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7 months ago

— dodge mason’s rp plotting cheat sheet

Mun name: Jasmine

OOC Contact: discord is my preferred method of communication, but we can always chat in ims if you don’t have discord

Who the heck is my muse anyway:

dodge mason. the new kid. mysterious backstory, motivations unknown. moved (back) to carp a year ago. re-enrolled in high school to be able to play panic. no one really knows anything about him and he’d like to keep it that way.

dodge is a quiet kid. he keeps to himself and doesn’t have a lot of friends. he doesn’t really want a lot of friends, anyway, so that works out. he doesn’t smile much and he laughs even less. he’s driven and very calculated. he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty to get what he wants. he’s incredibly protective of those he cares about and if you hurt them, don’t expect him to forgive you. once he puts his mind to something, he’s not going to change it. he’s extremely secretive and a very good liar. he doesn’t give out information easily, if at all. he doesn’t like getting close to people. trust doesn’t come easy to dodge, but he’s working on that. sort of. not really.

Points of interest:

physical features

dodge is a pretty fit guy. he works out when he’s stressed or angry, which is most of the time, so he’s got a fair bit of muscle. he also does rodeo, so that helps as well. he’s typically dressed in all black or gray. he wears skinny jeans and a t-shirt with either cowboy boots or work boots. sometimes he’ll wear a sweatshirt over his t-shirt. when he competes, he wears his rodeo clothes, which consist of a blue or white button down, good jeans, his cowboy hat, and a nice pair of cowboy boots. he doesn’t have any tattoos or piercings. his hands are a little rough from working on the farm.

What they’ve been up to recently:

plotting revenge

luke hall put dodge’s older sister in a wheelchair on halloween three years ago. (at least, that’s what cortez said.) dodge has been hellbent on getting revenge ever since he learned about it. he’s been planning his revenge for a year now and he knows exactly what he needs to do in order to get it.

playing panic

panic is the reason why dodge convinced his mom to move them back to carp. he knew he needed to play in order to get his revenge, so he made it happen. he reenrolled at school and paid ray a dollar a day so that he could be eligible to play panic in the summer. and when the summer rolled around, dodge played panic.

working at dot’s diner & anne’s farm

in order to make some money on the side, dodge found a job working at dot’s diner. his mom works there too, but dodge works more than she does. he doesn’t mind it. the customers are good and it makes good money. he also helps anne out when she needs to break in a horse or needs some work done on the farm.

doing rodeo

dodge is incredible at rodeo. he’s broken state records multiple times and he loves doing it. he’s strongest with saddle bronc and mounted shooting, but he also does roping and barrel racing.

Where to find them:

dot’s diner

dodge works at dot’s during the school year and summer. he likes it there and he’s typically always willing to help a customer out. this is probably the easiest place to find dodge.

anne’s farm

he’s not at anne’s very often, but he’ll go up to see her sometimes and he goes up whenever she asks him for help with something.

the rodeo

if dodge isn’t at dot’s or anne’s, he’s at the rodeo. he goes to compete a lot, but sometimes he’ll just go to watch. most of the time, though, he’s there to compete. the rodeo is probably the second easiest place to find dodge, but considering not a lot of people know he does rodeo, it’ll probably be a surprise if your muse were to see him there.

Current plans:

working & making money

dodge works at dot’s to make money. he wants to have enough saved to help dayna with her treatments, and he needs a new car. he tends to spend most of his time at dot’s, because he needs a lot of money. he doesn’t mind it. dot is a good boss and the customers are nice to talk to. he doesn’t take any money from anne no matter how much she tries to get him to.

competing in rodeo events

rodeo also makes dodge a good chunk of money. he’s good at it, and he likes it, so he tends to sign up for whatever events he can. he favors saddle bronc and mounted shooting, but if he’s really desperate for cash, he’ll also sign up for roping and barrel racing.

trying to figure out who he is/what his life is like when he doesn’t have a revenge plan

dodge spent a year of his life crafting the perfect revenge plan, only for it to come crashing down at the last second. cortez was a liar. luke didn’t hit dayna. and if luke didn’t hit dayna, dodge had no reason to get revenge on ray hall. he doesn’t know what to do about that, and so he’s trying to figure out who he is and what his life entails now that he’s not plotting revenge. it’s a confusing process, but dodge is trying to work through it.

Desired interactions:

rodeo friends

we don’t see a lot of dodge doing rodeo in the show, so i would love some interactions where he’s got friends in the circuit. old friends, new friends, friends who know him from before he moved away. any sort of friend from rodeo would be great.

customers at dot’s diner

dodge isn’t a people person, but he’s a good waiter. if your muse comes in, chances are they’ll talk with dodge. he’s going to have to take their order, at the very least. maybe there can be a friendship that blooms.

kids from school

dodge didn’t really talk to the other kids in school, but i’m sure some of them must’ve noticed him. they could approach him at the diner or just on the street to say hi.

other panic players

panic isn’t a game of alliances, but that doesn’t mean the players don’t talk to each other. players ball is a prime time for just chatting and getting to know your fellow players. dodge is probably not going to open up to your muse, but he’ll be friendly.

kids from beecher

dodge lived in beecher for three years. there’s no way he didn’t make friends. maybe your muse did a project with him in school. maybe they bonded over the crappy lunch food. there’s a whole world of possibilities here and i’m happy to explore them with you.

Offered interactions:

waiter at dot’s diner

like i said above, dodge is mostly at dot’s for the whole summer. he sees pretty much everyone in carp at least once. your muse is more than welcome to come into the diner and have a coffee or a bite to eat. dodge will be happy to serve them.

rodeo things

give me your muse going to the rodeo and being absolutely shocked about dodge competing. or give me your muse knowing him from rodeo and being absolutely shocked when they hear he’s playing panic. or just give me your muse not knowing who dodge is but they know he’s good at rodeo, so that’s got to count for something, right? chances are dodge is up to talk about whatever event he competed in.

horse trainer

he doesn’t do it much, but he does occasionally train or break in horses for anne. maybe your muse could see him and ask if he could break in their horse? he’s good at it, and he doesn’t mind it, so he’d probably say yes. he won’t take any payment for it, though.

fellow panic player

dodge doesn’t really talk to his fellow players. he doesn’t want to. he knows what he needs to do and how. there’s no point in forming alliances when he can do what he needs to on his own. he isn’t rude, though. if your muse were to talk to him, he’d be polite and continue the conversation.

fellow student

dodge didn’t really interact with his fellow students. he was too busy trying to get through the school year. but again, he’s not rude. he won’t ignore your muse if they talk to him.

beecher residents

it’s highly likely that if your muse knows dodge from beecher, they’re probably going to know him if they go to carp. they might have some questions, but they’re definitely going to know who he is. dodge isn’t going to like that very much, but it’s fine. he’ll still talk to them.

Current open post/s:

i don’t have any opens. i prefer to plot things out.

Anything else?:

thank you for reading this!

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7 months ago

— ray hall’s rp plotting cheat sheet

Mun name: Jasmine

OOC Contact: discord is my preferred method of communication, but we can chat in ims if you don’t have discord

Who the heck is my muse anyway:

ray hall. the no good troublemaker that lives down by the river. stay away from him. he’s an asshole and a dick and he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. he uses people and then just abandons them. he’s bad news. stay away.

ray knows what people say about him. he tries not to let it get to him, but most of the time it does. he just pretends it doesn’t. the loud asshole that everyone sees him as is a giant front. he doesn’t think anyone really knows what’s behind it, not even ray himself. he’s been performing for so long because it keeps him safe. he can’t hurt people if they already know what to expect, right? he can’t get hurt if they don’t know the real him, right? and yet he still ends up getting hurt and hurting people anyway. he cares incredibly deeply for those he truly loves, and he’s incredibly protective of them as well. he doesn’t like seeing his family in pain, and he’ll do whatever he has to in order to make sure they’re okay. ray doesn’t care what he has to do, but whatever it is, it’ll get done.

Points of interest:

physical features

ray’s got brown curly hair that he doesn’t do much with. he tends to wear tank tops or open button downs with nothing underneath. sometimes he’ll just go shirtless if he feels like it. he wears jeans or work pants with work boots. he has a tattoo on his shoulder of a group of tally marks. they don’t mean anything. he just thought they looked cool. he has a soda can tab on a chain around his neck. it’s the tab to the first beer his dad gave him. ray doesn’t drink much, but he still keeps the tab. he’s a broader guy, with a fair amount of muscle. he’s average height (five foot nine) and he’s always wished he was taller.

What they’ve been up to recently:

playing panic

ray played panic because everyone was expecting him to play panic. luke had played a few years earlier and so it was automatically assumed that ray would play as well. he wasn’t really playing for anything. the money would’ve been nice, but he really was just playing because everyone expected him to. he had fun with it, but at the same time, he didn’t.

Where to find them:

the hospital

ray spends most of his time in the hospital, waiting for luke to wake up. he was beat up by cortez and while he’s alive, it’s been a fight for him. ray barely leaves his brother’s side except to eat. and even then, he goes down to the hospital’s cafeteria to get food. if your muse wants to find ray, this is their best bet.

his house

if ray isn’t at the hospital, he’s at his house. he tries to avoid it if he knows his grandpa’s home, but he goes to get food and clothes and whatever else he might need whenever he leaves for the hospital. he tends not to stay for too long.

his boat

ray is on his boat more than he’s at his house. he likes being out on the water and he’ll go for rides for hours on end. he might offer your muse a ride if he happens to see them around.

Current plans:

waiting for luke to wake up

he doesn’t have much to do aside wait for luke to wake up, so that’s pretty much all he does. he’s at the hospital every minute he can be, and most of the time he sleeps there, too.

working at the salvage yard

ray, despite most of the general population of carp thinking otherwise, does have a job. his grandfather owns a salvage yard that ray works at. he’ll also take jobs at mechanic shops or at boatyards.

Desired interactions:

nurses/doctors at the hospital

ray is at the hospital a lot. i imagine that if your muse works there, they know him whether they want to or not. this could be a chance for a friendship or an antagonistic relationship, depending on how ray acts around your muse.

salvage yard/boat yard/mechanic shop customers

ray’s good at what he does. he’s a good worker and he’s a hard worker, too. he’s good with customers and if your muse comes to see him, they might be surprised. he’s nothing like the ray they’d know from school or panic.

panic players or spectators

everyone playing or watching panic knows who ray hall is. or, at least, they think they know who ray hall is. ray doesn’t mind chatting with spectators or players. he’s happy to do it and sometimes it’s fun.

Offered interactions:

salvage yard/boat yard/mechanic shop customers

if your muse only knows ray from school and panic, this could be a good chance for them to rewrite their opinion of him. ray is less obnoxious at work and he’s pretty respectful to the customers that come in. or maybe your muse doesn’t even need anything from ray. maybe they just want to annoy him at work.

panic spectators or players

if your muse only knows ray from his jobs, this could be a good chance for them to see him in a different light. whether or not they like that version of ray is entirely up to them, but ray will pretend he doesn’t care either way.

students at school

maybe your muse has never met ray. maybe they’ve only heard rumors. what happens when they’re suddenly face to face with ray hall in chemistry class? how will they react?

Current open post/s:

i don’t have any opens. i prefer to plot.

Anything else?:

thanks for reading this!

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7 months ago

if this gets one like i’ll post the timeline i drew up for my challengers au

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7 months ago

who wants to hear about my human version of dolores hargreeves

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6 months ago

ok i’m gonna make a few opens. they’re probably going to be dialogue only, unless i can think of scenarios

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6 months ago

you should add these three on wire (and add me on discord: haunt.humans)

You Should Add These Three On Wire (and Add Me On Discord: Haunt.humans)
You Should Add These Three On Wire (and Add Me On Discord: Haunt.humans)
You Should Add These Three On Wire (and Add Me On Discord: Haunt.humans)

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6 months ago

me adding the goodman siblings is just me trying to figure out what gabe would be like if he’d lived and also being incredibly sad because of natalie

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6 months ago

does anyone want me to go through my playlist for my challengers au and give a description of why each song is on there/what lyrics from each song are the most significant/etc bc i’ll do it if people are interested

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6 months ago

me who wants to ask for ships for jerome vs me who knows that any ship with jerome is probably going to be incredibly toxic: 😐

if you want to ship with him, go for it! just know that it probably won’t be the healthiest of relationships. or maybe it will, who knows? but it’s very likely that it won’t be healthy.

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6 months ago

i’d like you all to meet medusa. she’s art’s dog that he adopts and gets registered as an emotional support animal a year after everything happens. she used to be a show dog, and she’s won her fair share of competitions. art calls her em or lady m most of the time and he loves her immensely. she’s a very cuddly, very friendly dog that has no issue going up to strangers, but she’s also extremely well trained and probably won’t go up to strangers unless art gives her the okay. art has medusa in his post canon verse, his marvel verse, his ted lasso verse, and his dc verse (which is still a work in progress).

Id Like You All To Meet Medusa. Shes Arts Dog That He Adopts And Gets Registered As An Emotional Support
Id Like You All To Meet Medusa. Shes Arts Dog That He Adopts And Gets Registered As An Emotional Support

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5 months ago

gotham: yeah the valeskas are identical twins

the valeskas:

Gotham: Yeah The Valeskas Are Identical Twins
Gotham: Yeah The Valeskas Are Identical Twins

(granted, they did look like this before Everything Happened, but i still don’t think they look That alike)

Gotham: Yeah The Valeskas Are Identical Twins
Gotham: Yeah The Valeskas Are Identical Twins

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5 months ago

if i posted a little list with summaries and ratings and whatnot for noah’s projects, would anyone be interested in it?

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5 months ago

i updated the rules on my carrd, feel free to read it if you’d like.

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