Oc Characater Fanfic - Tumblr Posts
So... i've been thinking of this, let me know what you think:
A/N: this is a Sirius x OC imagine
We're late for tha ball, Lily and Marlene are in my bedroom doing their make ups and hairs completely carefree, but i'm not. I want to go have fun, dance; plus, i don't wanna keep them waiting for too long.
"Reneé! Can you get me your blush pallete? Thanks hon' and relax we're not late!" Lily says looking at the clock on the wall. I look at it, it shows eight minutes to eight. IT'S EIGHT MINUTES TO BALL START!, I think. I start walking around the bedroom nervously, thinking that they are gonna be furious with us. Sirius gonna be furious with me!
Marlene notices my inquency walks over to me, puts her hands on my shoulders, looks me in the eye and says "If you want to go you can. I'll finish Miss Red over here" I jubilate with joy, i hug close to me and jump around when i look, from the corner of my eye to my spell book. And then it clicked! "Lily, Marlene! I know a way where i don't have to go alone and wait for you. I have a spell my mom taught me!"
I get my wand, open the book. I can see and feel the suspense in the air and in their faces. "Reneé, you do whatever you want, but please don't make my hair blonde!!" Lily says looking at Marlene.
"Hey! Thank you Lils! I really appreciate it!" Marlene says giving a push on Lily's shoulder. I point my wand at Lily's face and say "Pulchritudo dolor et dolor est pulchritudo"
And as if magic - scratch that, it was literally magic! - her face was beautifully presented with a soft blush, soft pink lips and freckles. She looked absolutely amazing!
"Reneé, what about the hair?"
"Rufus capillos ego mutare te" and her red hair transformed into a beautiful waterfall hairstyle.
"Lily, James is going to love it! Marlene yells.
"Oh, Reneé! I love you!" she says hugging me, I smile then look at the clock it's two minutes to eight. "Shit! We need to go!"
We run down the stairs, and Marlene says while laughing "You know I find it funny that i have literally no one waiting for me downstairs and you guys got me running in heels!" We laugh as Marlene slows down and lets us run to our dates. When we finally get to the bottom of the stairs, there he is Sirius Black in a beautiful black suit with his hair black hair very well combed back.
He smiled at me, his black eyes were shining with all of the lights. So beautiful, so angelic! So gorgeous that I stumbled and almost fell.
Sirius ran to help me. "You really fell for me didn't you?" he asks with a naughty smirk in his face. I look at him smiling, give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey" i say slurred completely amazed by him. I blushed.
"Hey" he says back with love on his eyes. "Just get a room already!" James yells at us with Lily next him laughing. "Maybe tonight" Sirius says to me making me blush as a little kid "Let's go my lady, by the way you look lovely in that dress" he teased, looking up and down at my very simple black dress. "You look lovely to." I whispered.
We went I the ball room, it looked absolutely hallucinatingly magical. They changed the whole big-stoned chamber to a white and gold ballroom with a big chandelier in the middle, a fireplace in the other end to have us warm, round tables where our names were written and a dance floor. We got in and the string quartet started playing. I looked exited at Lily, she mouthed WOW!
Sirius thought I didn't see it, but he smiled at the sight of my childish and exited interjections. And how i know it warmed his heart and soul. But what he doesn't know is that i know he was excited as well i could see it in the way he, later, asked me to dance, or, to be more precise, he draged me.
His right hand resting softly and gently on my back and his left hand holding mine. He made me twirl and fall and then get up and keep dancing. At one point I swear he and I were alone in the room and we were dancing.