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SFxKristSingto: P'Off should be proud of me~
Now even more chaos has arrived.

There are five guys renting his house now. They are Tee, Tee, Tee, Tee, and Tee. Everyone is named Tee. If you think a bunch of Tees living together is such a weird coincidence, you’ll be even more surprised of what’s to come.
I'm Tee, Me Too (2020) Episode 1
-- In the order of introduction during the scene: Watee (Krist), Teedet (New), Tee-Do (Tay), Maitee (Singto), Maetee (Off), and T-Rex (Gun) --

Looks like we'll (probably) be getting the previously mentioned Pebaca Concert next year!
source: x
The first episode of The Trainee is intriguing to me — and I’m enjoying seeing everything get set up.
To begin with, I enjoy the way the serious tone of the workplace works with the lighter, comedic tone of other scenes. The show is going to have fun with us, but also take itself seriously in the topics it covers in relation to work at a production house. If I recall correctly, the story is also heavily based off Parbdee itself, and what it’s like there, and you can tell, from the commitment to really making the company feel like a workplace that takes itself seriously.
I enjoy Ryan as a main character. He’s very quiet, awkward, and confused about what he wants in life, He’s the type who needs time to start talking (otherwise he stays silent) and the type who gets kind of pushed around into situations because he can’t speak up. Ryan has been thrown into a situation where he truly has no idea what he’s doing. A total fish-out-of-water. And all of the interns are struggling, but Ryan most of all. We’ll see what keeps him at the company soon, and I’m excited to see where his character goes. There’s a clear character progression set up for him.
Honestly, I commend Ryan for keeping it together emotionally after this episode, actually. Because if I was him, I’d be incredibly broken up after that first day. He doesn’t know what he’s doing and fumbled around for most of a day. His friend’s messages deliver a clear contrast in what would be ideal versus what is happening.
Jane is an interesting love interest. He isn’t very present in this episode (though the next episode preview promises a lot of him soon) and all we have of him so far is negative. He’s immediately unimpressed by Ryan from his first scene meeting him (if his eyes are to be trusted) and he’s critical without much support, at least for now, though he does have the grace to explain things when asked. I’m looking forward to see what the series will have in store for Jane, and how they’ll endear him to us, as well as make Jane and Ryan begin to like each other. Because their current conflict makes a lot of sense, and I’m curious how things will begin to change. Ryan is not prepared for this work. But what is this all for if not for him to learn?
I love the side cast and how they’re being set up. Especially Pie. Her deadpan affect and clear passion for filmmaking is already endearing her to me, and I feel like we’ll be seeing her story a lot, from what’s said about Ryan and Pie having to work together a lot if they’re chosen. I want to see them bond! I’m a sucker for set-ups like this, and I can’t wait to see how the characters continue to work together and evolve.
Also: I like the ending chat-style segment explaining things the audience may not know about production houses, agencies, and pilots. Ryan is already a protagonist who is relatable for the average viewer who is unaware of the goings-on of the production house, and with this, there’s a fun way to get exposited some crucial information while having the characters involved.
And as a side note, this show is very visually appealing. Pleasing to the eye in a way I can’t describe, like other Parbdee shows. I’m already here, buckled in for the ride.
Thoughts on The Trainee ep.2
As someone definitely watching the show from a perspective close to Ryan (I’m a student in university right now, and I expect I’m in the part of my life the show intends to depict through Ryan’s character) I really do appreciate how real it feels to how stressful the early stages of the internship are! The unsure, lost fumbling through the first tasks you’re given. Man, this show definitely got me into Ryan’s headspace. I definitely cheered with him at the end of the episode.
I’m really enjoying seeing the full side cast!
Pie and Pah as a dynamic being set up in the background was fun to watch. I’m not 100% sure of it, but I’ve seen some discussion on the possibility of the pair being a couple, if I recall correctly because of some behind the scenes? I’m fine either way it goes, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of the entire group. Also, I found it lightly amusing (despite my dislike of Harry Potter for obvious reasons) that they acted out the Ron and Hermione dynamic with the Wingardium Leviosa reference.
Though as a side note: not a fan of Pie this episode for making Ryan ask that question to Jane, partially for the reason Jane listed but mainly for making Ryan do it. I’m intrigued if her personality will be built upon more. We can also see more of her flaws when she’s talking with Pah about painting the swords and berates him about the paint, and then not listening to the explanation. It feels intentional.
I respect Jane. He’s stressed, trying to keep the project together, and acts fierce and frustrated, but both us as the audience, and Ryan himself, know better than to see him the way that the side character who badmouths him this episode does. And it’ll be a fun experience to watch Ryan learn more under his wing and for Jane to soften up around him.
All in all, I really enjoyed the episode and the potential future for the series it’s setting up. I think it’s a shame that the show is getting reviewbombed over on MDL, and I’m looking forward to next week.

Live House 290923: Stop with your jokes already!