Paleoposting - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

The cutest little dimetrodon ever actually

I Used A Piece Of One Of My Favourite Background Fabrics To Make The Sail For This Tiny Dimetrodon!
I Used A Piece Of One Of My Favourite Background Fabrics To Make The Sail For This Tiny Dimetrodon!
I Used A Piece Of One Of My Favourite Background Fabrics To Make The Sail For This Tiny Dimetrodon!

I used a piece of one of my favourite background fabrics to make the sail for this tiny dimetrodon!

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1 year ago
Danger Balloon

Danger Balloon

(Polycotylid plesiosaurs)

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1 year ago
Another #paleostream Sketch

Another #paleostream sketch

Euoplocephalus, walking across the bottom of a lake, being approached by a curious baby elasmosaur.

Some time ago it turned out that ankylosaurs were, similar to hippos, negatively bouyant.

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1 year ago

Hello it's me local twitter refugee @aberrantologist and I draw dinosaurs and stuff.

Hello It's Me Local Twitter Refugee @aberrantologist And I Draw Dinosaurs And Stuff.
Hello It's Me Local Twitter Refugee @aberrantologist And I Draw Dinosaurs And Stuff.
Hello It's Me Local Twitter Refugee @aberrantologist And I Draw Dinosaurs And Stuff.
Hello It's Me Local Twitter Refugee @aberrantologist And I Draw Dinosaurs And Stuff.

This is my first post on Tumblr so I have no clue what I'm doing. Regardless, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of my art from this year. Featuring the Prehistoric Planet Nanuqsaurus family, two very gay Halszkaraptor, a hungry Helicoprion, a speculative take on the enigmatic Hupehsuchus, and of course...

Hello It's Me Local Twitter Refugee @aberrantologist And I Draw Dinosaurs And Stuff.

...a portrait of my dear son/daughter/child Lucky who is the best dinosaur ever (factual statement) even though all they do is bite stuff and poop everywhere. Anyways, for more paleoart and the occasional bird photo, please consider dropping a follow!

Hello It's Me Local Twitter Refugee @aberrantologist And I Draw Dinosaurs And Stuff.

(the creature in question)

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1 year ago
Another Traditional Piece By Me, This Was For A Paper That Showed That Lufengosaurus Produced Soft Shelled

Another traditional piece by me, this was for a paper that showed that Lufengosaurus produced soft shelled eggs. I would do this quite a bit different these days but back in the day I just started painting landscapes.

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1 year ago

Sometimes I just wish I was a dinosaur you know? Today, I picked pine needles to make pine soda while in the woods by the river and I felt like a hadrosaur with a vitamin C deficiency. I crave that vitamin C. But I’m also near the river and have to keep an eye out for scary carnivorous dinosaurs (mountain lions and stuff) but the river looks so tasty for a drink. Hopefully there is nothing that intends on eating me under the water’s surface. Munch munch

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1 year ago

Common Dinosaur Mistakes

you know the "bunny hands" pose everyone does to indicate t. rex? with the hands folded down, palms facing the chest? yeah. almost no dinosaurs could do that. it would break their wrists. only one unique group evolved to do that, which doesn't include any of the Jurassic Park dinosaurs. the term for this is "pronation" and actually the vast majority of land vertebrates can't do it. mammals can. mammals are weird.

not a single dinosaur has claws on their fourth or fifth fingers. not a single one. not even if they're quadrupedal.

most dinosaurs have very stiff tails and can't wiggle them around like a lizard tail. the tails were stiff for balance.

the "tongue flick" thing that lizards do is a lizard thing. dinosaurs wouldn't have done that. they don't do that today (birds, birds don't do that)

"nonavian" dinosaurs with feathered wings had them like birds. they covered the hands. and attached to the hands. stop giving Velociraptor hands. it had wings. and very big ones, too, based on Zhenyuanlong.

dinosaurs with scales don't have lizard scales. lizard scales are a derived trait found only in lizards. they had scutes similar to those of living birds, but much smaller compared to body size, and often in crazy shapes and patterns. dinosaur scales are super weird tbh

sauropods don't have elephant feet. they handled the problem of size in a much weirder way: instead of spreading out the weight, they turned their feet into columns. like pillars. some of the biggest species didn't have any fingers, their front limbs just. end. for maximum column support.

dinosaurs were chonky. you could not see the bones like a silhouette under the skin. some might have been skinnier and some of the features of the bones would be somewhat like with skinny bird legs, but most of the time? no. so stop making the holes in their skulls visible on the outside like damn. jurassic park/world is the biggest offender for this one.

the whole unique feature of dinosaurs is having their legs DIRECTLY under their bodies. they do not sprawl. I can't believe I have to say that, but I do.

hadrosaur (duck-billed dinosaur) front feet were hooves. like, seriously, hooves. not little flippers. not three fingered hands. hooves.

I reserve the right to add more to this post as I think of things.

other people can too, but just research before you do.

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1 year ago
First Hats I Ever Made! For The Kid In All Of Us
First Hats I Ever Made! For The Kid In All Of Us
First Hats I Ever Made! For The Kid In All Of Us
First Hats I Ever Made! For The Kid In All Of Us

first hats I ever made! for the kid in all of us

currently out of stock but you can preorder them here!

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1 year ago
Utahraptor Ostrommaysorum Is My Second Favorite Dinosaur I Think
Utahraptor Ostrommaysorum Is My Second Favorite Dinosaur I Think
Utahraptor Ostrommaysorum Is My Second Favorite Dinosaur I Think
Utahraptor Ostrommaysorum Is My Second Favorite Dinosaur I Think
Utahraptor Ostrommaysorum Is My Second Favorite Dinosaur I Think
Utahraptor Ostrommaysorum Is My Second Favorite Dinosaur I Think

Utahraptor Ostrommaysorum is my second favorite dinosaur i think

i made these bc im obsessed with dinosaur horror and im still angry at jwd for not giving us shit like this

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1 year ago
Sinosauropteryx On A Successful Hunt.

Sinosauropteryx on a successful hunt.

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1 year ago

Marine paleontology has a grip on my heart that I cannot even begin to describe. Wow

Result From The #paleostream For Some Times Now I Have Been Fascinated By The Jialingjiang Formation

Result from the #paleostream For some times now I have been fascinated by the Jialingjiang Formation and it's bizarre content. It's best known for the hupehsuchians, the only place and time they are known from. But there are quite a few other critters as well.

here the little size chart that I made yesterday in preparation. Fun fact about the Jialingjiang Formation: we have not a single fish fossil so far, only incho fossils indicate that that they were present too. The reptiles however, are often preserved fantastically!

Result From The #paleostream For Some Times Now I Have Been Fascinated By The Jialingjiang Formation

Here some examples of hupehsuchians and other animals from there. After some digging, people from our Discord server also found some invertebrates to include in the image.

Result From The #paleostream For Some Times Now I Have Been Fascinated By The Jialingjiang Formation

The environment of this formation was apparently extreme: very warm water, high salinity (lots of potassium), arid climate over the waves (it was a hot soup). This and the relative isolation of the giant lagoon these animals lived in, potentially lead to a lot of endemism.

Btw. I came back to this formation because of the recent Hupehsuchus filter feeding paper. I think it's a fascinating topic. However I'm not sure I can agree with the idea that this animal would be a continuous ram feeder, similar to right whales.

Result From The #paleostream For Some Times Now I Have Been Fascinated By The Jialingjiang Formation

While that fits the probably rather slow locomotion of the animal the jaws look more like those of Rorqual whales. So how does that fit? Thankfully a friend noticed that, while torso and tail are rather stiff, the neck is quite flexible...

Result From The #paleostream For Some Times Now I Have Been Fascinated By The Jialingjiang Formation

so a potential strategy I could imagine here is that they thrashed their heads left and right into clouds of shrimp/plankton, similar to how some crocodiles do it to catch small fish. Let me known what you think. I'm looking forward to more research into these animals.

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1 year ago


based off this pic

— Caleb Bohus (@CalebBohus) June 2, 2023

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