Pekes And Pollicle Dogs - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

i have a lot of dreams about footage the obc version of mungojerrie and rumpleteazer being found, like the one where they’re puppets made of trash that come to life through mistoffelees’ magic (since i need to know what it was like with my own two eyes) and like two weeks ago i had a really super vivid one.

in the dream, it was that some new information was released about it, along with some photos. the new information was that they actually stuck around after their song, and mistoffelees’ magic was so strong when he initially did his puppet show with them, it made them actually alive (and they became able to sing on their own. not only that, his magic also made the pekes and pollicle costumes alive as well but they couldn’t talk, so trash mungo and rumple became their unofficial leaders. during the moments of happiness, mungo and rumple (silently backed by the pekes and pollicles) had their own little verse reflecting on their existence, being creatures that were made of trash that were given life through magic. that’s where the first new photo showed up, it showed mungo and rumple sitting on the “steps???” of old deuteronomy’s flying tire singing with reflective looks on their faces, with the goofy pollicles and pekes sitting behind them completely emotionless (since they literally can’t emote lol). i remember hearing that verse in the dream but i can’t remember if it was through a newly released cast recording, or some secret audio someone recorded in the theatre, but either way i heard it, and i instantly forgot it all when i woke up (which sucks because i loved the song in the dream). the second picture it was taken super far away from the stage, with mungo and rumple looking up solemnly completely alone onstage. i also remember m&r looked different. mungojerrie’s torso looked more like shredded newspaper, resembling asparagus’s fur, while rumpleteazer had suspenders and overalls, everything else was the same (and the pekes and pollicle dogs the same as well). then i woke up. i tried to draw down what i remember it looking like.

I Have A Lot Of Dreams About Footage The Obc Version Of Mungojerrie And Rumpleteazer Being Found, Like
I Have A Lot Of Dreams About Footage The Obc Version Of Mungojerrie And Rumpleteazer Being Found, Like

one of the most vivid cats dreams that i’ve had.

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