Party Of Five - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

You know what’s funny, I knew JLH before I actually knew she was JLH. Like, I grew up watching I Know What You Did Last Summer, and I have no shame in saying, no matter how much of a psycho it makes me sound or how bad a parent it makes my mom look, but I’ve been watching horror movies since I was 4. Like my mom lowkey said I could watch Chucky and not bat an eye. But anyway, times slips away and I haven’t watched the movie in a while.

Then I start watching Criminal Minds and see the 10th season for the first time and while JJ is my fav, I immediately loved Kate and was so heartbroken she didn’t come back.

Times slips away again and a few years later I’m like hey grandpa wanna watch a movie...queue I Know What You Did Last Summer 1 and 2 and I’m like hmmmm...she looks familiar. I go back and I’m like whoa JLH played Kate and I loved her.

Skip a few more years I had heard of the Party of Five reboot and was like eh, I’ll go watch the original because I always wanted to because Neve Campbell is in it and I love her in Scream. Never got around to it, but then I’m thinking up new shows I can watch and I’m watching Criminal Minds and Ghost Whisperer is previewed and I’m like oh yeah, I’ve been seeing that previewed for years on ion, why not? Lo and behold JLH is the lead and my mind didn’t even pick up on it!!! Fell even more in love with her here and then absolutly had to watch something else with her in it. This is where I find out she also played in Party of Five, the show I always wanted to watch but never got around to, so I sure as hell had to watch that.

And here we are today, that’s how I found 9-1-1. I mean I remember watching the 9-1-1 promo for the pilot and thinking it looked like a good show, I just never actually got around to it until last year. JLH being in it was a complete bonus.

Long story short it’s funny how everything came back around to her.

And I love Jennifer.

Okay sorry for the 4 am ramble, bye!

You Know Whats Funny, I Knew JLH Before I Actually Knew She Was JLH. Like, I Grew Up Watching I Know

Also sorry for this meme, it’s now 5 and I’ve still not gone to bed. But really this is how I felt once I finally connected everything not even lying.

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3 years ago

He’s so hot Rider oh my gosh

Started Season 3 Of Party Of Fivelook Who Showed Up.

Started Season 3 of Party of Five…look who showed up.

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