Pc Questions - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

questions for ttrpg characters!

1. what is their coffee shop order?

2. what is their favourite article of clothing that they own?

3. would/do they know how to drive a car? are they/would they be good at it?

4. what is their comfort food?

5. what is a specific, defining physical feature that they have?

6. what quality do they like the most about themselves?

7. what quality do they like the least about themselves?

8. what is the most interesting thing that they regularly carry on their person?

9. who do they admire? why?

10. who do they hate? why?

11. what does a usual outfit of theirs look like?

12. do they tend to hold a lot of tension in their body? if so, where?

13. what does their handwriting look like?

14. do you have a favourite conversation that they’ve had with another character? briefly describe it!

15. when was the last time they cried?

16. which member of their family are they the most fond of, if any?

17. when were they the most angry that they’ve ever been?

18. have they ever had their heart broken?

19. have they ever been in love?

20. describe one of your favourite rp moments with this character

21. without revealing any secrets, how much of your character’s backstory does the rest of your party know about? 20%? 75%? 0%?

22. if they were to have a social media profile, what would it look like? the username, bio, type of thing they’d post about, etc.

23. when do they feel the most beautiful?

24. are they good at keeping secrets? does it depend on how big the secret is?

25. are they a clean/tidy person?

26. do they like to collect things? if so, what?

27. what do they do when they want to impress someone?

28. what is something that helps to comfort them?

29. are they very in tune with their mind/body?

30. how do they act when they’re overwhelmed?

31. do they ever lash out at people?

32. what emotion do they feel the most often?

33. when creating your character, did you take inspiration from characters in other media? or just other media in general? name them, if any!

34. pick a character that they know. what is something that they do that your character finds charming/endearing?

35. pick a character that they know. what is something that they do that your character finds annoying/frustrating?

36. are they introverted or extroverted?

37. what is their zodiac sign?

38. does your character have tattoos? what do they look like? if not, do they want any?

39. does your character have piercings? which ones? if not, do they want any?

40. what do they smell like?

41. are they good at controlling their emotions?

42. how similar is your character to you?

43. is your character known to be the one that causes problems for the party (wether it be intentional or not)? how do they feel about that? if not, how do they feel about the person who does tend to be the one causing problems?

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