Paige Bueckers - Tumblr Posts
his instagram following is also very odd
He’s a weirdo in general, I never noticed this but I went though them just now and it’s consistent that he eyes tons of young girls with provocative lifestyles and so much more.. so disturbing

does anyone have the clip where azzis dad called paige a snack bc i’ve never seen that thats weird asf if my gfs dad called me a snack oh im long gone like girl get out of there
I don’t get why people think Paige needs to “come out”. Why do gay people have to say they’re gay. Straight people don’t have to come out. Also, if your friends and family know, you’re not in the closet. Tbh i feel like she kinda has alr come out to the public bc of the high nobriety article lol

There are definitely elements in the interview that could signal aspects of her identity and awareness of her position within the queer community but they don’t definitively indicate that she has come out or identifies as gay.
I hear you on that part of people having to “come out” like it’s some big story. I don’t know it’s just how society is built like right now and maybe she wants to defy that an just not say anything, we just know and that’s how it should be.

azzis whole family kinda off esp that brother who just loves to say all their buisness on tiktok and snap and insta and literally everything he can
He tries to capture as much footage of Paige as possible, to me, it raises significant red flags about their intentions and the respect for Paige's privacy. When someone’s family becomes overly involved in their personal and professional life, especially as public figures, it literally creates an uncomfortable dynamic that adds pressure rather than support and in a lot of the videos they film of her she looks like she doesn’t want to be filmed. That one drunk video of her made me sad too cause she was just tryna live in the moment and then here comes Azzi’s brother shoving a camera in her face.. I really do hate that for her ☹️
Also with Tim, the game where Azzi blows a kiss to the opposing teams coach because he wasn’t allowed to attend the game because of false accusations…. I wonder what those accusations were….
I have to anonymous message about this that also want to know and i’m very curious as well because how on earth do you get banned from a women’s basketball event where the team is young girls… There’s only a select few options to choose from here and they’re all not good at all.
Have you seen the video of Azzi saying another teams coach in high school got her dad banned from a game because they made up lies about him? I’ve always wondered what was said to get him banned. I would think it would have to be something pretty serious and it never sat right with me
I HAVEN’T?!?! oh my god… if you do have it, can you send it to me. There are so many things that have been covered up. It has to be something serious and by the looks of it, I just have a bad feeling man.…
It’s the link about blowing a kiss to an opponent 🙏🏼
Tim Fudd, Azzi’s dad, Was BANNED From Attending a High School Girls Basketball Tournament Game
This clip is of Azzi defending her dad from a High School Coach that accused him of doing something that got him kicked out and not allowed to be on the premises of a high school the night his daughter was playing against another team…
The circumstances suggest a potentially inappropriate or disruptive action on his part. The lack of widespread awareness among fans about this incident is because they want to keep it out of the public eye. Given the sensitive nature of the situation, the possibilities for why he was banned might involve misconduct or behavior deemed unacceptable by the school's administration.
I’m genuinely shocked by this. If there is evidence or credible accounts of his inappropriate actions, it's crucial for the safety of others that it is known, as it would speak volumes about who is influencing Azzi and possibly affecting those around her, including Paige.
It’s concerning that Paige is so closely linked to them. The constant recording and surveillance by Azzi’s family feels invasive, and when paired with the incident involving Azzi’s father, it only becomes more unsettling. Paige deserves to be surrounded by people who genuinely have her best interests at heart, not individuals who might bring negative influence or unwanted scrutiny into her life.
the stuff azzi's dad posts on tiktok is so weirdddd. some of his reposts are also... interesting.
so everyone agrees he’s a weirdo…
Also another anon that I got spilled on him being invasive. He’s just so disturbing, Paige gotta cut some ties 😭😭
sigh i will say that the comparisons aren’t the best but the fucking infantilization azzi gets is so insane to me girl is 20 something i think yet ur calling her ur sparkle princess be SO serious what is happening
and we all know exactly why they do that!

the nerve some people have to say that Paige is the one being infantilized by her fans when they constantly do that to that girl like she’s some child… BFFR 😭😭
im kinda glad some ppl are speaking up ab everything rn!! i’ve been a fan since like the end of 2022 and no one can say anythinggg ab paige and azzi without getting dragged.. i just wanna say i’ve always thought azzi’s fam was a little weird for always finding a reason to stick a camera in paige’s face, then again we don’t know these ppl so 🤷♀️
right… and they will send you dts for even mentioning it because it bursts their bubble of the “perfect relationship” that they constructed in their heads. if anyone’s the obsessive freak, it’s the ones sittin on this app fantasizing over a relationship of two people they’ve never met or know at all 😭
It’s wild to me as a new fan of Paige that so many people, especially ones that have been fans for so long and have been silent, are coming forward admitting how weird Azzi’s family is, constantly recording her to put on the internet. She’ll eventually see the light one day…
does anyone have a wnba league pass account they wouldn’t mind letting me use? i would greatly appreciate it!
This whole thing is crazy asl bc I thought Q was so funny and sassy but lying abt dating someone(kk Harvey) and then trying to date multiple minors… how u talkin abt ur teammates but you’re a benchwarmer majority of the time.
She was also overly sexualizing someone’s dead girlfriend ( rest in peace 💕) which is so disgusting. She’s also ‘allegedly’ transphobic fat phobic and has said many slurs and told someone “you are pretty for an Asian girl” LIKE WHATTTT😨
she’s so weird and saying Paige doesn’t like her fans when she clearly loves and appreciates them like it’s just giving jealousy. She’s so embarrassing and desperate for some attention bc she clearly wasn’t before so she goin after CHILDRENNN and someone who has a gf… but like what baffles me is that her siblings don’t care.
But TELL ME WHYYY this long necked, droopy, sloth faced, giraffe goin around tellin her teammates secret to someone she just started talking to an hour ago.. make it make sense like
ho is you coo?..
Like what’s goin AWNNN with the wcbb community first Jada got cancelled and now this dumb ass bitch Q they needa get knocked up on the side of their head bc tf is going on???
part 1
“And I break down, then he's she’s pullin' me in
In a world of boys girls, he's she’s a gentleman”
paring: paige bueckers x fem reader
Mya has always been named as a slut to so many people because of her ex girlfriend spreading lies about her and even her having her own podcast with her best friend Lily just makes it worse because now everyone knows about her, but what if someone who didn’t care what people said about her?
November 5th 2023
at 6:30pm
“It just never stops.” I laughed as I tells a story about how I got approached in public being asked if I was Jennifer Lawerence when we look nothing alike.
“Bro that’s so funny like y’all don’t even look alike.” Lily laughs as they are laughing into the mic. Lily is the only girl Mya can trust. She was the only girl who listened to her about everything that happened with her ex and her reputation going down. She was always by her side.
“Okay now that’s enough. Now let’s get into the juicy stuff.” Lily said with a weird smile which made me laugh at her weird face that she made.
“Oh no.” I said dramatically being prepared for the questions Lily was gonna ask. “Since I am here, you should tell people what happened between you and you know who.” Lily said which makes me smile at her. She knows that i wanted to address it, but I couldn’t be by myself.
“Yeah, uh so. My ex started this rumor about me saying how I cheated on her during our relationship because I always hung out with Lily and she knew that she was wrong because turns out she was cheating on me the entire time and when I found out, she blocked me on everything, and moved out of her dorm so I couldn’t see her.” I explained with a laugh at the end trying to lighten up the mood.
“and how did you find out she was cheating?” Lily asked already knowing the answer. “I got a hey girly text.” I said laughing because of Lily making a disgusted face.
“she’s just so ew.” Lily says gagging which makes me laugh and nod my head. “Anyway, let’s talk about the women’s basketball team.” Lily says wiggling her eyebrows which makes me shake my head with a smile.
“oh no.” i said throwing my head back. The women’s basketball team at UCONN were really attractive and they were really good which makes them even more attractive. Lily has been having her eyes on Nika for a long time.
“oh yes. Nika is my bae even though she doesn’t know it yet.” Lily says which makes me sigh. “Girl, you are delusional.” I said as we both laugh.
“So you are telling me you don’t find any of them attractive?” Lily says which makes me smile and just stare at her which lets her know that she is not wrong. “okay, who do you think is cute?” Lily asks which makes me sit there and think for a second.
“Paige Bueckers probably.”
November 7th 2023
at 5:46pm
Im just sitting in my room on my phone just scrolling through instagram until i get a DM out of nowhere. I go to check and my eyes went wide when i saw that Paige Bueckers DM’d me. I go to look what she said which make a blush come to my cheeks.
Paige Bueckers
oh, so you think i’m attractive? 5:47pm
Mya Courtney
maybe i do. is that a problem? 5:49pm
Paige Bueckers
no problem at all. i just wanted to
ask something. 5:31pm
Mya Courtney
and that is? 5:32pm
Paige Bueckers
go out with me? 5:33pm
Mya Courtney
is this a question or a demand? 5:35pm
Paige Bueckers
both. 5:36pm
Mya Courtney
can i think about it? 5:38pm
Paige Bueckers
take all the time you need Mya. 5:40pm
no rush. 5:41pm
it’s not like i don’t want to go out on a date with paige, but what if this is some kind of joke? or me being on her little roster she probably has? why me? she could go out with anyone if she wanted to. she has to know the kind of reputation “i have” and she definitely has heard what people have said about me, what me ex has said about me and way more.
i just laid down on my bed as i started at the ceiling as the same word is surrounding my brain. why? why? why?

you look like dorka juhasz in this light remarkable 🌟

you look like lou lopez-senechal in 75 the hair and lips 🪐

both of these duos are litterally the definition of birds of a feather i cant🙈
i watched the ESPYS Award Show for the Best Comeback Athlete for this year and sadly Paige did not win. But I’m so glad that Simone won because honestly, she deserves an award like that and especially as a black gymnast, it’s definitely her getting an award that’s recognizing her for something she’s passionate about.
I would hate to see if people are hating on the face that Paige didn’t win. I know people are upset but let’s just come back to reality, it wasn’t only her in the category and no one should be mad at Simone for winning. Just be happy Paige was nominated and there are many other awards she can win later in the year once she starts playing again. Honestly, let’s not be racist and appreciate the fact that a women, specifically a black women won Best Comeback Athlete.
Of course I’ll never stop loving Paige because there would be no reason to. CONGRATS TO SIMONE BILES!! ❤️
is there anyone interested in me writing for stranger things, twd, criminal minds, or wbb?
if you send me requests i’ll love you forever