Others Have Also Requested HorrortalePapyrus So I Got That In The List.. Would Love Some Interesting Prompts Tho~ Just Sayin~~~~ - Tumblr Posts
3 years ago
I personally love Swapfell Papyrus (the purple one, like bhc Rus) and Horrortale Papyrus.
They're both darlings and I'd love to see them in your style!

POV: You're in a rom-com manga and Papyrus wants to play the Pocky game with you. He's too shy to ask properly so he just suggests splitting it with you... what's your next move?
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I'll be honest... I haven't played BHC.. YET! I have however read some fanfic of Swapfell Papyrus and I've actually drawn him before!
JUST... not with his fluffy hoody ahahah! I keep drawing Papyri out of their regular outfits heheheheh.
I did want to try drawing SwapFell Papyrus again with my current style though so this was interesting
Underfell Papyrus in the silk fluffy robe gave me more confidence to tackle the fluffy hoody ahahahah
swapfell papyrus
my art
papyrus with gold fangs
i mean i didnt color this drawing but you know... theyre supposed to be gold fangs right? ... right???
avoids looking at reference... ahahaha
may or may not be ooc I got no cluuuuue~~~ La dee daaaa~~~
others have also requested HorrortalePapyrus so I got that in the list.. would love some interesting prompts tho~ just sayin~~~~
drown me in asks plz~~~ LOL