Old Dude Is Still Restoring Documents - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Chapter 40

A maid writes in her diary about her Kiliko was invited to a banquet and how her wrist has yet to heal. Then she leaves to clean Orcelito's bedroom.

At the Western side of Azelprade in the Baltic Region at Galt Blitz in the Mare Road Sea, Lord Orbus is bugging about all the lords dying around him. He thinks he might be next before his attendant comes with another message. Still freaking out, he calms himself because he's a noble; he's too rich for anxiety. The letter he gets is a record (most likely from the maid) on Orcelito from autumn of last year. Him not being much of a reader, he gives it to his attendant to summarize. The attendant then tells him they have almost arrived at Lord Baltic's villa which they will go to on a small boat.

The two lords greet each other warmly, Lord Baltic stating that Lord Tein, Lord Arthur, the Rubeli Duchess and Lord Katerina are all waiting inside. Once inside, he asks everyone their opinions on the Neue Favrille case. They obviously want the medicine to stop because they didn't sign off on it and it costs them money. While they trade theories for why this is happening in the first place, Orbus wonders if he should tell them about Orcelito's sickness. He does...for the glory. The gathered lords know they don't have any real evidence but they will take advantage as soon as possible...

Orbus goes to bed a hopeful man, hoping he can step out one day as Belca's guardian...

Meanwhile, Prince Belca's group reaches the Stone Capital. A guy named Kareru Teio, claiming to serve as the Hero King's spirit, talks them into lowering the gate. They get let in but they're on a time limit: the highness is having a conference with Orbus.

Londalea's retainer goes out to meet them and apologize for the wait. Also...Orcelito doesn't want to see him. On account of politics and all that. Belca knows there's a heavy risk in going somewhere where he is persona non grata...but he still wants to talk to Orcelito himself. So it's out the door into the rain. Or it would be, if it wasn't for the fact that the rain caused a flood from the river.

Meanwhile, Musca's lady-in-waiting is worrying over how a simple maid knows how to write a letter and seal it with wax. That's not exactly a peasant skill...Musca figures out that she's worrying about the letter rather quickly and tells her that she will protect her no matter what. The lady-in-waiting is touched.

At the Regis Solaris, the two confront the maid and...invite her to tea. She reveals the recipient of the letters as Lilia, who is writing love letters to some guy named Lamuzesu. Musca then wants to send a crown of leaves to her brother.

Meanwhile, a guard ends the chapter sneaking through the castle to find the Lagen's family's secrets.

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