Oddworld Glukkons - Tumblr Posts

Oddworld: The Promised Neverland Homage (Pt. 4)
Now, see…this one was A LOT more complicated to compose, both because of the complexity of Lady Margaret’s design and Glukkon anatomy in general. On the one hand, it may have been poignant imagery if we saw little but armless business suits all lined up…but even though Lady Margaret hasn’t made a formal debut in the game, I feel like it did a disservice to her place in Glukkon society?
Granted, in the original image I was homaging, the demon king is fairly minuscule compared to the clasped-handed followers lined before him…but still, it felt like such a shame to relegate Margaret to a faceless silhouette. So, the solution? Inversion. Let Margaret be larger than life, both literally and figuratively; let her stand out amongst a line of anonymous glukkons, composed and unreadable…and have her show off that, not only does she get to bear and use her arms, but she flaunts this by wielding *two* cigarettes in fancy holders! Have her be at the centre, as if offering all a light…or letting them watch as she relishes her oncoming lung cancer.
Seriously, I’ve been having a bit too much fun making a spectacle of the smoke in these scenes? I dunno, because it feels like such a part of the Glukkons, at least from the artwork I saw, it felt like something I could make a bit of an artsy spectacle out of?