Ok Does Anyone Else Daydream About Their Historical Ocs Being Real - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

tbh if horatio was real, history books™️ would either:

a. “kAtHeRiNe RoWaN dReSsEd As A mAn, ShE wAs ToTaLlY cIs” aka misgendering and deadnaming him, yes Katherine is his necronym. also “kAtHeRiNe RoWaN aNd ElIjAh HuTcHiNsOn HaD a StRaIgHt, ChRiStIaN, nOn SiNfUl ReLaTiOnShIp”

b. correctly gendering horatio but suddenly he and elijah were— *gasp* —roommates! (tentmates?) “omg they were BESTIESSS 😍🥰✨💅🏼” r/sapphoandherfriend shit like that

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