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once you’re in the hive, the other bees assume you’re supposed to be there
Chapter 4: Second Morning
wordcount: 1.9K
The next morning, Virgil wakes not to birdsong, but to the sound of his alarm.
Blech, mornings. Morning jobs are evil and should be abolished.
Virgil reaches for his phone, but it isn't on the nightstand where it's supposed to be. The nightstand isn't on the floor where it's supposed to be. Virgil reaches out further, searching, and overbalances.
He falls.
This is going to hurt.
Virgil lands, and the floor is a lot closer than it's supposed to be, and also a lot cleaner. The wind is still knocked out of him, but he didn’t land on anything but carpet. It's carpet that was recently vacuumed, even, judging by the lack of dusty smell.
Too many things are not how they are supposed to be. Virgil opens his eyes and looks around.
This isn't his bedroom.
The alarm is still going off. Virgil spots his phone on the floor near him, and he turns off the alarm.
This isn't his bedroom. Virgil yawns. He'd been sleeping on a couch, but it wasn't his couch, either.
Oh, yeah. He'd fallen asleep at Remus's brother's house again. Oops.
He has work.
He hadn't meant to still be here right now. He's supposed to be in his own bed, in his own tiny apartment, sleepily snoozing his alarm. Not here.
He'll have to figure out a different bus route. Does the bus even go by here? He's pulling up the bus schedule when his phone informs him that it has been way too long since he plugged it in, and fucking dies.
“Fuck,” Virgil whispers, with feeling, and then again, a little louder, “Fuck!”
He scrambles off the floor, trying to think. An adrenaline spike does wonders for chasing the sleep-fog out of his brain, but it doesn't usher in logic.
Deep breath. Okay. What does he need?
He needs to get to work on time.
What are his obstacles, and what can he do about them?
Problem: He's not home to catch the bus. Solution: Catch the bus from here. Problem: He doesn't know if the bus goes by here or which one or when or what connections he'd need to make. Solution: Look it up. Problem: His phone is dead. Solution: Plug it in. Problem: No charger. Solution: …
Solution: …
Solution: Ask for fucking help.
Virgil spins and leaves the room. They might not have a charger that'll fit his phone, and it would take too long to get it to a level where he can actually look anything up anyway, but they can at least tell him if there's a bus stop nearby. They might even be willing to look up connections for him.
Luckily for Virgil, his hosts are all in the dining room when he bursts in.
“Good morning,” Calico says, already looking concerned. “What's wrong?”
“Is there a bus?” Virgil asks.
“A what?”
“A bus,” Virgil repeats. “A bus, does a bus go by here? I have work, I'm going to be late, and I can't look up the bus schedule because my phone is dead!”
“Hey, hey, it's okay,” Calico says soothingly, and Virgil wants to scream because it is not okay, he's going to be late for work. He doesn't scream, because that would not be helpful and Calico is just trying to be nice, but he wants to. “Roman can drive you. Right, Roman?”
“Absolutely,” says Princey, whose name is apparently Roman, and gets up. “I'll get my keys.”
Calico portions out some omelette from the pan in the middle of the table, and gives it to Virgil. “Here, eat,” he insists. “You slept through dinner, you shouldn't miss breakfast too.”
Virgil scarfs it mechanically. If Princey is going to drive him, he probably has enough time to eat, but the lingering edges of panic tell him not to waste any time savoring the flavors.
“Do you have any things you need to gather before you go?” Nerdbot asks. Virgil shakes his head.
Well. “My pool noodles I guess,” he says. He probably shouldn't just leave those here for them to clean up. Nerdbot nods and leaves the table as well.
Roman comes back as Virgil finishes the plate of omelette. “Ready to go?” he asks.
Nerdbot hands Virgil the pool noodles, and Calico hands him a buttered bagel. “Eat it on the way,” he says. Princey leads Virgil out to the garage, and they get in his car.
It's red, and fancy-shaped, with a swoopy silhouette instead of what Virgil considers the car default.
Roman hands Virgil his phone once he's buckled, open to the map app, and starts to back out of the garage.
Virgil hesitates. “Can we stop at my place first?” he asks. “I could really use a change of clothes.” He'd really rather not go to work in a Halloween costume he's been wearing for over thirty-six hours.
“Sure,” Princey says. “Which way?”
Virgil puts in his address, and the phone gives him directions. “Left,” he says, the tight band of anxiety finally loosing from around his lungs. It's not entirely gone yet, and won't be until he clocks in, but he's doing better. Princey pulls out of the driveway, and they're off.
Soon, they're pulling up in front of Virgil’s apartment. He'd managed to eat the bagel and navigate at the same time, and they've arrived a bit before Virgil is usually out the door. He really might make it to work on time.
“I'll wait here while you run up and get changed,” Roman says, and Virgil nods. He shifts the pool noodles so he's holding them with the same arm as the phone, and uses his other hand to open the car door.
He dashes up the stairs, unlocks his door at the speed of fright, and dumps his armload on his bed. Virgil strips quickly, and grabs his apron and the first set of clean clothes he sees. He wishes there was time for a shower, but there really isn't. Even if there was, he isn't about to make Princey wait that long for him.
He smears some black eyeshadow on to hide the tired bags under his eyes, grabs his necessities from his previous pockets, and he's back out the door.
“Very fast,” Princey compliments as Virgil rejoins him. “I saw a bus go by.”
“Yeah, that was my usual ride to work,” Virgil says, buckling up. “We can take a more direct route and beat them there. Head out the way you came in, and then take a right at the light.”
They do, in fact, beat the bus there. Virgil heaves a sigh of relief.
“Thanks, man,” he says. “I owe you my life. Do you want some coffee? I can give you my employee discount.”
Roman smiles at him. “I would love some coffee,” he says, and turns off the engine.
There aren't any other customers in line when they go in, just Jayden behind the register.
“Morning, Sunshine,” he greets. Virgil rolls his eyes and comes round to clock in.
“Oh my gosh I love your hair,” Roman enthuses. “That is absolutely gorgeous, did you do it yourself?”
Jay's hair is gorgeous. It's mostly dyed in deep shades of blue, with a few streaks of greens and purples and the natural black. He has it in at least fifty slender box braids, which today are tied back in a loose plait running down his back.
“Oh, no, my friends and I had a styling party,” he answers, which is the short version of the truth he uses for casual conversation with customers—especially white customers. Virgil happens to know that said styling party had been stretched out over more than a week, working their hair in increments so as not to damage it. Virgil had been invited to a few of the sessions, and is responsible for several of Jayden's braids, and some of the color.
“That is a fabulous idea; I should arrange one the next time I dye my hair,” Princey exclaims. “I've been planning to do it in every color of the rainbow!”
“Nice,” Virgil says. Princey's ear-length hair is currently what appears to be a natural brown, with reddish tips. “Stripes running front to back or side to side?”
“You know, I hadn't considered that part,” Princey says, and Virgil laughs. “What do you think?”
Virgil shrugs, and Jay considers Roman.
“Front to back, with the red on top and purple over your ears,” he says. “Perhaps with the red a bit off-center so the stripes are different sizes. That way if it’s not perfect it'll look intentional.”
Roman grins. “I like you,” he declares. “Do you want to come to my styling party?”
Jayden grins back. “Let me know when you plan it and I'll check my calendar.”
“Have you ever dyed your hair?” Roman asks Virgil, whose hair is in fact currently dyed.
“Uh, yeah,” he says, then admits, “I'm actually blond.”
“You're blond!?” Princey cries. “Oh, that is unfair, Gerard Gay! Please trade with me, I beg of you!”
“Why?” Virgil asks.
“Because then I wouldn't have to bleach!” Roman says. “I could redye my hair as soon as the roots grew out, rather than having to wait until enough has grown that I can bleach it without touching the last dye job!”
“Well, unfortunately I don't know how to trade hair colors,” Virgil says. “I think it's genetic.”
Roman groans dramatically, slumping against the counter. “The world is against me,” he complains into the glass. “You wouldn't even miss it, you dye it black! Brown is as easy to make black as blond! Easier, probably!”
Virgil reaches over and pats him sarcastically on the shoulder. “There, there,” he says. “Would coffee make you feel better?” That is why they'd come in here, after all.
“No,” Roman says grumpily, but he straightens and looks at the menu.
“Give him my discount,” Virgil says to Jayden while Roman decides. Jay flashes him a thumbs-up.
“Are the chocolate croissants good?” Roman asks.
“Not as good as what you're served at home, but yeah.”
“Hmmm.” He considers a bit longer, then orders a croissant and, with a decent amount of dithering over flavors, three coffees to go.
Jayden tells him the total and Roman pays, dropping his change and some extra bills into the tip jar. Virgil passes him the croissant, and he eats it while Virgil finishes making the coffee.
“You want a carrier for these?” Virgil asks, already putting them in one. Roman's only got two hands, after all.
“Probably best,” Roman agrees, and Virgil slides the coffee over to him. “Do you need a ride home after work?”
“Nah, I'll take the bus,” Virgil reassures him.
“Alright, if you're sure. See you later!” Princey balances the coffees in one hand so he can wave with the other, and he's off.
“So,” Jay says once the door closes behind him. “Where'd you get the suave edition of your trash rat?”
“Two-for-one special,” Virgil says. “Met him at a Halloween party Remus dragged me to.”
“Well, keep him.” Jayden nods toward the door. “Man just tipped us double what I charged him.”
Chapter 5: to be posted Saturday, August 31 2024