Obi Wan Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Being There

Being There

Warnings: Angst, mentions of death.

A/N: This is my first ever writing on here, so if it's bad, I wouldn't mind getting feedback. Hope you like it, I'll be writing more. I might make a Pt.2!

You were trying to meditate, trying to not think of anything that was going on. But it wasn't like you could just automatically shut out all of the thoughts running through your head. It wasn't like you could ignore the part of you that was longing to be revealed but would never be able to because it wasn't allowed.

"My Padawan, I sense you can't focus," Obi-Wan said, making your eyes open. He was sitting in front of you, meditating, with his eyes completely closed. She looked him up and down, from how perfectly his hair laid on his head, to how attractively his legs were crossed.

"I'm sorry Master, I guess I have a lot on my mind," you whispered, not trusting your voice to go any louder. One major thing that was on your mind, was that one of your close companions died on a recent mission. They were the only person you trusted the most, besides Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka.

They were the only person who knew how you felt for a certain Jedi, and they comforted you when you could no longer deny your feelings. They understood you in ways that were rare for anyone to understand, so it crushed you to learn that they died.

Obi-Wan opened his eyes, sensing the emotions and thoughts his Padawan was feeling. You were unaware, the thoughts keeping you stuck in your head. He sensed their grief, their despair, and their utter disbelief.

He understood though because that was how he felt when his master, Qui-Gon, died. He had heard the news and remembered how close the two of you were, and instantly wanted to seek you out. But when he turned to look for you, you were already out of the temple.

He knew where you were though because you told him how the place made you feel. The gardens were where you went to just relax, but it was also where you first met your friend. And you continued to meet there ever since, and it hurt his heart to see you sitting there, begging in the night sky for your friend to be there.

He had to bring you back inside, made a cup of tea, and sent you to your quarters. He watched as you entered your room, with an emotionless face, and he just couldn't handle seeing you like that. He went to his room and just sat there for a while. Many thoughts went through his head that night, some ones that the two of you would freak out over. But, he pushed it aside and went to bed.

"How about we end this session for today," Obi-Wan said, being gentle with his tone. You immediately looked up at him, your eyes wide. You shook your head frantically, trying to convey that this was the opposite of what you wanted to happen.

"Master, I want to do this. Please," you pleaded, your hands gripping your pants. You were slightly leaned forward, and your body was beginning to seem like it was caving in. But, Obi-Wan knew better.

You were starting to have dark circles under your eyes, and your moves were sluggish. You weren't sleeping, and everything you were feeling was starting to wear you down. You were more closed off, and it was starting to scare your friends.

"Y/n, you need to rest. You haven't been sleeping," Obi-Wan stressed, breaking his position. He took your hand, squeezing it. His face was twisted with concern, and his eyes were pleading for you to realize what you were doing to yourself.

"Please, don't make me stop," you muttered, your voice starting to break. Your eyes were starting to well up with tears, and you were trying to fight the sting of them. You tried to pull your hands from him, getting frantic when he wouldn't let go. Your breath was picking up in pace, and your other hand was moving to pull away from him.

He wouldn't let you, and he began to pull you into him. Being that he was a stronger man than you, while you were also very strong physically, it took him a second to pull you in. Your hands were pushing against his chest, trying to not give in to the comfort he was openly giving.

"Let go. It's okay, dear. Let go," he whispered, his lips pressing into your hair. One hand was running through your hair, while the other rubbed your back.

The tears were unstoppable, and sobs flowed like a river from your lips. You buried your face in his chest, gripping his robes. Every suppressed emotion you had come barreling to the surface, and you just had to let it out.

And the whole time, Obi-Wan was there. He would be there, forever and always.

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2 years ago

Stretch Marks

CW: Pregnancy (post-partum), body image, foreplay and implied smut.

A/N: This is my first ever Tumblr post. Please be gentle.

Summary: Ben worships your stretch marks (contemporary AU Obi-wan)


You sat on the edge of the bed in a tank top and underwear, staring at your closet in exasperation. Ben could feel your angst through the Force, so he came upstairs to check on you. "Why so glum, chum?" he asked in an annoyingly chipper voice.

After a quick glare, you responded with a pout. "None of my cute clothes fit anymore." You and Ben were invited out to a Halloween party downtown. You hadn't been "out" in the night scene in more than a year, and lots had changed since then. You were three months post-partum and your body was still adjusting to its new norm. Your mother happily volunteered to watch the twins to allow you and Ben some time away, so you didn't really have a good excuse to bow out. Shopping for clothes had been the furthest thing from your mind, so you rummaged through the closet while the babies napped.

"What about that black number with ruffled sleeves," he asked. It was one of his favorites.

"It's tight across my chest now," you huffed while he eyes flashed and a slight smirk appeared on his face for a fraction of a second. He held himself back from coming closer to cup your breasts in his hand, sensing that you probably weren't in any mood to be physical.

"Ah, yes, well - what about that sparkly, uh...oh, what do you call it? It's stretchy," as he gestured across his chest.

Trying not to laugh at his attempts to be helpful, you responded with a slight chortle, "the bandeau top? Maybe in a previous life, but not now." Probably not ever again. Your eyes dropped to the floor.

He stepped closer to where you were seated on the bed and gently pulled your chin up with his index finger. "What's going on behind those beautiful [y/c] eyes of yours?"

"I...I...don't want anyone looking at my stomach," you said. You got up to face the full length mirror, crossing your arms across your body as if giving yourself a hug. It was never going to look the same again. Thanks to your short stature and waist, your babies had nowhere to grow but out, stretching the skin over your abdomen and hips to near breaking point. You were now branded with reddish-pink scars running down the length of your bulging tummy and wider hips. So much for wearing those unforgiving pre-pregnancy jeans for a while.

Ben came up behind you and set his chin on your shoulder. He placed his hands on your hips, burying his lips into the crook of your neck and slowly inching his fingers under your shirt. "Even me? I'm not just anyone."

"Maybe you, if the lights are dimmed." Your hands stopped his from snaking under your clothes. You and he hadn't been intimate since the babies were born. Life as new parents (x2) had been exhausting, and you really hadn't felt up to it anyway.

Ben spun you around and leaned against the wall, one hand on each side of your head. His nose nuzzled yours for a second, then he stared into your eyes. Gah, those blue orbs were mesmerizing. "But I want to see you."

"Have you really taken a look at me since Ahna and Ashla were born?" You weren't sure how Ben could possibly look at you the same after seeing you in the delivery room spread eagle on the table, legs in stirrups, screaming like a banshee as each of the twins crowned. He had seen a lot in his lifetime, but you saw him grow pale after he snuck a peek, quickly regretting and resuming his focus on your white knuckles threatening to crush his hand. Nevermind all of the leaking afterward...eyes that constantly teared up from the hormonal rollercoaster ride, nipples that oozed with just a whimper from any baby, not just yours, and the war zone between your legs. And then mother nature threw in a period not too long after. You felt gross, and you're not sure how he could possibly think otherwise.

"You don't realize how utterly amazing you are," he sighed, taking your previous spot on the edge of the bed, motioning for you to come sit in his lap. You oblige and sit sideways, your legs perpendicular to his.

He wrapped one arm behind your back and rested the other in your lap, gently stroking your hands that nearly broke his three months prior. "You were breathtakingly beautiful before falling pregnant, but I now have so much more respect for what your body can do. You don't give it enough credit. This body was a vessel for the Force to materialize into not just one, but two new lives. I watched as your body adapted to make a home for our daughters - the very manifestations of our love for each other. It was miraculous. I was left in awe at your body's strength as you delivered them earthside. And this same body continues to nourish them. You were always my angel, Y/N, but you're a glorious goddess in my eyes. A goddess who should be revered."

Ben stood you up, facing him. Once again, his hands started snaking up your shirt. You didn't stop him, so he continued until he pulled it off over your head. His face was at eye level with your tummy. You held your breath, resisting the urge to bring your arms over your abs to hide. Gently, he placed light kisses to the side of your belly button. His fingers traced the length of your stretch marks. Your breath hitched as you felt a familiar warmth spreading through the pit of your stomach and legs.

"Different isn't bad, Y/N. For example, these hips are much more fun to grab and will be great for guiding my thrusts," he playfully growled. Suddenly, Ben flipped you over, wearing a huge mischievous grin on his face. Your back was on the bed and your knees at his hips. He stood over you, looking you up and down. "My goddess." He leaned down to kiss at the bottom of your sternum. You couldn't help but moan lightly. His hands slipped under your back to unhook your bra. After fumbling a bit -- he was never great with bras -- he tossed it to the side. "And these," interrupted by a sultry lick to your right breast, "are a sculpted work of art."

He buried his face between your engorged breasts as you arch your back in response. You noticed how much more space they took up in his large hands. And then you realized...

"Karabast," you muttered.

"What is it, angel?" he asked with a puzzled tone. Then, as if on cue, you heard Ashla begin to fuss over the baby monitor. "Oh...." he said. His head hung down with disappointment, his forehead resting on your collarbone.

"Whelp, duty calls." You rolled to the side to stand up, leaving Ben laying on the bed. You walked into the next room and got the twins settled on the nursing pillow. They stared up at you, and you hoped they'd keep their father's blue eyes.

Ben soon appeared in the nursery doorway, arms crossed, head and shoulder leaning gently against the frame. The fiery playful lust in his eyes had morphed into a loving gleam as he took in the sight of his three loves. You saw an idea dawn on him, and then he stepped away.

You heard shuffling in your bedroom. Within a few minutes, Ben appeared in the nursery with a nursing tank top and black leggings. You raised an eyebrow in confusion mixed with curiosity. He stopped at the doorway and appeared to be distracted by a thought. He held up one finger (silently indicating "hold on") and went back to the bedroom. He returned with one of his green plaid flannel shirts and your black riding boots.

"Here, I think this will look cute on you. Maybe you could tie up the front of my shirt like that one time you paraded around the band hall in college, acting like a farm girl trying to get that trumpet player's attention," his mischievous grin returned.

"Ben Kenobi!" you exclaimed, feigning irritation while grinning, and then shushed yourself after Ahna startled. "I distinctly remember trying to get YOUR attention."

"Well, it worked. It was a good look on you. And now you're stuck with me," he smiled softly and rested his eyes on yours.

"Indeed I am. I can think of worse positions to be in." Ben turned around to go get himself dressed when you said, "Hey, speaking of positions, maybe we can excuse ourselves from the party a little early and finish that conversation we started before we pick up the girls from Mom."

"How can a mere mortal say no to his goddess?" His eyes sparkled with possibility.

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5 months ago

okay but the worst thing about obi-wan having ewan's singing voice is... how would he know? The jedi don't seem likely to engage in frivolous things like lullabies or singing - maybe the republic itself doesn't do music! I mean, their idea of opera is giant space bubbles! So obes has never sung before in his life until he's off to tattoonie with fussy baby luke and a woman on a ship starts singing a lullaby to quiet him and obes picks it up and BAM ewan voice, while the lady sits back like daamn

OH MY GOD OK, I have a LOT of feelings about Obi-Wan and Baby Luke on that initial trip to Tatooine. Like…how long did it take? Did they have to take the equivalent of Space Bus transportation so as not to arouse suspicion? How the hell did Obi-Wan hold it together?

This combined with the above is killing me. Poor Broken Obi-Wan and teeny newborn Luke. They are all the other has right now, and Obi-Wan knows next to nothing about newborns (even if he has met tiny kids at the Temple before, they’re not day-old babies which are a WHOLE different world.) 

And Luke is SUPER hungry and he hasn’t been sleeping and he’s really, really, fussy. And Obi-Wan is exhausted and traumatized, and worried all this crying is going to attract attention. And then Obi-Wan notices some mother on the Space Bus sing-songily calming her baby and he’s like…well, maybe I can try that. I’ve heard people singing before on various planets. He knows some traditional Mandalorian songs, maybe. 

And so he tries it. And he sounds like Obi-Wan McGregor. And Baby Luke is like 😲 followed by 😴. 

Luke always likes hearing people sing after that. He’s not entirely sure why, but it’s always been soothing. 

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4 years ago



Summary: A Jedi and a Mandalorian. Impossible right? Not for Satine and Obi - Wan. Hell, he even said he would leave the Jedi Order for her. But you wished it was you...

A/N - I have only watched a few episodes of Clone Wars so I am not overall familar with Satine and Obi - Wan’s romance. I just thought it would be a spicy fanfiction hehe. This story is also not based on any specific Clone Wars episode, but rather an imaginary situation.


You watch Obi-Wan and Duchess Satine walk ahead of you, escorting her onto a ship that would take her to clan negotiations. With each flirtatious laugh passed between them, your grip on your blaster becomes tighter and tighter. The only thing running through your mind was that she was the wrong Mandalorian, you wanted it to be you. 

Obi-Wan was in the deepest parts of your memory. Ever since Satine needed protecting from the Death Watch, the Jedi hadn’t left your life nor your thoughts. Many nights protecting the Duchess were spent over drinks and long talks of battles you both had faced...

“So you’re telling me that Anakin really jumped out of speeder to chase after a changeling?” you say in between bursts of laughter. 

“Yes!” Obi - Wan says, exasperation evident in his voice. “He was lucky he wasn’t killed in his attempt.”

“Stars! You must have had the time of your life training that whirlwind,” 

As your laughs settle, you bring the small glass to your lips, sipping the burning liquid the Jedi had brought to your room to share. Obi - Wan shakes his head from his seat in front of you, the amber liquid softly shaking with the movement. You let the intoxicating substance slip down your throat, a soft smirk etching it’s way across your face.

“Got any other stories in you tonight, General?” you say to tease.

“Not any that come to mind, but tonight is definitely going into my list.” he replies, taking a soft sip from his thin glass. 

“I feel honored, but why?” 

“It’s not many times I can say I have laughed this hard with someone. Also, it was awfully comedic when you were cleaning your blaster while trying to eye me from the side,” he gestures to the blast on your wall.

“And who says I was checking you out? Maybe there was something on your cheek.”

“Possibly, but there was most likely nothing on my lips,”

He had you caught. Damn his wit. You shake it off quickly, reminding yourself of the situation as to why he was here. To protect your best friend once again, the very woman he was beginning to draw close too.

“I’ll take it as a compliment that tonight was memorable, Obi,” you say, finishing your drink.

“Have you seen how Anakin looks at Senator Amidala?” you quickly add, changing subjects from the topic that left your heart full of pain. 

He was one of the few that ever saw your face beneath the helmet, besides the Duchess of course. In the end, the connection you were sure was true was nothing but an imaginary one. A plea to be more then friends that had been harshly ignored. 

Standing at the doors to the ship, you scan the clones as they enter, ensuring that all of them were authorized to travel with the Duchess. However, your focus is broken by a Scottish accent. 

“You seem tense today, (Y/N). Are you sure everything is alright?” he asks.

“Just that ex Padawan of yours getting on my nerves once again,” 

“Hey!” you heard Anakin exclaim from inside the ship, causing you to chuckle beneath your helmet. 

“Now there’s that chuckle I missed,” 

“Yeah, sure, Kenobi,” you mumble quiet enough that your modulator couldn’t echo it into the real world. 

“What did you say?” 

“Nothing, General Kenobi, just get in the ship. It’s time to take off,”

His face quickly contorted into one of confusion at not only your shortness with him but the backwards step in name. You had always called him Obi - Wan, Obi more specifically when you were alone. It was obvious to him something more pressing was on your mind, but he couldn’t figure out why. All of his worries were put on the back burner as he boarded the ship, enjoying Satine’s company once again.

You step into the ship after he has put space between the two of you, letting a soft sigh release from your lips. The door slams shut under your force, leaning your helmet clad head against it as you dread the day to come.

“You know,” you hear Anakin say, “my master can be quite blind.” 

“What are you talking about, Anakin?” you turn to the black robed Jedi. 

“He’s blind to your love towards him. Anyone can see it, I certainly can,” 

“And I see your love for Senator Amidala,”

With that, his cheeks glow pink, making you chuckle softly and gently pat his shoulder. 

“You got your love, Mandalorian’s like me don’t get that,” 

Picking up your blaster again, you give Anakin a curt nod before walking to the door that lead to Duchess Satine’s room. You guard it’s doorway, listening to their sickening laughs as you travel through hyperspace. 


The night you had arrived on the planet had been eventful...

At the meeting with the senators, there of course was an attack on the Duchess’ life. Multiple deadly drones had sneaked into the room, ready to inject the deadly poison directly into Satine herself. You could tell that from the ever so stoic Obi - Wan standing beside you that he sensed a disturbance in the Force. But you had caught the deadly machines first. 

With your usual accuracy, you killed multiple of the droids that had already surrounded the Duchess. Soon after, Obi - Wan took care of the rest, ensuring that none of the intended poison was delivered. Once you turned around after radioing the clones to meet you at the meeting room, you saw Satine safe in Obi - Wan’s arms. 

You were grateful for the mask, but never as much as you were now. It felt like your heart had shattered like glass, its sharp corners ripping the walls of your chest as they fell. Tears formed in your eyes, you had never seem them this close before. It was the conformation you needed that you had absolutely no chance. 

After bidding a farewell to the senators, you and Obi - Wan followed her to her room to ensure her safety. You remained an outsider to their conversation as you walked her down the hall. The tears threatening to fall would leave a block in your voice, an obvious tell that you couldn’t afford. With a large swallow, you let out a deep breath and entered the Duchess’ room and scanned it for any possible danger. 

“Are you sure you’ll be alright alone tonight?” you heard Obi - Wan question. 

“Yes, I promise Obi - Wan, I’ll be quite safe. I trust (Y/N), she’s been protecting me for years. I trust her with my life.”

There was the other kicker. You and Satine had always been close. Behind closed doors, the two of you used to be inseparable. Your united belief in leaving the barbaric Mandalorian ways behind and your youth was the cord that tied you together. Only for it to be severed by your feelings for the Jedi. Over everything, you wanted your best friend to be happy. That obviously meant with Obi - Wan and because of your strong feelings, you kept your distance. 

“Everything seems safe in her, Satine,” you say. 

“Goodnight, Obi - Wan,” she says with a soft smile. 

With a soft smile and a bow, the Jedi left and you knew you were screwed.

“So are we going to talk about your avoidance of me?” Satine questions.

“I’ve just been busy,” you try to lie. 

“You’ve been busy protecting the person you’re actively avoiding,”

You sigh, taking off your helmet and laying it on her bed before looking towards your friend.

“With everything going on, from the Death Watch to rebuilding Mandalore, I’ve just been overwhelmed,” you try to lie again. 

“I would believe that,” she comments, walking to her small bag and pulling out some casual clothes that contrasted to your engraved armor. “If I knew that Obi - Wan wasn’t nearby.”

You knew you couldn’t lie to her. There was no way, Satine knew you like the back of her hand. With a deep sigh, you look away dejectedly, the weight of your love making your armor seem heavier then before. 

“Sit,” she whispers softly, gracefully sitting on the bed in front of you.

Of course, you listen to your sister in arms, sitting beside her as you cautiously lay your helmet to the side. Gently, you pull your hair to your side, the long braid that was once tightly knit into a bun coming undone, the frizz apparent from the helmet’s friction. Satine’s careful fingers remove your armor with grace and respect as your tradition says too. As she does your work, you unbraid your hair, your thoughts filled with the bearded Jedi. 

“I’m happy you’re happy, Satine.” you blurt out, feeling a part of the weight you had been carrying around suddenly lift.

Once your armor was removed, you strip from your under garments that hold it in place, left in nothing but your underwear. Satine had seen you like this many times before, it was never awkward. 

“As glad I am hearing you say that, why do you say this?” she replies softly.

“You and Obi - Wan,” you choke on the tears of heartbreak, quickly swallowing them down. “He ma-”

Before you could finish, the door to her room flies open to reveal a very flustered looking Obi - Wan. He runs a hand through his long hair, softly shaking his head that wasn’t pointed towards you quite yet.

“Satine, you’re driving me cra-” Obi - Wan’s gaze turns upwards and he quickly panics. 

You were in the same boat, using the clothes in your hands to quickly cover up as soon as he had entered. 

“I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t know you and the Duchess were busy,” he says, quickly trying to back out. 

By the time the stuttering man had spit out his sentence, you were already dressed and your armor plus helmet in hand. 

“Don’t worry, General. I wasn’t sleeping with your girlfriend.” you quickly say out of embarrassment, a bitter taste in your mouth to what his previous sentence would have finished at.

As fast as you can, you quickly exit from Satine’s room and make your way quickly down the hall before letting tears fill your eyes. 

“(Y/N)!” you heard him yell, but you didn’t answer.

Quickly, you open the door to your small sleeping quarters, locking the door fast. With a shaky breath, you lay out your armor like you did every night, your helmet in the middle of it all. That’s when you gave in. 

When you gave in to the deep wounds, scratched and embedded pieces of your hear bursting after it’s shatter. The pieces pierce you over and over as your quiet sobs rack your chest from embarrassment and hurt. 

He was there to make love to your best friend, the one thing you saw coming. From what you had heard earlier on the ship, in between the loud bursts of the engine below you. Satine had convinced him to leave the Order for her. It was official. 

The heartbreak set in. Your heart was left shattered. 

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4 years ago

Shattered - Part 2


Summary: A Jedi and a Mandalorian. Impossible right? Not for Satine and Obi - Wan. Hell, he even said he would leave the Jedi Order for her. But you wished it was you... 

A/N - I have only watched a few episodes of Clone Wars so I am not overall familar with Satine and Obi - Wan’s romance. I just thought it would be a spicy fanfiction hehe. This story is also not based on any specific Clone Wars episode, but rather an imaginary situation.

Shattered - Part 2

There is a reason the quote “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” is around. Despite the deep cuts left in your chest due to your shattered heart, you used the pain as fuel, a purpose. To become hardened, to never let another man into your heart like that again. You were a Mandalorian and much to Satine’s dislike, you were a warrior at heart, meant to protect others and your people. 

You repeated these words to yourself over and over during your stay on the planet. Keeping your conversations short with the Jedi while you trained by yourself. Only talking to Satine if she promised to not bring up the heartbreak. 

With every other attack that came against the Duchess, you became more accurate, more deadly. You were liking the person you were turning into, a true Mandalorian. A warrior in your armor that people feared. It felt good to no longer be the weak girl the General had left you as. 

Until today. 

You watched the ships being loaded up closely, ensuring that none of those droids could stowaway. Every time you saw one crawl into the luggage, your blaster was up by your eyes and the droid would be dead on the ground. 

This time, Obi Wan was shoving something into one of the luggage carts as you watched one crawl it’s way onto the bag. Without a second thought, you quickly shoot it off, not minding the shot’s close proximity to the Jedi’s head. 

Apparently, that was Obi Wan’s last straw, storming over to you. You let a soft sigh release, one soft enough your modulator couldn’t translate. Still gentle as ever, he grabs your arm and takes you inside, to a secluded corner away from prying arms of workers.

“What the bloody hell has gotten into you, (Y/N)?” he exclaims into a whisper.

“I’ve been doing my job,” you reply in a flat tone.

“No, you haven’t. You’ve been avoiding me, shutting out Satine, taking more risks. All you ever do is go from training by yourself to sitting in your room doing Gods knows what. It’s not healthy!” 

“It doesn’t matter...”

“Yes, it do-”

All you hear is Satine’s scream, sending your entire body into flight or fight. Pushing past Obi - Wan, you run out to the tarmac to see the place littered with dead clones and Satine in the hands of a pirate.

Quickly, you lift your gun to take out the threat, but an invisible Force pushes the tip to the ground. You look at Obi - Wan, your eyes wide underneath your mask as his hand stays subtly lifted. 

“Put the Duchess down, or you will regret it,” 

“And how would I regret it? The Duchess is worth more then the two of you combined!” the pirate laughs. 

That’s when the Force on your blaster was released. With a smirk beneath your mask, you quickly shoot the leader, sending his lackies into a blood induced rage. 

Out of the corner of your eye, Obi - Wan wordlessly takes his place behind your back, hearing the loud buzz of a lightsaber being enacted. All of them were coming at you both too fast for you to shoot. So as the first one came, you used your blaster to smack them straight across the face. 

Given the small space in time, you grab your staff from your pocket, clicking a button to expand it. Then, as each pirate came running towards you, you could easily smack them out of the way. Reaching into the slot on your armor, your pulled the blade seated there and stabbed each of them in the thigh as they landed. The bastards weren’t going to get away with this. 

Once all of the pirates were either dead or groaning on the ground, Satine runs towards you. Quickly looking away, you return your weapons to their proper place as you think she is running towards Obi - Wan. But she runs straight into your arms and without hesitation you hold your oldest friend close to you. 

“You shouldn’t have fell for the trick,” she whispers. 

“(Y/N), no!” you hear the real Satine from behind you. 

Just as the changeling uses her hidden blade to try and slit your throat, she freezes with the blade pressed slightly into your skin. The changeling fell to the ground, a lightsaber shaped hole in her chest. 

Obi - Wan looks at you with wide eyes as you breathe heavily. Without him, you most likely would have met your doom. The pure adrenaline coursing through your veins helps you to ignore the steady stream of blood pouring all over your armor from the wound on your neck. You bend and quickly grab your blaster, your eyes scanning what was left of the luggage carts for any more threats.

“Anakin, get the Duchess on board and get us out of here. I’ll take care of (Y/N),” 

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Anakin quickly escort your friend on board and the ship roaring to life. As your body realizes she’s safe, your knees give out under the pressure of your sight spinning. Before you fully collapse to the ground, a pair of strong arms keeps you up, throwing an arm around his shoulders and helping you onto the ship. 

Once in a secluded room, Obi - Wan quickly closes the door, your heart picking up at his presence. He quickly collects what he needs from nearby storage carts, obviously waiting for you to take your helmet off.

“Thank you for your help, but I can take care of myself,” you hoarsely say, the pain from your neck intensifying. 

“She’s safe with Anakin, you need me more,”

You sigh hard once he collects everything and sets it beside where you now sit. As he goes to take your helmet off, you quickly snatch his wrists to stop him. 

“(Y/N)...what did I do to break your trust?” Obi - Wan whispers, picking up on the subtle que. 

“You didn’t...” 

Slowly, you release his wrists, your helmet clad head pointing towards the ground as you felt the weakness you always felt around him set in. Tears spring into your eyes from the pain in your neck and the one in your chest.

“What did I do to lose you?” 

“I made you, so you would be happy,” you softly say, the pain escalating at an alarming rate. 

“But my dear, I have been quite the opposite,” 

“What are you talking about? You’re with Satine, I see how you look at her.”

“How I look at her pales in comparison to how I look at you,” 

You stay silent, trying to process his words and suppress the butterflies to threaten to tear your gut in two. The vulnerability sets in, making you tense up, making the pain even worse all over. You can’t help but a small, audible sob echo from you as it all becomes to overwhelming.

“My love,” you hear him whisper. “I’ve never been interested in Satine.” 

Slowly, you feel his hands rest against either side of your helmet. This time, you don’t stop him. You opt to keep your head tilted to the ground, the stickiness from the blood against your neck adding to the overwhelming feelings that blur your mind. You feel the metal slip away from your hair, a fresh wave of cool air hitting your face and neck as Obi - Wan slowly removes your chest plate next. He lays them like Satine does, in a certain order, always showing respect. 

“(Y/N), it’s you.”

You feel two fingers slip between your chin, lifting your face to meet his as your tears begin to slow. 

“It’s always been you,” 

He leans in without pause, you meeting him halfway through until your lips collide. 

All of the emotions pent up, the same things that had overwhelmed you moments before, were gone. Your mind was clear for the first time in months, the only thing running through your thoughts was him. The way your lips danced together, like they were somehow training together in your minds, it sent goosebumps up your spine and down your arms. 

There was something in the way his hands slipped from your face to your hips, like if he let go you would disappear again. Your seated position changes as you stand together, his frame pressed so tightly against you despite your remaining armor you could feel every muscle. As if it was engrained, your arms slip up his chest, around his neck, into his hair. Gently, you pull at the roots, not to force the kiss away, but as a silent message of longing. How much you had waited for this moment. 

Eventually, you come up for air, both of you sharing a soft pant at the tension broken between the two of you. A smile unlike any other graces your face, happiness replacing the adrenaline that was once in your veins. 

“I love you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” he whispers, his swollen lips pressing against yours softly with his words. 

“And I love you, Obi - Wan Kenobi,” you whisper in return. 

After some time, he sat you down again, cleaning and stiching up the wound on your neck. Not without a chaste kiss here and there however. As he threads the needle through the last point it was needed, a thought comes to mind.

“What about the Order?” 

A soft silence settles between you as the Jedi ponders your words. But only for a moment. 

“When Satine first caught onto my feelings, I told her I would leave the Jedi Order if you told me too,” 

As he threads and ties off the last stitch, your eyes connect again as you ponder his words now too. 

“I couldn’t possibly ask that of you,”

“But then we can’t be together, (Y/N),” 

You ponder once more. 

“What they don’t know can’t kill them,” you mumble softly, running a hand through his tangled locks that still somehow remained soft. 

“You want to keep it a secret?” 

“Until you’re ready to leave, not for me, but for yourself.”

“How did I get so lucky to have a gorgeous and smart woman?” he says with a cheeky smirk.

“Shut up and kiss me already, Obi,” 

Once again, he doesn’t hesitate, your lips joining in a hungrier matrimony then before. Slowly, you lay down on the bench you had been sat upon, coaxing your Jedi to hover over you. Without his lips leaving yours for a second, he braces himself above you. Just as his lips leave yours to travel elsewhere, a jolt in the ship alerts you both to your arrival back on Mandoa. Obi - Wan groans softly at the lost chance of having some fun, but the same smirk you had fallen for etches his face as he whispers to you:

“Another happy landing,” 

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Would anyone want a Part 3? Maybe like an Epilogue?

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1 year ago

Searching For A Star Wars Fic (2). Help?

I remember reading this on Ao3 but I don't remember the title.

So Obi-Wan and Jango meet in a dream and Obi gives him the dark Saber or smth that legitimates his right to be Mand'alor and when Jango wakes up he has that thing in real life. Some kind of Mando seer says this means Obi is like some kind of important person for Mandalorians.

I also remember Obi-Wan finding 3 clones of Jango Fett and named the oldest Kote meaning Glory and when the Mandos get Cody they realised who delivered them and were like. Cody's going to be a great warrior cause Obi named him Kote.

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1 year ago

Obi-wan was dead: to begin with.

Part two-

[eek, this is kinda iffy but part 1 left on a cliff hanger!]

“I know.” he admits, shifting in his seat under your cold stare.

“Sorry? Sorry?! It’s been ten years!” You burst, fist clenching at your sides in unspoken anger.

“Elora, I-“

You cut him off, raising your hand in a warning. In moments like these you wish you were born force-sensitive like the Jedi, so you could slap him from where you stand.

“Let me speak.”

He just nods silently, tensing as your force signature sends waves of anger and confusion crashing into his.

As the dust settled around you, coating your throat in a dry scratchy layer, you open your mouth to talk.

“Why?-” You begin, taking a breath to calm your rushing thoughts,

“Why didn’t you tell me you were alive? Why didn’t you come back? Why?”

He only looks up at you with guilt, brows furrowed together.

“I couldn’t, the council required I look over the boy, and with the Empire hunting down every Jedi I couldn’t risk finding you.” He explained, eyes searching your face for emotion.

“…the boy?”

His eyes flashed grief. The image stayed on his face for a moment before he composed himself. You suspected decades of training was to thank for his well guarded emotions, even if he was ten years rusty.

“Padmé’s child?”

His eyes answered your question and you asked,

“Is Padmé?..” Your heart sank to the floor.

Padmé, sweet, caring Padmé. Padmé who welcomed you into the Senate with a warm smile, who showed you the ropes and who fought for you.

“In childbirth, twins.” Obi-wan said softly, face matching yours with grief of a thousand mourners.

“Oh no,” you clutched your chest as his words came crushing down on you.

“Oh and Anakin, Anakin, it must of broke him.”

Kenobi’s decades of Jedi training failed him then and he broke. Tears brimmed his eyes, he looked up at you and you had never seen a more broken man.

“I failed him, Elora.” Was all he said, voice cracking. “He was seduced by the dark side, and I failed him. It was my fault. We fought, after General Grievous, we fought on Musafar and I left him there.”

He kept repeating the same phrase to himself

failed him failed him failed him failed him

Over and over again.

“Oh Obi-wan” you croak,

“I’m so sorry.”

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