked.

A while ago, someone brought up the idea of Beel taking a bite out of Belphie, and there being a big bite mark on Belphie reminding Beel of what he did. I do like that idea.

I also toyed with the possibility of the brothers sealing Beelzebub in some kind of artifact or pocket-dimension to keep him from eating them. I have mixed feelings on this one. On one hand, it probably makes the most sense because we all know Beel would be incredibly dangerous otherwise, but something just doesn't feel right.

There's also the possibility of Beel turning his hunger on anyone who threatens the brothers. The brothers would face many threats from all parties during the war, and Beel would have no problem munching down a few of them. He may get his sustenance from their enemies on the battlefield.

Honestly, I'd love to hear other opinions on this.

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