Onward Barley - Tumblr Posts

Ah yes... That annoying moment when you can't get a bag to open.
Paused here years ago and forgot I had this saved in my private stash of Barley screenshots. But seriously, as someone who can never get a bag of chips opened without scissors I am impressed. (Though on the rare occasions where I DO get it open with my bare hands...it sorta explodes and everything falls all over the floor so I do not trust myself with it anymore.) Barley just ripped right into it tho, that is some serious skill.
Happy Siblings Day to Ian and Barley Lightfoot! ✨

The best brother duo in all the realms! ❤️🔥
also gonna sneak in these new hashtags cause they deserve the whole world...

Fonte: @itsme-star

Fonte: @itsme-star

Fonte: @zzcorpserosezz

Collection of Barley pics - 3

This could be a meme too

Collection of Barley pics - 2

Collection of Barley pictures - 12

Collection of Barley pictures - 8

Collection of Barley pictures - 7

Collection of Barley pictures - 6
Something about all the belly love we've had on this blog? Maybe Y/N and Barley are cuddling and they readjust to lay on his belly and he feels a little awkward at first but they comfort him. But you can pick if you have any other ideas.
Perfect for Cuddling
“Barleyyyyy,” I whined, standing in the doorway of his bedroom, waiting for him to get off the couch.
“What?” he chuckled, setting his phone aside and giving me his full attention.
“Barleyyyyy,” I whined again, more obnoxiously this time.
“Baby, you have to tell me what you want,” he smiled at me, trying his hardest not to laugh again. “You can’t just whine my name and expect me to know what it is you want, love.”
“I wanna cuddle!” I told him, pulling out the puppy eyes and pout. “I wanna cuddle on your bed!”
Barley immediately stood up, smiling some more as he led me into his room. He laid down on his bed, motioning for me to join him. Of course I gladly did, snuggling up close to him, resting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.
“You’re precious,” he told me, pressing a kiss to my head.
He held me close against him, his hand stroking up and down my arm. His breaths began to slow and he let out a content hum, closing his eyes. I giggled, pressing a kiss to his cheek before I adjusted myself, resting my head on his soft belly. I could feel Barley tense up, sucking his tummy in just a bit.
“What’s the matter, Bar?” I asked, lifting my head up so I could look him in the eyes.
His cheeks flushed red. “Nothing, I just...” he trailed off, searching for the right words. “I just didn’t expect that you’d want to, um...” he stopped talking entirely, his gaze focused on his stomach.
I noticed where his gaze had fallen. “Lay on your belly?” I asked, attempting to finish his sentence for him.
Barley nodded, his ears and cheeks clearly red-hot. He still seemed tense, and it was clear that he was still sucking in his tummy, almost as if he was trying to hide it. A heavy silence filled the room, and Barley seemed uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry,” I apologized, fully sitting up. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable-”
“You didn’t!” Barley interrupted. “I promise you didn’t make me uncomfortable! I guess I’m just not used to, uh... geez,” he chuckled nervously, trying to remember where he was going with his sentence. “I’m, uh... I’m just not used to people, I don’t know... liking my belly...”
My expression softened. “Oh, Barley, of course I like your belly,” I said softly, smiling at him as I rested my hands on it. “It’s your body that keeps you alive, and I love you, so of course I love your belly!”
Barley visibly relaxed, letting his gut loose, no longer trying to hide it. “I actually really liked you laying on it...” he confessed, smiling shyly up at me. “It was quite comforting...”
I smiled back at him, pressing a quick kiss to his nose before I laid against his belly once again. I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a gentle squeeze.
“You’re perfect for cuddling,” I told him, practically nuzzling into his tummy, which made him laugh a little. “Such a sweet, cuddly boy.”
Barley hugged me tight. “The only downside to you laying on my belly is I can’t kiss you immediately after you say something sweet.”
“Who says?” I giggled, sitting up and pulling Barley into a loving kiss.
I felt him smile against my lips as he held me closer to him, pulling me back on top of him. I started laughing into the kiss, which made us separate.
“Why are you all giggly now?” he asked, a genuine smile stretching from ear-to-ear.
“You just get so affectionate after I compliment you,” I beamed back at him. “It’s cute.”
Barley’s smile grew wider, if that was even possible. “You’re cute.”
I giggled. “Barley Lightfoot, stop being adorable and kiss me again.”
He chuckled. “As you wish, my love.”
OMG ahjshajhsjhshaj amazing! 😂 ♥

So when @bluefloods mentioned that Barley is like a combination of Kristoff and Flynn Rider, possibly both facial and personality wise, I considered making this certain Barley Lightfoot character combination meme, although I also see him personality wise as Andy Dwyer, Tadashi Hamada, and Prince Edward where his Prince Edward side shows when he's in his acts all heroic both in his Viking warrior prince cosplay and throughout the quest while speaking in his Viking warrior prince accent!!!
Although I would like to add that I put Indiana Jones to symbolize Barley's interests in adventurous quests and history!!! 😉😉😉

ok sooo this is a fun storie … i made this for fun and know is a wattpad fanfic 😂 aaaand yes, Olivia is anna from frozen, the best queen ever, i remember that this cost me a lot, since the app only supports 3bm of gif 🙄
I don't know if someone has already asked this, but does your character Olivia have siblings like ian and barley?
Of course! she has three: newt, the oldest, he is about thirty years old? Jane "the middle one" she is between twelve and thirteen and lizzie the baby of one and a half years old.
I love your questions!

MY BABIES !!! more about these three! , they are like my golden trio 😂 thanks to @itsme-starmunch and @irantforpleasure for the wizard name for ian, that space would have been in blank 😂 fun fact: olivia is a blue elf too but i still don't have the ability to change her gif :( to do this I based on some gifs that I saw of Harry Potter it was so fun!

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