Oliver Sykes - Tumblr Posts

Genieße dein Leben, steck den Kopf nicht in den Sand, es gibt immer ein Weg. Setzte dir Ziele im leben und erreicht sie. DU BIST PERFEKT, so wie du bist.
Enjoy your life, do not put my head in the sand, there is always a way. You set objectives in life and reached them. YOU'RE PERFECT, just like you are.

"It’s all about the ‘the world’s fucked up, people are taking us for a joke’ but you’re not going to change the world by posting something on Twitter or making a meme or pressing ‘like’. The generation we are today, we’re so full of shit. Everyone thinks they’ve got a voice ‘cause they’ve got a computer, everyone thinks they’re got a right to sprout any old shit out of their mouths and everyone thinks they’re standing for something and they’re not."

Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.

Hold me close. Don't let go. WATCH ME BURN.

Believe in no one — find yourself ♡

Oli and his Drop Dead Zipper :D

I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone. I long for that feeling to not feel at all.
Awesome Art.

Finished it! It took a while but I’m happy with the outcome. :) deviantART + Facebook

I have always failed you, so throw away my memories, throw them all away!
Holy Shit
I'm excited 😊