OFA Theory - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Bnha Scenario;

Bnha scenario;

Pro hero Deku destroys his right arm, it's impossible to properly heal the bones; the arm must be amputated.

1st we discuss OFA;

To my understanding of a has a certain # I'm specifications the holder must adhere to to wield it properly. Right now we're speaking body mass, I believe the holder requires a certain amount of muscle to utilize 100%; we can think of UA as a reference point - when he only tried to use it in one part of his body he destroyed it, so the less Mass he has the harder it is to wield properly without causing a strain, so removing a limb would cause a strain on his body, that would accumulate over time.

MY THEORY; the loss of his arm = decrease BMI # = < 100% OFA usage. To make up for that loss, he would need to replace the Lost BMI throughout the REST of his body & use a prosthetic for the missing arm OR regrow the arm & therefore recover the lost BMI & continue to use OFA in that arm.


2nd, discuss options;

–In a world full of quirks; izuku Midoriya has options!

fabricated prosthetic; can emulate his natural strength and be a support item, he could have jackhammer like punches that could emulate OFA -since he couldn't utilize it in the prosthetic-; DRAWBACK- it cannot use OFA, destructible, require an engineer for routine updates / enhancements, replacement & maintenance.

Specialized quirk doctors 'create' an arm from his EXISTING body (ie skin, muscle etc) that would result in a FULLY FUNCTIONING ARM that IS PART of him, that being said; it being covered in his own biologic material would allow OFA just a work properly in that arm.

Option 2 explained a little more in detail;

QD #1 would form the adamantium skeleton ~arm~ - reference wolverine - to replace what was lost, starting the growth from the existing bone of his ~im thinking humerus, because the damage of his upper arm was pretty bad previously~ where it was amputated, concluding at the phalanges ~fingers~ *Cannot replace EXISTING bone w/ adamantium only add on amputated bone*

QD #2 would use energy from their surroundings (not living creatures) to create -using Izu's DNA- the fundamental properties 'flesh wise' that allow him to function, ie tendons, ligaments, muscle, nerves.. etc. OVER the adamantium skeleton.

Quirk holder #3 what demagnetize the arm so he couldn't be magnetized in a situation with a villain that had the magnet quirk.

The specialized team world recreate his arm from x-rays, leaving out the damage obtained at UA -think of Photoshop, no disfigured bones & no scars ~unless he asked to keep the scars-

The surgery would take about 12 hours due to the quirks involved.

-5/13/22- started with the whole dilemma, my brain went on medoria and by this point -5/14/22- now that I've written it down it makes more sense.

3rd Izu's choice;

He would choose "whatever causes less strain on others" because he is a SELF-SACRIFICING little shit!

A) 12 hours surgery where the result equals him still being able to use OFA with minimal PT.

B)The making of a prosthetic, hiring of an engineer to fix/replace his damaged/broken arm (in my mind I see Ed being yelled at by winery…though izuku being self- sacrificing would require maintenance weekly) and this would cause a mental strain on him and he would also feel indebted to them.

So in conclusion to my MIDORIYA IZUKU rant…the result of him losing an arm would equal the growth of a new one…

Though my next question would be…would he want the scars back or would he just cover the arm and tattoos as a way to distract himself from the former scars?

<Feel free to write a fanfiction, if you do let me know cuz I would love to read it>

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