Ouat Hook Is A Red Flag - Tumblr Posts
Absolutely true. Let's no forget that at the end of S3, when they went back in time, he literally outed himself as a rapist as well. His words to Emma were that if she approached his past self, "the different between me now and that guy (his own past) is that I take no for an answer."
Fucking WHAT.
So, this guy admits on screen that he used to routinely sexually assault women and it is never addressed again and he's still treated like some suave Bad Boy that Emma should want to date?
Let's not talk about how he also lied about "well, I'll take no for an answer." Hello, the entire dynamic with this guy is that since he walked on screen in S2 he has not been respecting Emma's "no, I'm not interested, go away, stop lurking". He is literally that guy in a bar harassing a girl who turned him down because he thinks he can change her mind by being belligerent. He's never respected anyone's no, the narrators just made him eventually wear Emma down. And he apparently never respected anyone's no back then either.
Hook is a giant walking red flag and consent issue and the writers should be ashamed of trying to sell them as being in love.
Hook is basically a "Nice Guy". He told Emma she owed him a kiss for saving her father (no, the fact Emma kissed him first and liked it does not excuse how wrong this is), he doesn't take no (she told him the kiss was a one-time thing and her expressions show no interest in him) for an answer, can't comprehend why Emma doesn't want him even though he's "good" now, flat out told her he *will* win her heart, and in the end he got Emma as a reward for giving up his ship/"redeeming" himself.
pretty much. and the only reason his actions were often glossed over or interpreted as romantic was solely because he was played by a conventionally attractive white guy. if he had been played by mrj instead of c.olin or by any other less attractive actor you can bet no one would be willfully ignoring his gross bullshit.