Papamin - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Papamin, the greenest flag of them all 💚💚

Papamin's Big Day

Papamin's Big Day


When your first baby was 8 weeks old, she was booked in for her routine vaccinations. You were anxious, tense about seeing your tiny baby in pain.

Kento took the event very seriously indeed. He read all of the latest medical guidance on what to expect before, during and after the vaccinations. He stocked the house with two different types of newborn pain relief. He bought your favourite snacks, certain you'd be stressed and upset.

He booked three days off work, to be there on the day, and for the potential 48 hours of fever afterwards. He reassured you, constantly; the gentle, sincere reassurance of man used to far more stressful situations.

"Darling, she'll be absolutely fine," Kento mumbled into the top of your hair, one enormous hand stroking your trembling back, while the other held your tiny daughter, asleep in her car seat, "She'll hardly feel a thing. She won't remember a thing."

The Nurse was friendly, sweet, and experienced. You twisted your hands as she handed you information leaflets, and Kento nodded, calm and impassive, as she told him all the information he already knew. As the Nurse prepared the three injections, Kento turned to you, one great hand squeezing your thigh.

"I'll hold her?" He asked, and you nodded, mouth puckered as Kento kissed your forehead again. He reached two hands into the car seat, your tiny baby looking so dwarfed in his palms as he lifted her out onto his lap, gently undressing her as she scrunched, squeaking, cradled on his thighs. Kento shushed her, lifting her to his chest, nuzzling his nose into her hair. The picture of calm.

"Alright then! All ready, mummy and daddy?" The Nurse chirped, approaching with a sterile tray of vaccinations. You steeled yourself. Kento nodded, brisk.

It was all over in under ten seconds. Three swift needles, two to one thigh, and one to the other. Your baby girl's pain reaction was delayed for a moment, before she shrieked, a confused little cry, a cacophony of appalled tiny wails.

"Oh-- oh baby, my baby, come here," you cried, your face scrunched as you scooped her into your arms, cradling her under your chin, and bopping her around the room with bum-pats and shushes.

A few moments of tiny newborn cries passed...until you heard one heaving, strangled sob behind you. You turned round to Kento.

Kento stood, shaking as he faced the window, one arm wrapped across his chest to hold his elbow, the other hand cupping his face. You heard barely suppressed sniffles, and quiet gruff breaths.

"Kento, are you--...are you crying?"

"No, no, I'm-- I'm fine," Kento wept, sliding tears away with long fingers. Another sob wracked across his broad shoulders, more tears spilling down his face, sobbing again when his daughter wailed another pained cry.

The Nurse looked from Kento, to you, to Kento, silent as the grave. You walked slowly over to Kento, whose tears began to slow, giving his daughter a watery smile when she looked up at him with a quizzical, tearstained face.

Kento scooped her into his arms, drying his tears on her tiny velvet head. You rubbed Kento's arm, squeezing it, trying to stop your heart from bursting, with a little smile.

"Kento, do you...should we...go and get you a sandwich?" Kento sniffled, giving his daughter a kiss, nodding his thanks to the Nurse.

"Yes, uh...yes. I'd like that. Sorry."

"Don't...dont be sorry."

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5 months ago

hina... have you ever drawn nanami & yuji. pls i need to see them. my reluctant mentor and ray of sunshine. maybe eating together after a mission

Hina... Have You Ever Drawn Nanami & Yuji. Pls I Need To See Them. My Reluctant Mentor And Ray Of Sunshine.

cleaned up this request doodle from a while ago <3

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4 months ago
[papamin Au ] Fall Stroll

[papamin au 🐅] fall stroll 🍂

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4 months ago
PAPAMIN!!! Ft. Baby Yuji

PAPAMIN!!! ft. baby yuji ☆

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11 months ago
Sometimes A Family Is You, Your Older Brother And The Tsundere Man You Convinced To Be Your Father.

Sometimes a family is you, your older brother and the tsundere man you convinced to be your father.

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I’m just a kid (and life is a nightmare)

dad!Nanami & kid!Yuji

commissioned this amazing piece from @yuutaguro for chapter two of my teen papamin au in which Nanami reluctantly adopts Yuji right after graduating from Jujutsu High and leaving the sorcerer world! [chapters 1-3 on ao3]

Im Just A Kid (and Life Is A Nightmare)

Everything had been going so well. Nanami would begin his office job on Monday, the same day that Yuji’s school year started. He had just taken Yuji to buy his uniform, and a shiny new backpack. It wasn’t until he was going back over the supply list and dress code that the trouble started.

“Yuji, you have to cut your hair! It’s not me, it’s the school’s stupid rule.”

Yuji stuck out his tongue and ran around the table, avoiding Nanami’s grasp. “Don’t wanna!” He shouted back.

“I know! But you have to anyway!” Nanami chased him back around the other side. “It’s not up for debate!”


Nanami stopped running and covered his face with his hands, taking deep breaths. The kid was driving him crazy. Hell, he agreed with him. He probably would’ve been just as pissed about cutting his hair at that age, but damn if it wasn’t frustrating on the other side. “Look, I’m sorry the dress code is annoying. I am! But you’re gonna get in trouble if we don’t tame that pink mop on your head!” God, I sound like my dad, Nanami thought glumly.

Yuji flung himself around the corner and peeked out. “But I don’t wanna , Nanaminnn!!”

“I know.” He gave a long sigh. “Can you tell me why?”

“I wanna look like you!”

“You- what?” Nanami was thrown for a loop. Yuji could barely see through his hair at this point, it looked nothing like
 oh no. Nanami skidded into the bathroom and stared in the mirror. Yuji came hurtling behind him, just barely able to peek over the countertop on his tiptoes.

“See, Nanamin? We’re the same!”

The kid had a point. Nanami stared at his face, noticing for the first time that he had let his hair get quite long. It just didn’t seem like a priority, not after
well. He shook his head, tossing the long shock of blonde hair out of his eyes. Yuji peered up at him, looking annoyingly smug.

“See, you see?”

“Yeah, I see, Yuji.” Maybe it was time that he matured his look. At least a little. “I guess I have a mop up there too, huh?” He couldn’t help but chuckle at the way Yuji imitated his nod. “I have an idea for how we can fix this.”

Everyone in the barbershop couldn’t help but smile at the strange pair that walked in, the serious, blonde teenager and his hyper, pink-haired companion.

“Awww, is this your little brother?” The receptionist cooed.

“Uh, no, this is my
Yuji.” Nanami cringed at himself, but the kid holding his hand beamed.

“Yeah, I’m his Yuji!!”

The two boys politely requested the same haircut, and Nanami went first to reassure Yuji. “See? Doesn’t hurt at all, okay? Bet you’re gonna look cooler than me.”

Nanami watched himself in the mirror as the barber went to work. It wasn’t like he was attached to his look or anything, at least he told himself so. But change was weird. By the end of it, he could see more of his forehead than he had in years. He looked older, like a salaryman.

“What do you think, kid?” Yuji looked at him thoughtfully.

“You look like a grown-up, Nanamin!”

“Yeah, I guess I do.” He laughed. “Your turn, Yuji. Think you can be brave?”

“Yeahh! Brave like you!” Yuji slid into the seat and reached out a hand, which Nanami held tight.

By the end of it, Nanami’s hair was slicked into a deep side part, with a few stubborn strands escaping into his eyes. Yuji’s hair still spung up at all angles. It suited him, though. And more importantly, fit the school dress code.

Nanami took Yuji out to their favorite bakery on the way home as a reward. The boy eagerly gobbled down a pink-frosted doughnut with extra sprinkles while Nanami sipped coffee with a slice of lemon cake. “We did well today, huh kid?”

Yuji nodded proudly with a faceful of frosting. “Yeah, we did great! And we still look the same as each other!”

Nanami squinted at him, but couldn’t bring himself to burst the kid’s bubble. “We sure do. Maybe we could switch places, and you could go into work for me!”

Yuji doubled over with laughter. “No way Nanamin!”

“You sure? I could go to school for you, do all your homework
” he teased.

Yuji appeared to be considering the offer, then shook his head, still giggling. “Nuh-uh!”

“Ah, well.” Nanami pretended to sigh. “Worth a try.”

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I’m just a kid (and life is a nightmare)

Dad!Nanami and Kid!Yuji

another installment of my teen papamin series! in which yuji gets into trouble at school

[chapter 2, the haircut, on tumblr] [ch 1-3 on ao3]


Nanami fought to keep his face neutral, but he was furious. What had Yuji been thinking? This was exactly the kind of thing that could call his care-taking into question, get some nosy administrator suspicious about Yuji and his conspicuously teenage guardian.

He paused outside the headmaster’s office and smoothed his hair down, trying to look as responsible as possible. With a deep breath, he pushed open the door and bowed.

“Sir, I’m terribly sorry for Yuji’s behavior. There’s no excuse, and I will discipline him appropriately.” He gave this speech to the ground, then straightened up warily. A shock of pink hair peeked over the chair in front of the headmaster’s desk, tiny feet kicking dismally.

The headmaster steepled his thick fingers. “I would hope so. Fighting of any kind is not tolerated, let alone to the degree that your,” he frowned over his glasses, “son here has exhibited.” The tuft of Yuji’s head sunk lower.

“Of course, sir. I can assure you that this is very unusual for him.” Nanami tapped his fingers on his briefcase. “Given that, might I ask what triggered this

“Does it matter?” The headmaster snapped.

“I believe so, yes. Did someone provoke Yuji? Was he defending himself?”

The headmaster scowled. “Itadori threw the first punch, if that’s what you’re asking. The first and last, might I add. His classmate lost two teeth.” The pink hair disappeared entirely, the little legs pulled up to hide in the chair.

“Well they are children, sir. Those teeth are meant to come out,” Nanami deadpanned.

The headmaster stood up from his desk, which added very little to his overall height. “Are you making light of this, young man? I would advise against it. We take delinquency very seriously here.”

Nanami flinched at the word, unable to reconcile it to the sweet boy in his care. “Of course not. I will ensure that this never happens again.”

“See that you do that. You’re dismissed, Itadori.” The headmaster glowered as Yuji clambered out of the desk chair and shuffled behind Nanami, clutching at his belt loops. Nanami inclined his head again to the headmaster, the bow a little shallower this time, and hustled Yuji out of the office.

It wasn’t until they were safely outside school property that Nanami sighed and knelt down next to Yuji. “Wanna tell me what happened back there, kid? You punched someone? You know better than that.”

Yuji’s lip trembled. “I’m sorry, Nanamin. Didn’t mean to get you in trouble
” Nanami put a heavy hand on the kid’s head.

“I know, I know. I’m not in trouble, okay? But I need to know what happened.” His lips thinned into a hard line. “Did someone hurt you?” Yuji shook his head. “Did someone threaten you?” Another head shake. He looked down at the kid, his heart squeezing painfully as he took in his wide, tearful eyes. “You don’t wanna talk about it now, huh?” A tight nod. “I understand. Let’s go home, okay?” Yuji slipped his hand into Nanami’s as they walked back together.

Back at the apartment, Nanami installed Yuji on the couch with cartoons. He popped his head out of the kitchen every so often to make sure the kid was still glued to the television as he prepped sandwiches for the two of them. He carried both plates out to the living room, then tilted his head, teasing a little to test the waters. “Is this seat taken?”

Yuji giggled and scooted over. “Nope!”

Nanami smiled at him and sat down, his shoulder nudging Yuji’s much smaller one. “Thanks, kid. Made this special for ya.” It was the same exact sandwich they always had. Though to be fair, he had made it with extra care this time, hoping it would magically draw the truth out of the boy.

They ate in comfortable silence, the brightly colored cartoons reflected on their faces. When the sandwiches were gone and Nanami had washed up, he cautiously settled back down next to Yuji, waiting for him to break the silence.

He was rewarded after a few moments as Yuji hid his face behind a pillow and finally spoke up. “I can tell you now, but I gotta stay back here.”

Nanami nodded, remembering how uncomfortable he was with confrontation at that age. Clearly something had upset Yuji badly, and he just wanted to give the kid a safe place to share it. “That’s okay.”

Silence from behind the pillow. “Nanamin
don’t look at me ‘kay?”

Looking quite serious, Nanami grabbed another pillow and held it over his own face. “Look, Yuji. I can’t see you, promise.”

Yuji peeked over the pillow and giggled a little, his voice shaky. “Okay. Someone
someone said something bad.”

“They said something bad? Something mean about you?”

“No-oo, not mean about me.”

Nanami furrowed his brows behind the pillow. “I see. Were you, maybe sticking up for somebody else?”

“Uh huh.”

“Well, that’s a good thing to do, Yuji. But you can’t solve problems with violence. Well, not most of them anyway.” Nanami’s shoulders fell. Who was he to lecture a kid about violence? That was the only way he had solved anything for the last few years. “Just because someone says or even does something mean, that doesn’t give you the right to hurt them.” He sighed. “Next time, you could stick up for the other kid with your words, you know?”

Yuji was quiet for a while. Then, softly, “Wasn’t another kid.”


Yuji’s muffled voice was barely a whisper. “It was you, Nanamin.” Nanami suddenly felt two short arms flung around his waist, their pillows shoved together as Yuji reached for him. “They said you’re not my-” he sobbed, “not my real dad!”

Nanami’s face crumpled at the same time Yuji’s did. He tried to regain his composure behind the pillow, not wanting Yuji to see how much it affected him. As sweet as the gesture was, he couldn’t have the kid go around knocking out teeth any time someone gave him a hard time.

“Ah, Yuji
” Nanami pulled him into a tight hug. “All that matters is what you believe.” He gently tugged the pillow down, meeting the boy’s stricken eyes. “If you feel like I’m your-” the label stuck in Nanami’s throat, and he swallowed it down. “If you feel that way about me, no one else can take that away.”

Yuji wriggled out from behind the shield of his pillow and into Nanami’s arms. He hid his face in the older man’s shirt, sniffling. “I didn’t mean to hurt him, promise!”

“I know.” Nanami ran a soothing hand down his back. “But you’re a strong kiddo. Stronger than most people, you know? Being powerful means being careful. We don’t get to make as many mistakes.”

Yuji nodded wetly, snotty tears collecting on Nanami’s work shirt. “Nanamin, do you- do you feel that way about me? You’re my dad, right?” The vulnerability on his face shattered Nanami. He could see the hope and the tight-coiled dread that hung heavy on Yuji’s little shoulders. He mustered the courage to answer, not wanting to add any hurt to the pile that was already too big for the kid’s age.

“Of course I do. It’s
it’s an honor to be your dad, Yuji. If- if you'd like me to be.”

Yuji didn’t say anything, but Nanami felt the kid burrow into his chest. He held him close.


an: tysm for the love on my last post of this au!<3

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1 year ago
Someone Help Him

someone help him 😭

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