Obviously (especially If You Like Me Have Listened To Tma) Theyre Not ACTUALLY Tts Voices - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

probably late to the party on this speculation but is it just me or are the "tts voices" in tmagp getting increasingly more emotional/human sounding?

it specifically jumped out to me here:

This discovery alone should be enough to upset the zeitgeist, coming so soon after the work of Einthoven, but I am too aware of my reputation of late and I know that I need a significant discovery to quiet the naysayers.

it fucking laughed. i'd attach an audio clip if i knew how to do that, but i don't so here is the link to the proper timestamp so you can listen yourself if you didn't notice, although i'm sure most people did—it's on the word "late" and it's pretty obvious.

ofc i'm aware that the "tts voices" are done by Real Human People, and there's only so much you can do to make a Real Human Voice sound robotic, but...it's been feeling very intentional. especially laughter. it honestly made me jump a little

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