Or At Least Talks About Drawing - Tumblr Posts
Oh! That explains a lot!
Whenever I draw, and I finish it, I always think "yeah, this is great!", but looking at it later (like, a day or two later) the whole thing looks like I drew it in ms paint with a mouse instead of with a drawing tablet with professional software T-T
And ik I'm not the best artist at all but it's really disheartening... and I've usually already posted it or I just won't go back to fix it. But I think you're right... I'm not looking at it from an outside perspective or looking at the things I did right, I'm looking at all the things that were wrong.
Sooooo, thanks op! I think maybe... my next piece won't be such a headache.
I just had a small epiphany why you might like other people’s art more than your own:
It’s the lack of suspension of disbelief.
When you see something someone else has drawn or painted, you take in the content faster than you take in the technical aspects. You experience it as pseudo-real, the same way you stop perceiving animated characters as drawn or book characters as written as you get into the story.
On the other hand, when you yourself have made something, all you see is the machine behind the theater, so to speak. You’re probably thinking about lines, shading, coloring in a “does this make sense? Is this the best decision I could have made?”-kind of way.
I think that’s also why sometimes, pictures you haven’t looked at for a long time starts looking nice to you again, à la: “Hey past-me was unto something! Why can’t I replicate it nowadays?”. It’s probably specifically because you’ve forgotten the process of making it that you are now seeing it with fresh eyes.
Art is an illusion, but a magician has a hard time tricking themself. So don’t be so hard on yourself: it’s probably just that you can’t see the magic right now, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.