“Kiss it better.”
It was a phrase you heard nonstop. The main perpetrator almost always being Kim Sunwoo. Ever since the two of you were just little kids, at an age where the only worries weighing on your backs being cooties and whether or not their favorite cartoon character would defeat the villain of the show (which was pretty useless, seeing as the episodes always followed a formula that lead to the protagonist winning everything though, kids are quite oblivious).
Every time you hurt yourself, it was always the one solution he came up with, no matter what.
You scraped your knee? Sunwoo would kiss it better. You got a paper cut? Sunwoo’s there to kiss it better. You broke your ankle playing dodgeball and now had to walk around in crutches and a cast around your leg? You know Sunwoo’s gonna kiss it better even when he knows it won’t help at all.
And despite the both of you now being grown adults, Sunwoo was always one for traditions.
“Ow- This coffee’s too hot, I think I burnt my lips.” you mope, a finger coming up to touch your lips as you look down at them.
You turn to Sunwoo who was mindlessly scrolling through his phone before he immediately stood up, alarmed by your sudden complaint as he walked over to you, from the next chair.
“Hey, Sunwoo? Can you kiss it better for me?” you boldly remark, pointing to your lips as you begin to pout exaggeratedly, a smile growing on Sunwoo’s face. He places a finger on your chin, bringing you closer to him before planting his soft lips against your’s for a mere second. Yet that one small kiss made you feel like you were bathing in total and absolute bliss.
“There, all better.”