Peacock Sun - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Decided to just-

Decided To Just-

(Translation: Is this normal…?)

Yes my dear newbie, it is.

Daniel is confused and baffled at this-

(Sorry, this was to funny not to include a reaction drawing lol-)

Uh oh. Sun and Moon are mad at each other again. What did they do this time?

Uh Oh. Sun And Moon Are Mad At Each Other Again. What Did They Do This Time?

Inspired by this angy peacock

Uh Oh. Sun And Moon Are Mad At Each Other Again. What Did They Do This Time?

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10 months ago

Daniel: Zěnmeliǎo?? (What is happening??)

Adira: I have no clue what you just said but I suspect it’s because of those two shiny dumbasses and frankly I have no clue.

Alanis: You think it’s cause of their handler and stuff?

Abigail: Wouldn’t be surprised.

Daniel, a confused mess: Zhège dìfāng méiyǒu wǒ xīwàng dì nàme ānjìng... (This place is less peaceful than I had hoped…)

The owl triplets are not helping whatsoever Stay confused dude lol-

Uh oh. Sun and Moon are mad at each other again. What did they do this time?

Uh Oh. Sun And Moon Are Mad At Each Other Again. What Did They Do This Time?

Inspired by this angy peacock

Uh Oh. Sun And Moon Are Mad At Each Other Again. What Did They Do This Time?

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10 months ago

Just wondering...

By chance, are there any "baby pictures" of the peacock boys?

Here's one for reference

Just Wondering...

Newly hatched Sun, Moon and Eclipse.

Just Wondering...

(Moon was the first to fully open his eyes)

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