One Piece Yamato X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Favorite Pretty Boys (Ace X F!Reader X Yamato)
Poly!Ace & Poly!Yamato In Modern!AU <3
Warnings: People stunking, incel behaviour, slight homophobia and transphobia, don't worry wholesome ending
Just a simple, cute, wholesome day out with your two sweet loving boyfriends.

"Damn it!". Soft noise of music plays in the room with scurrying, a young woman running around her room looking for something cute to wear. She's already done her hair and makeup, just needing an outfit. A loud honk makes her jump, running over the window to see Aces truck. The back window opens, Yamato climbing out with his fists in the air. "(Y/N)! WE'RE HERE!". He calls. "Ah shit". She mutters. She runs to her closet, grabbing a random dress with matching shoes and quickly slipping them on. Grabbing her purse with her phone, keys and wallet in it, rushing out her house.
She locks the door behind herself, walking to the car. "(YYY/NNN)!". Yamato cheers happily. Ace turns to look out the window with his arm hanging out. He wolf whistles when he sees (Y/n), smirking. "Hey there hot stuff! You single?". He asks in a joking manner. "Sorry handsome, I have a boyfriend! Two actually". She jokes back, walking over to the other side and climbing into the car. "Hey (Y/n)! Look how pretty you look today!". Yamato compliments, leaning from the back seat into the front and hugging her. "Aw, thank you Yamato! You two don't look too bad yourselves". She tells the two, pecking the very tall males cheek.
(Y/n) then looks to Ace. "So, where're we going today?". She asks him. "Yeah! You haven't told me either!". Yamato adds. "Well I thought we'd go to the mall, go to the arcade, and for lunch we go to this new restaurant that opened up and I just so happen to know someone who works there". Ace explains with a cocky smirk on his face. "Really!?". Yamato asks him. "Yep". He simply answers. "That's so sweet!". "Thank you Ace!". He gets jumped by his boyfriend and girlfriend, getting smothered with kisses. "Okay okay! I love you two too, but we should head off". He tells the two. "Okay!". (Y/n) and Yamato agree, sitting properly in their respective seats.
All the three can hear is the bustling noise of the mall, filled with the sounds of people talking, stores playing music, and shoes hitting the ground. The three walk hand in hand, Ace being sandwiched in the middle of his short girlfriend and his tall boyfriend. As the three walk, Yamato couldn't help but notice the whispers coming from people looking at them. His glare causes a few people to shut up, only a few. He looked over to look at Ace and (Y/n), seeing the two talking happily to each other as (Y/n) has her arms wrapped around and body pressed against his body. He decided to just ignore the on lookers and to just enjoy his time with the two shorties he loves.
"Come on come on!". Ace grumbles, moving the leaver and pressing the button. The claw goes down, grabbing a plush of a capybara and raises it up. Before the three can cheer, the claw drops the toy. "Aw man! Fuck off!". Ace snaps, kicking the machine. "Hey its fine, really". (Y/n) reassures him, stroking his arm. "Here! Let me try". Yamato slots in a coin, giving the machine a go. The two boyfriends felt the undying need to get the toy for their girlfriend, especially since she gushed over it as soon as she laid eyes on them. "Pfft, like you'll get it. Those stupid things are rigged as he-". "Yeah baby!". Yamato cheers, causing Ace to shut up.
He looks to see (Y/n) bend over and pull the capybara plush out the machine, holding it up like a monkey holding up a baby lion with the biggest grin and stars in her eyes. "Thank you Yamato! It's so cute! You're the best boyfriend!". She says happily, standing on her tippy toes and pecking him on the cheek. Yamato puffs his chest out and flexes his arms up. "Best boyfriend!". Yamato cheers happily. Ace chuckles as he looks at the two, loving how cute they look right now. His smile drops when he sees two guys pointing and laughing at the two, not even trying to hide their bullying.
He's a guy, he knows the types of guys who'd be way too open about their thoughts and opinions in public. Especially with Yamato identifying as male but from afar it looks like a lesbian relationship. He expected as much when getting into a relationship with the two. He just stares at the guys, the two limp noodles shutting up and walking away. He also expected that, if they where the type of guys he thought with being an incel or homophobic/transphobic than they'd just skedaddle away when getting eye scolded by a tall hot buff dude. He just turns to look back at his girlfriend and boyfriend, mustering up a smile.
As the day starts to end, the three walk into a new restaurant. Ace smiles as he walks faster into the room, a blonde walking up to him with a smile and the two happily shake hands. "Sanji! How you doing my man!?". He greets the blonde happily. "I'm good I'm good! And uh, who are those two beauties with you?". Sanji asks with a smirk, looking at the "two women" who are holding hands and chatting. "Them? The cute shortie is my girlfriend (Y/n), tall and hot is my boyfriend Yamato". Ace answers. Sanji makes an 'o' face, nodding. "Lucky man lucky man". He chuckles. "Your table is table 7, take a seat and you'll be served shortly". Sanji then tells him, remembering that he's at work and he can't just stand around and chat with his friend. Well friends friend but what ever.
"Babe! Sweetheart! Come on, I got us a table". Ace tells the two, turning to look at them. They two smile happily at each other, them walking over to join the other boyfriend. The three walk over to the table that the waiter assigned them, taking a seat at the circled table. (Y/n) notices a slight uneased feeling from the other two, she speaks up. "Are you two okay? Did something happen before you two picked me up?". She asked. Yamato and Ace turn to each other, seeing each others matching concerned face. "You noticed too?". Ace asks him. "Hmh, yeah". Yamato confirms. "Notice what? Oh God am I pregnant!? Is Yamato pregnant!? IS ACE PREGNANT!?". She asks in shock. "I'm not pregnant you idiot! No one is pregnant!". Ace snaps at her. "It's just...we both seem to noticed whispers and looks from people because of...well...". "Us". Yamato finishes.
(Y/n) frowns a brow at their words. "Whispers and looks?". She asks. "People pointing and saying stuff about us". Yamato answers. "Dickheads saying stuff about you two". Ace adds his own answer. (Y/n) lets out a chuckle, raising her eyebrow. "And?". She asks. "Who cares?". She asks. "Y-You don't care?". Yamato asks. "You're the most emotional person out of the three of us and you don't care?". Ace asks. "So what if I am? Yes I'm an emotional person but my emotions care more about you two, and being happy with you two". (Y/n) explains. "You two are my pretty boys, as long as we're all happy than who cares? Who cares if we get judged, we're adults and can make our own choices about our love life and sex life. I love you both, and that's all I care about". She adds. The two boyfriends look at each other, than laugh happily to each other. "What did we expect?". Ace asks him. "Yeah, we should have expected something like that from her". Yamato adds.
(Y/n) pouts, crossing her arms. "Well sorry for being honest with my feelings and thinking that it would help you two feel less upset about getting judged". She groans, rolling her eyes. "Hey hey hey, we love you two (Y/n) and we appreciate you doing that". Ace explains. "Just thought ya might cry". Yamato adds. "What? Oh shut up no I wouldn't". (Y/n) snaps. "Munchkins, you cried the other day because of a video of pufferfish". Yamato reminds her. "They looked so stupid and goofy I love them!". (Y/n) snaps back, a little whimper in her voice from remembering the video. "Whatever, we're out right now. Let's just enjoy our date and have a good time". She tells them. "Yeah you're right, especially since Sanjis cooking is by far fantastic". Ace tells them two. "I sure hope so! I'm staaaaaarving!". Yamato whines. "I'm actually quite thirsty, I think we should order now". (Y/n) suggests, the two nodding.
What a fun day with the boyfriends.