Pale!Printy - Tumblr Posts

NAME; Printy Osseus
NICKNAME; Kiddo, Kid, Brat, Empty Monster.
AGE; 19 years old
BIRTHDAY; October 23th
VOID created Printy with the objective of having a daughter to care and love for. But things didn't go so well.
For not being created in normal way, Printy end up not having a SOUL of their own. For most part of her life Printy had to rely on Lisa(JT), Gina(PT), Jeffrey(PV), Angela(IT), George(BR) and Leopold(KD). They had to give part of their SOUL essence to Printy so she could, not only live normally, but also be able to feel emotions too.
When VOID wasn't able to look out for Printy, he left her in the care of the Dreemurr's. There she could play and be part of a bigger family, of course VOID took care of her the best he could, while being the personal royal scientist of the king and queen.
Things changed when Chara fell into the RUINS and came to live with the Dreemurr's, her and Asriel became friends really fast, and then the other became her friends too. One day, in one of the humans SOUL check up with Printy and the others, Chara started to ask "why should I give part of the essence of my SOUL to them? why can't you just make a SOUL for them in the same way you made them?".
A few year later on the others stopped sharing their essence with Printy, one by one. Leopold was the only who keep sharing their SOUL with Printy, but being the only one sharing started injuring him. The others notice, and with that Chara was able to convince them to confront Printy.
Before they could confront them Printy took Asgore SOUL with only Chara and Asriel seeing it. Later on they told Toriel about who tried to hide it was Printy fault, but Chara was able to tell everything to every single monster in the underground.
The day they finally confronted Printy was a tragedy it ended with Printy taking Leopold, Jeffrey, George and Lisa SOUL, Toriel hiding away in the RUINS in hope of finding some peace of mind with the kids. They were all only 15 years old, kids in the middle of a war about to happen when VOID decide to disappear with Printy and the only source of power and food for the underground.
Now Printy is alone with her father in a cold place, with only the screaming voices of her friends in her head.
Printy used to be a cold heartless person, when not consuming the essence of SOUL of one of her friends.
After the "SOULS tragedy" she became more emotional and sure of what they really want. Than is free all monsters and humans from this miserable world by finding a new and better place to live on.
She somewhat kind to other and care a lot about her new friends, but have problems with expressing love to the one they care the most, but get very embarrassed when VOID or Charlotty joke with her about the oblivious crush on Muffet, Metta is only one who can stop them from killing them from embarrassment.
CAN and WILL a meltdown in case one of their friends get hurt and stay in the edge of death.
-Incredibly she likes spice foods and sweets, and sometimes both at the same.
-Her favorite pie is snail pie, that was the first pie Asgore cooked for them when she first visit.
-Knows how to cook but don't really need to eat, but do anyway (none of the other need too, expect VOID).
-Their scarf was a gift from Leopold than later on was modify by VOID so he could keep a eye on her when they go to another AU.
-The lost limbs was Lisa fault.
-Almost every time Chara and Printy was in the same room they would be at each other throat all of a sudden. Asriel would be the only one able to stop them.
-Printy was the first one and the only one (along with Chara) to have a matching necklace with Asriel. They don't use it anymore, don't feel worth to wear it.
-Before Frisk appear Printy didn't really care about taking their SOUL in the others universes. But now they are family.
-Even with Asgore SOUL to keep the others SOULS still, they will casually take control when Printy is unconscious.
-The other half of their face turned black a few days later after the "SOULS tragedy" because of Asriel fireballs.
-They are consider a amalgamate by the others for not being a monster or human.
-Have a whisper flowey as a pet.