Okay Im Going - Tumblr Posts
6,11, & 20 for the prompts, Hyunjin or Chan. the angst slut will let you pick to make it more fun ✨😂

↳ 857
6. "You make me crazy."
11. "It's wrong. You know it's wrong."
20. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this."
Prompt list here, drabble masterlist here

An awful thing to desire that which you can’t ever have.
Have come to dread staying at your boyfriend’s house. Where once you would wish the weekdays away until weekend arrived and the drive to his was a joyous event, filled with warm anticipation. Loved his parents, his personal space, the time you would spend locked in his room until early sunlit hours. His childhood and everything that made Chan, Chan—your love—offered to you readily in trust and love.
All of it ruined, when his brother returned home from service.
Tall and somewhat sullen, an effective artistic soul, tortured and lonesome. Deathly beautiful, much to his knowledge, the attraction to Hyunjin was as helpless as it was undesired. Found yourself watching him in rapture, entranced by what made him tick, what made him laugh. Eager to know him on a level most inappropriate, and so you wallow in the guilt.
Stolen glances across shared dining tables amidst his family, crossing paths in the hall in the dead of night to linger just a moment in one another’s presence, when you both know well enough that such coincidence doesn’t come naturally. Brushes of touch played off as accidental, undeniable that it leaves your heart fit to arrest.
Chan is good. Chan is kind. But Chan isn’t him.
“It’s wrong. You know it’s wrong.”
The first thing he’s ever said to you that wasn’t communicated silently with irises dark and knowing, for he does. So do you.
You’ll play naïve all the same.
“What is?” you mutter quietly, bury your dangling foot to the moist earth below the rickety garden swing.
Hyunjin inhales from his cigarette, propped against thick trunk of the willow tree that drapes you both in dusky shadow.
“The way you look at me,” he replies, voice a thick husk.
Remain silent, for the mortification of admitting your straying heart is too much. Maybe he’ll get bored. Move on.
“I feel it too, you know.”
Snap your head up to meet his stoic gaze, indifference plastered to his cut features bathed in the pale blue of moon’s light creeping through the leafy canopy. Plush lips form around the cigarette, soft blonde tresses fall free around gently curved jaw.
Bravery steps in as you ask, “Feel what?”
Cigarette tossed to dewy lawn, Hyunjin strides two paces towards you. Enough to bring him to your very front, he grips the ropes connecting swing to thick willow branch, ceases your mindless swaying. Looks down at you through black lashes, a sneer on his mouth.
“You’re going to pretend you don’t?”
Swallow thickly, unable to stand or move from the cage he has you in. Heart thunders a myriad of things you already know, most primarily: Hyunjin is dangerous.
“Does he make you happy, my brother?”
“Of course he does.”
A kneejerk response, the speed of which indicates more defensive plight than genuine emotion. Hyunjin crooks a brow, tongue darts out to wet his lip, “Does he satisfy you?”
Warmth heats your cheeks, drop your gaze to mumble, “Yes.”
Fingertips at your chin tilt your face up, the swing cants gently with the motion. Shrug off his touch with not nearly the defiance it should have, shrink into yourself.
“Please, stop.”
“Do you want me to?” he whispers. “Truly?”
Throat dries out with the protest you should be making, but...
“I’ll go.”
Moves to step away from you, yet your instinct acts out the foolish desires you’ve kept buried for so painfully long; reach out to grab a fistful of his shirt, drag him back to you, careening into his embrace as the swing carries your person. Opens his arms to hold you close, the burn of proximity tingling your senses, swelling desperate desire in your gut, and with the seconds of held silence that follow, your mutual comprehensions of the moment end a single way.
“You make me crazy.”
Hyunjin buckles with his confession, embrace tightens and he surges the little distance to your lips, your willingness unspoken as you melt to his form, soft and strong and so warm under your hands. Plush as goose feather pillows yet ferocious in his need, Hyunjin consumes your mouth, inhales your staggered breaths to mingle with his own. Nips your bottom lip with eager teeth, traces them with wet tongue, the fire of his passions ignites dormant embers in every fibre of your nervous system, for there’s no mistaking that this is the first time you’ve ever truly felt... alive.
Indeed, even the guilt is but a shadow of distant memory.
Whimper endearingly when he brings a strong hand to curl around your nape, tips your head back and unlatches from your lips to confess breathily, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”
“This is wrong,” you offer through weak will, a reminder that your mutual obligation to one who doesn’t deserve this betrayal will call for comeuppance. If not now, then one day.
Hyunjin brings knuckles down your warming cheek, admires you with smouldering ardour the likes of which you’ve never been subject to.
“It is wrong,” he agrees.
“But it feels so fucking good.”