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Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design
Donnie Had. SO. Much Concept Art Lol. I Really Enjoyed The Whole Design Process Though. His Base Design

donnie had. SO. much concept art lol. i really enjoyed the whole design process though. his base design is very difficult to work with because of the battleshell, but it gave me a lot of chances to get creative and i'm happy with the results :)

(also as a disclaimer so i don't get asked about this: i don't have motivation to finish raph or the wish art for donnie, so i'm just posting what i've got)

i didn't annotate these as much since there'd be a lot to write, but i'll write out some of my thought processes and go into some detail about his final design below the cut if you're interested! (it's long. i'm talkative 😔)

1st row - first iteration; much more literal 1:1 translation of his design into a fantasy setting. very steampunk-y. ended up completely scrapping it because, simply put, he looked more like an npc than a playable character. obviously, several features did still carry over throughout the design process :3 also wanted to imagine his attack pattern cuz i thought it'd be fun to incorporate his spider arms.

this was actually the first design of any of them i'd come up with! i've definitely learned a lot about genshin's character design style since then and i think it shows 😂

2nd row - playing around with the idea of a floating battleshell (rather than a backpack-like one in the the show & first version), inspired by nahida's cape. also hard light constructs/attachments. was leaning too into the sci-fi and rectangular motifs with the design, but i liked the idea.

3rd/4rth rows - concepts for his final outfit and shell designs (the colored/more-detailed pics are the more finalized ones). took a lot of inspiration from sumeru this time around. it's a lot sharper, shinier, and less rectangular than his og aesthetic, but i think it's more in-line with genshin's design philosophies.

5th row - not entirely sure why i went through all the trouble of making a 3d model for this. i mostly just thought it'd be fun and good for reference. i was right, but i don't know what to do with it now lol. can't be bothered to be a perfectionist about it though, so don't look too closely at it 😭

6th row - incomplete thumbnails of his burst/wish art. not super sold on that "wing" design in particular, but i do like the idea of his shell splitting and deploying hard light weapons/rocket launchers/etc sort of like in canon.

battleshell/misc notes - i'm thinking his battleshell is controlled using the pink sensor on the back of his coat, possibly in combination with his headset. it floats behind him by default and is sturdy enough to protect his back, but he can also freely fly it around like a drone if he wants. the holes on the side are mainly for the spider arms and the banners(?) and handles(?) with the blue/pink gradient are made of hard light and only appear when the shell is in use.

i imagine like in the series, his tech here isn't necessarily very reliant on his vision/powers; much of it he likely made himself long before he received a vision and he just uses his vision to enhance it.

his burst is a barrage of missiles from his shell that lock onto an enemy and deal a large burst of electro damage in an AOE. not sure if i want his skill to be a deployable or some sort of electro-infusion/boost 🤔 maybe something that involves deploying his shell to boost his damage while leaving him vulnerable, like a glass canon? though i'm not sure he'd be that sort of risk-taker... 😅 dunno! his signature weapon would totally be his tech bo though.

that's about all i can think of. thanks for reading!

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