Osmp Philza - Tumblr Posts

My other old art of mcyt
I especially love the first sketch, cuz he came out pretty naturally, and I made it based on a very funny stream. I love origins, they are so much fun. Especially Phil's and Sneeg POV
It's sad to see this server get reset and abandoned every time. /PeopleSad
I didn't really bother to draw some proper background, sorry
I miss origins :(
Recently I rediscovered the fact that Happy Together is in fact a song and it made think a bit too much about o!Phil and o!Sneeg.
Like, at it's base it's a quite cheery song about two people who have sworn to be together. Which makes me think a lot about how close Phil and Sneeg were, like they were always together, and loyal to eachother.
But then if you listen to the lyrics like, they're kinda obsessive, like, really obsessive. It sounds like the singer is obsessed with someone and like, trying to convince them to also be obsessed with them. Because listening to the lyrics, these two people aren't together. "Imagine me and you". And I think this more sinister and obsessive take to the lyrics really pulls into the whole villain and abandonment issues of o!phil and o!sneeg. Like, they are villains, but their main point of villainy is trying to keep the server together. They desperately want a family. And they want their family to stay.
Also like, the ending of the song seems to especially tap in to the obssessive-ness, like, the desperate repetition and build up of all the sounds. And also the addon of the lyric "How is the weather?" Makes me really think about Sneeg being left alone by the server, more more specifically Phil. He's growing desperate, and probably going insane from loneliness. He's asking "how is the weather?" Because he's wondering how it is for everyone else. Is the weather clearer where they are? Are they happy? It also feels very bitter to me, like Sneeg has grown angry at the idea of "happy together" because it's something Phil would've said, and now he's alone.
Anyways yeah, I miss origins, come home origins. Please.

Origins is on my dash again, origins mentioned on todays sneeg and phil stream, despite everything that happened this week, nature is healing

return of this meme feat. philza minecraft