Observer Tribetwelve - Tumblr Posts
oooooo shit!!!! now at the most interesting part this one's made for a challenge!! i just needed to draw kevin, is all

kiiiind of like how kevin looks like, but the background and the most important, shadow that it's like, observer, naaaah they're shitty
overall, looks nice!

basically i returned with this i literally had an insomnia after drawing this piece (literally got 3 hours of sleep and i fought with insomnia for almost a month, today was the worst case for now) bc i was so excited to draw something realistic and ACTUALLY good enough to be called my best piece after all this time
felt nostalgic for 2021 since these were the best times i had overall, and tribetwelve is a big piece for it plus obsy's my fav
update: made it a bit better, u can see some details better

just a couple of doodles i did while trying out clip studio
yaaa we have kris from wood tribetwelve here >:DDD

yet another commission!! yipeee