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Woe! Mythical Poké plushies be upon ye!

Woe! Mythical Pok Plushies Be Upon Ye!

Just snagged the Diancie sitting cutie (to make up for my severe lack of Diancie in any game) and the Mew soda pop plush! (Also feat. soda pop Jirachi and sitting cutie Meloetta)

I also. Got someone else.

Woe! Mythical Pok Plushies Be Upon Ye!

A decision was made. It wasn't necessarily a good one.

(I do like Pecharunt's plush design a lot more than I thought I would tho. The halves of his shell are sewn on in such a way to make him very flexible, and they can actually provide enough support for his body that it really does look like he's floating!)

"Y'all hear smthn?"

Woe! Mythical Pok Plushies Be Upon Ye!


Woe! Mythical Pok Plushies Be Upon Ye!

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