Papa Kun Makes Me So Soft I Cant - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

domestic | kun

domestic | m.list

The hardware store was never the place that Kun thought would be like a second home, but with the amount of times he’s been here in the past few weeks, he bet he could walk around safely with his eyes closed. Your household has been hectic recently, buying endless supplies of painter’s tape, paint rollers and brushes, and paint trays, along with moving furniture and covering everything in the soon-to-be-painted room with plastic tarps. There was one more supply you needed, and it was the supply that had you and Kun coming back to the hardware store daily: paint.

Although the paint itself was easy to choose, the color was the problem. Endless swatches were taped up all over the room, and the amount of times Kun would find a color he liked but you didn’t (or vice versa) was immeasurable. Kun was in the paint swatches aisle with you once again, standing behind you with his hands running up and down your arms; he was saying something about how cold it was and how you should be wearing a jacket and you just hummed along. You were too busy looking over the swatches, as if you hadn’t been looking at the same ones every single day this past week. Nevertheless, Kun patiently kissed the side of your head as you breathed out a heavy sigh and wrapped his arms around you. As you leaned back into him, ready to give up for today, a particular color caught the corner of your eye and made you grab one of Kun’s hands, leading it over to the color.

No words needed to be said between both of you to know you’ve found the color. Eagerly, you both walked up to the paint counter and the attendant greeted you, acknowledging that you finally picked out a color after all these weeks and asked what the paint was for. This made you and Kun look at each other in silence. Weeks of preparation had took its physical toll on you, your hair a wild mess and there were some bags under your eyes, but Kun saw you today in the same way he saw you the first time: breathtakingly beautiful. He pulls away from your gaze and looks at the attendant.

“The nursery.” Maybe the stress and pressure of something as silly as a paint color for the nursery translated from the fact that your first child was on the way, a big step in the direction of a family. Although this was something you were both excited for, it was hard to not let the anxiety of first time parents show. You looked at Kun as he said these words, the sparkle in his eyes at just the thought of his child completely overpowering the tiredness. You knew his patience with you these past few weeks would carry over to patience for his child, and you were sure that no matter how much the two of you worried, you knew Kun was going to be an amazing father, just like he was an amazing person.

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